Category Archives: Data

Education Datapalooza: Unleashing the Power of Open Data to Help Students, Parents, and Teachers

Imagine new tools to help students choose a college that is right for them and their family.  Or imagine an easy-to-read virtual dashboard for parents to track the academic performance of their children.  Or imagine a digital file that makes … Continue reading

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Data, Evidence and Digital Learning

Have you noticed lately that MOOCs are all over the news? It’s hard to imagine that just a year ago, most people had never heard of Massive Open Online Courses—courses that hundreds of thousands of people all over the world … Continue reading

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How do U.S. Students Compare with their Peers around the World?

New international assessments of student performance in reading, math, and science provide both encouraging news about American students’ progress and some sobering cautionary notes. The encouraging news is that U.S. fourth grade students have made significant progress in reading and … Continue reading

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A New, Single Home for ED Data

Starting today, the data sets and content you’re used to seeing on can be found on (Developers: Please note that the 16 available education data APIs were already hosted by These URLs did not change and existing … Continue reading

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Can Students Conduct Real-Life Science Experiments?

Today, science education reaches beyond paper and pencil to explore principles in action as never before. Students’ ability to perform investigations, draw valid conclusions, and explain outcomes translates into critical life skills. Tomorrow, National Center for Educational Statistics Commissioner John … Continue reading

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The Power of Open Education Data

Cross-posted from the White House Open Government Initiative. On Tuesday, Vice President Biden, U.S. Education Department Secretary Arne Duncan, and Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Director Richard Cordray hosted a roundtable with college presidents who pledged to provide clear, useful information to all … Continue reading

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Investing in Education in Every State and District

In September, President Obama introduced the American Jobs Act, which among other key investments to create jobs would invest $30 billion to repair and modernize public schools and community colleges and $30 billion to keep hundreds of thousands of teachers … Continue reading

Posted in Data, Headlines, News, Schools and Community | Tagged | 3 Comments

Newly Released State-by-State Snapshot of Educational Performance

Have you ever wondered how your state’s educational performance compares to the performance of other states? Now with the new State of the States in Education document released yesterday by the Department of Education, you can see a snapshot of … Continue reading

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A Promise Kept, A School Renewed: Locke High School’s Turn Around

A school turnaround model and lots of hard work by teachers, students, and the community led to dramatic improvements in a Los Angeles school. This video tells the story. Continue reading

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Using Data to Inform Education Policy

Secretary of Education Arne Duncan gave a speech on the importance of using data to inform education policy. “There are already districts making exemplary use of data systems to let parents, teachers and administrators know how best to support their … Continue reading

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State Data Systems

ED’s Institute of Education Sciences recently awarded grants to 27 states to help create statewide longitudinal data systems. This brings the total of states receiving such grants to 41 states and the District of Columbia. These systems will help states, … Continue reading

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