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Consistent with the Bonneville Project Act (Public Law 75-329), the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act (Public Law 96-501), and the Act of August 31, 1964, (Public Law 88-552), Pacific Northwest (PNW) customers may request to purchase available amounts of surplus firm energy and capacity prior to the sale of such power to out-of-region customers. In addition, consistent with the laws referenced above, PNW Public utilities may request to purchase available amounts of power prior to the sale of such power to PNW Investor Owned utilities (IOU) and PNW Direct Service Industries (DSI). Please contact your BPA representative when requesting to purchase for information on pricing and power availability.

If power is available, and terms and conditions are mutually agreed upon, BPA will meet customer requests in the following order: (1) PNW Public utilities, (2) PNW IOUs and PNW DSIs, and (3) Southwest Public utilities. Thereafter, if additional power is available, BPA may also meet requests for power from nonpreference customers.

When requesting to purchase, please contact your BPA representative at 503-230-5763 during the times listed below for information on power availability and pricing.

  • Market price will be determined at the time of request.
  • COB/NOB (North to South Only) deliveries will depend on transmission availability.

  • NW Public utilities preference requests will be taken at 1000, each workday.
  • Any NW Public utilities' preference request received after 1010, will be taken at BPA's discretion.
  • NW IOUs' and DSIs' preference request will be taken at 1010, each workday if power is available.
  • Any NW IOUs' and DSIs' preference request received after 1020, will be taken at BPA's discretion.

  • SW Public utilities preference request will be taken at 1020, each workday if power is available.
  • Any SW Public utilities' preference request received after 1030, will be taken at BPA's discretion.

  • All other requests after 1030, each workday will be taken at BPA's discretion.

Page content last modified on:  March 31, 2003.
Content provided by:  David Dernovsek, 503-230-5763, dkdernovsek@bpa.gov.
Page maintained by:  BPA Web Team.
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