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Northwest Aluminum Industry Study

(updated June 25, 2002)

Summary:  Aluminum companies in the Northwest approached BPA about conducting a regional discussion regarding the continued viability of the aluminum industry in the region and their relative value as a regional economic mainstay. An article entitled "Study of Northwest aluminum industry proposed" in the July 2000 issue of the Journal (PDF, 4 pages, 257 kb) has additional backgound information about the proposed study.

An 18-member study team has been created to define the overall focus and scope of the study. The purpose of the study is to develop a regional assessment of whether the economic viability of the aluminum producers is threatened, what has caused the problem (if a problem exists) and what, if anything, should be done about it by the region or BPA.

Meeting information and other pertinent study team documents will be posted to this site. Questions regarding this study should be referred to Scott Wilson at 503-230-7638, skwilson@bpa.gov.


June 25, 2002 - Study Team Status: The study team last convened in January 2001 and issued a report entitled "Summary of Aluminum Industry Studies" in February 2001 (see March 2001 announcements below). No additional meetings are planned at this time.

March 9, 2001 - The Northwest Aluminum Industry Study Team met in Portland, Oregon, on January 26, 2001. Notes from that meeting (PDF, 25 kb) are now available.

March 1, 2001 - A peer review team was commissioned by the Northwest Aluminum Study Team to summarize findings of various aluminum studies that have been conducted. The team was asked to suggest what the studies as a group might tell the region about the role of the aluminum industry in the Northwest. A copy of a report entitled Summary of Aluminum Industry Studies (PDF, 12 pages, 51 kb) is now available.

February 12, 2001 - The Aluminum Industry Study Team commissioned an economic impact analysis on the aluminum industry in the Northwest. A report prepared by Policy Assessment Corporation (PDF, 436 kb) is now available. This study identifies and evaluates the economic impacts of closing aluminum smelters in the Pacific Northwest on a plant-by-plant and county-by-county basis.

December 12, 2000 - In September 2000, Dick Conway & Associates completed an economic impact study of the aluminum industry in the State of Washington. A copy of that report was posted to this website on September 11, 2000 (see below). Two additional draft economic impact studies conducted by Dick Conway & Associates are now available. The first draft report is entitled "The Montana State Aluminum Industry Economic Impact Study" (PDF, 22 pages, 42 kb). The purpose of this study was to estimate the economic importance of the aluminum industry to Flathead County in the State of Montana. A second draft report is entitled "The Oregon State Aluminum Industry Economic Impact Study" (PDF, 26 pages, 55 kb). The purpose of this study was to estimate the economic importance of the aluminum industry to two counties in the State of Oregon, Multonomah County and Wasco County. The year of analysis for both of these draft reports is 1998. A one-page regional impact chart (PDF, 7 kb) which reflects some regional numbers for the industry is also available.

December 1, 2000 - The second meeting of the Northwest Aluminum Industry Study Team was held in Portland on Friday, November 17, 2000. Notes from that meeting (PDF, 41 kb) are now available.

September 11, 2000 - Dick Conway & Associates recently completed an economic study entitled "The Washington State Aluminum Industry Economic Impact Study." The purpose of the study was to estimate the economic importance of the aluminum industry to the state and the nine counties where the major aluminum plants are located. The year of analysis is 1998. A copy of that report is available in PDF format (111 kb) and MSWord format (249 kb).

August 9, 2000 - This past February, Northern Wasco County People's Utility District conducted a study entitled "An Assessment of the Employment and Income Impacts of the Primary Metals Industry in Wasco and Klickitat Counties." The study analyzes the potential impacts of aluminum plant(s) closure in Klickitat and Wasco Counties, specifically focusing on the employment and value added effects. A copy of that report (32 scanned pages, PDF, 996 kb) is available for your information. A list of the team members on the Northwest Aluminum Study Team is also now available in PDF format (8 kb) and MSWord format (31 kb).

August 4, 2000 - The Northwest Aluminum Study Team met for the first time on July 20, 2000. The purpose of the meeting was to scope out the aluminum industry study and discuss what information needs to be included in order to assess aluminum industry economic impacts and viability. Refer to the meeting notes below for a summary of the discussion.

July 20, 2000 Meeting Notes (16 pages)
   PDF Version (44 kb)  /  MSWord Version (74 kb)

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