BPA Power Services
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Power Services Organization

Power Services sells wholesale power mainly to public utilities in the Northwest, which in turn retail it to farms, businesses and homes. Some private utilities also buy power from the PBL. In addition, the PBL sells power directly to 15 large Northwest industrial plants, many of them aluminum smelters.

The Energy Efficiency (EE) group works in concert with other utilities, federal agencies, State and local governments, public and private entities to bring cost-effective conservation to the region. Its efforts also transform the market for energy efficient products and build understanding of new energy-related technologies. This emphasis on energy conservation, as well as the PBL's ongoing effort to develop renewable resources, represent two of BPA's primary public responsibilities to its ratepayers and the citizens of the Northwest.


Page content last modified on:  August 4, 2005.
Page maintained by:  BPA Web Team.
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