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Regional Dialogue
Economic Study

(updated September 8, 2006)
This web page provides information related to BPA's process to study the positive and negative impacts to Pacific Northwest jobs and the economy that may result from the agency providing various levels of benefits to the DSI smelters post-2011.  For more information, contact Mark Miller at memiller@bpa.gov.
Related Page:  NW Aluminum Industry Study
(links to previous studies conducted in 2000-01)

September 8, 2006 - Handouts for Today's DSI Long-Term Regional Dialogue Public Meeting:

  1. Questions to consider when submitting comments to BPA
    (PDF, 1 page, 21 KB)
  2. Biographies for meeting presenters
    (PDF, 4 pages, 26 KB)
  3. Panel selection process for the Economic Study
    (PDF, 4 pages, 109 KB)
    Prepared by Massoud Jourabchi on behalf of the Northwest Power and Conservation Council
  4. Overview and results of the Economic Study
    (PDF, 34 pages, 115 KB)
    Prepared by William Beyers on behalf of the Northwest Power and Conservation Council
  5. Presentation of Alcoa's perspective
    (PDF, 22 pages, 146 KB)
    Prepared by Jack Spear on behalf of Alcoa

September 7, 2006 - Updated Public Meeting Agenda:  An updated agenda for the Sept. 8 DSI meeting (PDF, 1 page, 107 KB) is now available.

August 24, 2006 - Public Meeting on benefits to direct-service industries announced: BPA today issued a letter (PDF, 2 pages, 134 KB) signed by Allen Burns, VP of Bulk Marketing and Transmission Services, announcing a public meeting on Sept. 8, from 10 - 4 p.m. in the BPA Rates Hearing Room. An electronic version of the the agenda (PDF, 1 pages, 107 KB, updated and reposted here on September 7, 2006) is available. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the pros and cons of the various options for service to direct-service industries in the Long-Term Regional Dialogue and the impacts after 2011. During this meeting parties will also discuss the recently completed economic impact study regarding BPA providing benefits to DSIs.  

August 15, 2006 - DSI Economic Study Released:  In March 2006, BPA asked interested regional parties to submit empirically based papers and studies that could help us understand the positive and negative impacts on Pacific Northwest jobs and the economy that may result from BPA providing benefits to the DSI smelters.  (See March 30, 2006 announcement)  The papers were evaluated by a panel of three independent experts selected by a group that included three delegates from the Public Power Council, three from the direct-service industries and one from an investor-owned utility.  They were then hired by the Northwest Power and Conservation Council.  The panel of experts has now completed its work and has submitted its report.  The report (PDF, 31 pages, 134 KB) is posted on the Council Web site.  Below are the papers submitted to BPA for use in preparing the final report (updated August 17, 2006):


Content provided by:  JoAnn Bas, 503-230-4983, jlbas@bpa.gov.
Page maintained by:  BPA Web Team.
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