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Historical Average Actual
Priority Firm Power Rates
FY 1938-2009 (cents per kWh)


[Note: The rates shown below are the average actual rates for PF power and do not include the cost of transmission/2. These rates do not include Slice and are calculated using total Block and Full Requirement revenue received divided by total kWhs sold to Block and Full Requirement customers. The actual rate paid by any individual customer will vary according to the shape of the load and the products and services purchased.]
Fiscal Year(s) Nominal
Real 2008$/2
1938-1974/2 0.33 N/a
1975-1979/2 0.37 N/a
1980 0.48 1.10
1981 0.61 1.27
1982 0.94 1.84
1983 1.50 2.83
1984 1.91 3.46
1985 1.91 3.37
1986 1.86 3.20
1987 1.80 3.02
1988 1.91 3.09
1989 1.91 2.98
1990 1.91 2.86
1991 1.92 2.79
1992 1.94 2.75
1993 1.96 2.72
1994 2.25 3.05
1995 2.28 3.03
1996 2.40 3.14
1997 2.16 2.77
1998 2.14 2.72
1999 2.12 2.66
2000 2.06 2.52
2001 2.16 2.58
2002 2.89 3.41
2003 3.08 3.56
2004 3.01 3.38
2005 2.87 3.12
2006 2.83 2.98
2007 2.70 2.76
2008 2.71 2.71
2009 2.66 2.58
Graphical Representation (PDF, 1 page, 80KB)

/1 Deflators from Bureau of Economic Analysis -
Table 1.1.9. Implicit Price Deflators for Gross Domestic Product - http://www.bea.gov/national/nipaweb/SelectTable.asp
for additional information.

/2 For 1938-1979 the cost of transmission is included in the rates.


Archive of content originally posted or last updated on:  January 28, 2010.
Content provided by: Greg Gustafson, 503-230-5820, gcgustafson@bpa.gov.
Page maintained by:  BPA Web Team.
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