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Regional Dialogue
Slice Product Review
Meeting Materials
(updated January 31, 2006)

  1. September 15, 2005 - Kick-off Meeting  
  2. September 20, 2005 - Financial Subgroup Conference Call
    • Notes (PDF, 1 page, 18 KB, posted October 4, 2005)
  3. September 22, 2005 - Principals Group Meeting  
  4. September 23, 2005 - Operations Subgroup Meeting  
  5. September 28, 2005 - Operations Subgroup Meeting
    • Agenda (PDF, 1 page, 24 KB, posted October 4, 2005)
  6. September 29, 2005 - Financial Subgroup Meeting
    • Agenda (PDF, 1 page, 17 KB, posted October 4, 2005)
    • Notes (PDF, 1 page, 14 KB, posted October 7, 2005)
  7. October 5, 2005 - Operations Subgroup Meeting  
  8. October 12, 2005 - Operations Subgroup Meeting
    • Agenda (PDF, 1 page, 17 KB, posted October 7, 2005)
  9. October 13, 2005 (a.m.) - Operations Subgroup Meeting
    • Agenda (PDF, 1 page, 17 KB, posted October 7, 2005)
  10. October 13, 2005 (p.m.) - Financial Subgroup Meeting  
  11. October 31, 2005 - Operations Subgroup Meeting
    • Agenda (PDF, 1 page, 26 KB, posted October 28, 2005)
  12. October 31, 2005 (p.m.) - Financial Subgroup Meeting
    • Agenda (PDF, 1 page, 19 KB, posted October 28, 2005)
  13. November 9, 2005 - Operations Subgroup Meeting
    [Note:  All five handouts for this meeting were originally posted as MSWord documents in the Regional Dialogue Document Queue from November 9, 2005, to January 31, 2006.  The documents were converted to PDF files on December 22, 2005.  Metadata was later added to the PDF files on January 31, 2006, before they were posted here.]  
  14. November 10, 2005 - Operations Subgroup Meeting
    • Agenda (PDF, 1 page, 25 KB, posted November 3, 2005)
  15. November 16, 2005 - Principals Group Meeting
    • Agenda (PDF, 1 page, 68 KB, posted here on January 31, 2006)
      [Note:  This agenda was originally posted as an MSWord document in the Regional Dialogue Document Queue from November 16, 2005, to January 31, 2006.  It was converted to PDF and posted here with no changes to the content of the document.]
    • "Financial Subgroup Report" Handout
      (PDF, 6 pages, 73 KB, posted here on January 31, 2006)
      [Note:  This handout was originally posted as a PowerPoint file in the Regional Dialogue Document Queue from November 16, 2005, to January 31, 2006.  It was converted to a PDF file on December 27, 2005.  Metadata was later added to the PDF file on January 31, 2006, before it was posted here.]
  16. December 8, 2005 - Operations Subgroup Meeting
    • Agenda (PDF, 1 page, 73 KB, posted here on January 31, 2006)
      [Note:  This agenda was originally posted as an MSWord document in the Regional Dialogue Document Queue from December 7, 2005, to January 31, 2006.  It was converted to PDF and posted here with no changes to the content of the document.]
    • "Option 2" Handout
      (PDF, 3 pages, 92 KB, posted here on January 31, 2006)
      [Note:  This handout was originally posted as an MSWord document in the Regional Dialogue Document Queue from December 9, 2005, to January 31, 2006.  It was converted to a PDF file on December 27, 2005.  Metadata was later added to the PDF file on January 31, 2006, before it was posted here.]
  17. December 9, 2005 - Operations Subgroup Meeting
    • Agenda (PDF, 1 page, 67 KB, posted here on January 31, 2006)
      [Note:  This agenda was originally posted as an MSWord document in the Regional Dialogue Document Queue from December 7, 2005, to January 31, 2006.  It was converted to PDF and posted here with no changes to the content of the document.]
  18. December 13, 2005 - Principals Group Meeting
    • Agenda (PDF, 1 page, 60 KB, posted here on January 31, 2006)

Content provided by:  JoAnn Bas, 503-230-4983, jlbas@bpa.gov.
Page maintained by:  BPA Web Team.
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