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Power Net Revenue Improvement
Sounding Board

(updated August 23, 2004)

Summary:   One of the terms in the proposed IOU/Public Settlement was a requirement that BPA establish a collaborative process to identify up to $100 million in additional cost reductions and revenue enhancements for fiscal years 2004 and 2005. BPA convened the Power Net Revenue Improvement Sounding Board in November 2003 to guide this effort. After 10 meetings with this group, the Sounding Board process has successfully ended and BPA has identified $111 million in cost reductions and revenue enhancements for FY 2004-2005.

Meeting Materials (in reverse chronological order)
 10.  June 30, 2004 (final meeting)  
 9.  June 16, 2004  
May 2004 Update (PDF, 3 pages, 40 kb, posted May 11, 2004)
[Note: No meeting was held in May 2004.]
 8.  April 22, 2004  
 7.  March 16, 2004  
 6.  February 25, 2004  
 5.  February 11, 2004  
 4.  February 5, 2004  
 3.  January 16, 2004  
 2.  December 17, 2003  
 1.  November 21, 2003    

Content provided by:  Liz Evans, 503-230-4284, eaevans@bpa.gov.
Page maintained by:  BPA Web Team.
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