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PDF File Information

Many of the documents available on the Power Services web site are published in the Portable Document Format (PDF). The PDF file type allows us to make these documents available in the same style and design as the printed version, regardless of the software application used to create the original documents. Generally, it is much quicker for us to convert these documents accurately to PDF files than to web pages (HTML). Document file sizes are usually smaller when converted to PDF, as compared to HTML (especially if the document includes graphics), which results in quicker downloading.

The Adobe Reader software program is required to view PDF files. The latest version of this software is 7.0.X. If you do not already have this software installed on your computer, you can download a free copy from the Adobe Reader web site.

After Adobe Reader is installed on your computer - - and depending on which web browsing software you use - - you may be able to set up your browser to automatically view PDF files by launching Acrobat Reader within the browser (see installation instructions provided with Adobe Reader). If your browser has this capability, PDF files can be viewed in the same manner (as conveniently) as web (HTML) pages. If you experience any problems viewing a PDF file within your web browser, you can download the file to your computer first (by clicking on the link to the file with your right mouse button and selecting "Save Target As") and then open the file with Acrobat Reader.


Page content last modified on:  October 20, 2006.
Page maintained by:  BPA Web Team.
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