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"Slice of the System" Product

Jan. 5, 2007 - Slice Public Meeting Announced: A public meeting is scheduled from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., on Monday, Jan. 22, 2007, in the BPA Rates Hearing Room, 911 N.E. 11th Ave., Portland, Ore. The meeting was announced in a letter (PDF, 1 page, 103 KB) signed by Vice President of Generation Asset Management Steve Oliver.

November 28, 2006 - Final Slice Settlement Released:  Randy Roach, BPA General Counsel, signed a letter (PDF, 1 page, 72 KB) announcing the signing of the final Slice Settlement Agreement (PDF, 60 pages, 3.08 MB) on November 22, 2006. This brings to an end mediation of a number of issues associated with the Slice product. For more information, see the August 30, 2006 announcement below.

August 30, 2006 - Proposed Slice Settlement Released:  Randy Roach, BPA General Counsel, signed a letter (PDF, 2 pages, 126 KB) today announcing a proposed settlement of issues associated with the Slice product.  BPA, representatives of BPA public agency customers that purchase the Slice power product and representatives of a large number of other public agency customers that do not purchase Slice have been in mediation for nearly two years and have now reached tentative settlement.  BPA is providing the public with the opportunity to comment.  The Proposed Settlement Agreement (PDF, 60 pages, 391 KB) is available electronically.  The comment period is open through Sept. 21, 2006.  A background and summary of the proposed settlement (PDF, 10 pages, 105 KB) was also issued today.

August 8, 2006 - Handout for August 9 Meeting:  The handout (PDF, 7 pages, 145 KB) for the Exhibit N public meeting scheduled on Wednesday, August 9, is now available.  See the August 4 announcement below for the time and place of the meeting and for a copy of the agenda.

August 4, 2006 - Public meeting on Exhibit N Scheduled:  Public meetings have been scheduled for Wednesday, Aug. 9 and Thursday, Aug. 10 in Portland, Ore.  The Aug. 9 meeting is scheduled from 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. and the Aug. 10 meeting is scheduled from 9:00 a.m. -11:00 a.m.  Both meetings will be held at PNGCs office located at 711 NE Halsey.  The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the Technical Session on "Understanding the Methodological and Timing Differences Between PNCA Hydroregulation Study".  An electronic version of the agenda for Aug. 9 is now available.  To participate by phone, please contact Trisha Hunter at (503) 230-3639.  [Note:  An electronic version of the agenda for Aug. 10 was posted here on August 14, 2006.]

July 25, 2006 - Public Meeting on Exhibit N Scheduled: A public meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday, Aug. 2, from 9 a.m. - noon in the BPA Rates Hearing Room. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the implementation of Exhibit N of the Block and Slice power sales agreement beginning in FY 2007. An electronic version of the agenda and handout for the meeting are now available. To participate by phone, please contact Trisha Hunter at (503) 230-3639.

October 3, 2005 - The applicable interest rate for computing interest to be added to the Annual Slice True-Up Adjustment Charge or Credit for Contract Year 2005 will be 6.75 percent. See the Applicable Interest Rates for Slice Product web page for more information.

September 14, 2005 - Agenda for September 15 Slice Review Meeting:  An electronic version of the agenda (PDF, 1 page, 61 kb) is now available for the Regional Dialogue Slice Review Kick-off meeting on Thursday, September 15, 1 - 4 p.m., in the BPA Rates Hearing Room. For more information, see the September 9 announcement below.

September 9, 2005 - Slice Meetings Scheduled:  BPA is preparing to kick off a Slice Product Review as part of the Regional Dialogue process that will lead to decisions on the future of the Slice product. An organizational meeting was announced in a letter (PDF, 1 page, 30 kb) signed by Mark Gendron, Vice President of Requirements Marketing. This meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 15, 2005, in the BPA Rates Hearing Room. The purpose of the meeting will be to review and discuss a proposed Slice Review group charter, identify key issues to be addressed in relation to the Slice portion of Regional Dialogue, and assign technical working groups to analyze and develop proposals concerning key questions. This letter also announces the first meeting of both the technical staff and principals, currently scheduled for September 22, 2005. Additional information on that meeting will be available soon. To participate in either meeting by phone, please contact Trisha Hunter at (503) 230-3639.

June 29, 2005 - Feedback Received on BPA's Draft Slice Report:  The deadline for submitting feedback on BPA's Draft Slice Report was June 20, 2005. Electronic versions of all feedback received by BPA are now available on the Regional Dialogue Public Comments & Proposals page. For information about other opportunities to respond to the Draft Slice Report see the June 1 announcement.

June 1, 2005 - Draft Slice Report:  BPA has released its Draft Slice Report for public review. The report contains both a draft evaluation of the performance of the Slice product to date against the original principles of Slice, and draft conclusions about the future of Slice.  Any feedback BPA receives on the Draft Slice Report by Monday, June 13th 20th, will be considered in the preparation of BPA's July 2005 long-term Regional Dialogue policy proposal.  [Note: This announcement was updated on June 2nd to reflect BPA's decision to extend the feedback deadline from June 13th to June 20th in response to customer requests for additional time.]  For more information and a link to the Draft Slice Report, see the Regional Dialogue announcement on June 1, 2005 (4 p.m.).

June 28, 2001 - 25 Customers Signed Up to Purchase 1600 aMWs of Slice: As of April 16, 2001 twenty-five customers have signed power sales agreements to purchase the Slice product for a total of 1600 aMWs.

June 28, 2001 - SLICE METHODOLOGY UPDATE: The Slice Methodology has been revised to be consistent with the changes in the 2002 Final Supplemental Record of Decision (Supplemental ROD) for the Wholesale Power Rate Proposal (WP-02-A-09). See the Attachment to Chapter 8 of the Supplemental ROD (PDF, 247 kb), pages 8-A-1 through 8-A-6, for a red-lined version of the Slice Methodology. The entire Supplemental ROD document is available on the WP-02 Power Rate Case page.

July 14, 2000 - SLICE PRODUCT SALES VOLUME LIMIT ANNOUNCED: On July 12, 2000, Bonnveille announced its decision to cap the Slice product sales volume at 2000 aMW. The letter announcing this decision is available here - PDF Version (12 kb) | MS Word Version (48 kb).

June 28, 2000 - The following documents for the Slice product are now available on this website:

April 18, 2000 - SLICE MEETING: A Slice contract meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 20, in Portland, OR. The meeting is scheduled from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM and will be held at the Portland Airport Conference Center, Multnomah A Room.

April 12, 2000 - SLICE MEETING: Slice contract meetings are scheduled for April 13 and April 17 in Portland, OR. The meetings are scheduled from 9:00 AM to 400 PM and will be held at the Portland Airport Conference Center, Columbia Room.

March 28, 2000 - SLICE MEETING: A Slice contract meeting is scheduled for Friday, March 31, in Portland, OR. The meeting is scheduled from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM and will be held at the PNGC located at 711 NE Halsey, Suite 200.

March 23, 2000 - SLICE MEETING: A Slice contract meeting is scheduled for March 27 and 28 in Portland, OR. The meeting is scheduled from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM both days and will be held at the PNGC located at 711 NE Halsey, Suite 200.

March 20, 2000 - SLICE MEETING: A Slice contract meeting is scheduled for March 21 and 22 in Portland, OR. The 21st is scheduled from 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM and will be held at the Portland Airport Conference Center, Multnomah B Room. The 22nd is scheduled from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM and will be held at the PNGC located at 711 NE Halsey.

March 10, 2000 - SLICE MEETING: A Slice small group meeting is scheduled for March 16 in Portland, OR to discuss transmission issues. The meeting is scheduled from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM and will be held at the Portland Airport Conference Center, Clackamas Room.

March 6, 2000 - SLICE CONTRACT MEETING: A Slice contract meeting is scheduled for March 8 and 9 in Seattle, WA. The meeting is scheduled to start at 9:00 AM on the 8th and 8:00 AM on the 9th. The meeting location is Seattle City Light, 700 5th Avenue, Room 3205 (Key Tower).

February 28, 2000 - SLICE CONTRACT MEETING: A Slice contract meeting is scheduled for March 1st in Portland, OR. The meeting is scheduled to start at 11:00 AM and will be held at the Portland Airport Conference Center in the Multnomah B room.

February 14, 2000 - SLICE CONTRACT MEETING: A Slice contract meeting is scheduled for February 16th in Portland, OR. The meeting is scheduled to start at 9:00 AM and will be held at PNGC ( 711 NE Halsey, Suite 200).

February 1, 2000 - SLICE CONTRACT MEETING: A Slice contract meeting is scheduled for February 7th and 8th in Seattle, WA. February 7th the meeting will run from 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM and February 8th from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. The meeting will be held at Seattle City Light (Room 3960 Side A, Key Tower, 700 5th Avenue). A phone bridge is available: 1-503-230-3344 passcode 4123.

January 14, 2000 - SLICE CONTRACT MEETING: A Slice contract meeting is scheduled for January 20th and 21st in Seattle, WA. January 20th the meeting will run from 1:00 PM - 6:00 PM and January 21st from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM. The meeting will be held at Seattle City Light (Room 3205, Key Tower, 700 5th Avenue). A phone bridge is available: 1-503-230-3344 passcode 8246.

December 10, 1999 - On October 15, 1999, BPA held a public meeting to discuss how the Slice product should deal with the costs of the inventory solution in the post-2006 period. BPA posted an issue paper on this subject to this website on October 8, 1999 (see 10/8/99 announcement below). In response to this issue paper, BPA received oral comments at its public meeting on October 15 (PDF, 40 kb), as well as written comments, which were submitted during the comment period ending October 22, 1999. Written comments were received from the following parties:

BPA reviewed and considered the comments received, and will publish its proposal for dealing with the inventory solution in the post-2006 period in the prototype for the Slice power sales contract. Copies of the Slice contract prototype will be available from your BPA Account Executive on December 10, 1999. A Slice of the System supplementary issue paper (PDF version, 26 kb / MSWord version, 38 kb) is available for review and comment. It covers three issues of public policy that BPA is seeking comments on. We welcome your feedback on the Slice contract prototype and Slice of the System supplementary issue paper. If you have questions or comments, we encourage you to contact your BPA Account Executive, Tribal Liaison, or Constituent Account Executive by January 14, 2000. You can also send comments electronically via an E-mail to: slicecomments@bpa.gov or mail to the following address:

Slice Comments
Bonneville Power Administration
P.O. Box 12999
Portland, Oregon 97232

November 24, 1999 - SLICE CONTRACT MEETING: A Slice contract meeting is scheduled for December 1st and 2nd in Portland, OR. December 1st the meeting will run from 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM at the Portland Airport Conference Center in the Columbia Room. December 2nd the meeting will run from 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM and the location will be announced. [ 11/30/99 update: The December 2nd meeting will be held in the BPA Rates Hearing Room on the second floor of the 911 Building of BPA's Portland complex. The address is 905 N.E. 11th Street.] A phone bridge is available: 1-503-230-5521 (no passcode required).

November 16, 1999 - SLICE CONTRACT MEETING: A Slice contract meeting is scheduled for November 22 in Portland, OR at the PNGC office which is located at 711 NE Halsey, Suite 200. The meeting will run from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. A phone bridge is available: 1-503-230-3344 passcode 1476.

November 1, 1999 - SLICE CONTRACT MEETING CHANGE: The Slice contract meeting scheduled for November 4 and 5 has been changed to November 4 only. The meeting is from 9:30 AM to 3:00 PM in Ephrata, WA. A phone bridge is available: 1-503-230-4410 (no passcode required).

October 28, 1999 - SLICE CONTRACT MEETING SCHEDULED: A Slice contract meeting is scheduled for November 4 and 5 in Ephrata, WA at Grant County PUD (Commission Room, 1st SW and C SW). The meeting will focus on development of the Slice contract. November 4th, the meeting is from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM and November 5th, the meeting is from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. A phone bridge is available: 1-503-230-4410 (no passcode required). [Note: See November 1st announcement above for changes to this meeting.]

October 8, 1999 - SLICE MEETING UPDATE - A Slice public meeting will be held in Portland, Oregon, on October 15, 1999. The meeting will be held in the BPA Rates Hearing Room on the second floor of the 911 Building of BPA's Portland complex. The address is 905 N.E. 11th Street.

The purpose of this public meeting is two-fold. The morning session will focus on a review of the basic concepts of Slice. In the afternoon, we will discuss the revised Product Description, test the description against the Administrator's principles for the Slice product, and discuss inventory solutions. The five Slice principles are:

  1. No risk or cost shifts to other customers;
  2. No risk or cost shifts to taxpayer;
  3. No avoidance of fish costs;
  4. No interference with operations; and
  5. No changes in law required.

Price and cost shift issues associated with the Slice product will be addressed separately in the Power Rate Case. The meeting agenda is available in two formats (PDF or MSWord).

Two documents are available for your review: 1) an issue paper on the post-2006 inventory solution (PDF and MSWord); and 2) a revised Slice Product Description (PDF and MSWord). Both of these documents will be discussed at the October 15 meeting. However, we also invite your comments. Comments on the product description and issue paper will be accepted through close of business on Friday, October 22. Send your comments to Bonneville Power Administration, P.O. Box 12999, Portland, Oregon 97232. You can also send comments to the e-mail address which is: slicecomments@bpa.gov. Copies of these documents can be obtained by contacting the BPA Public Information Office at 1-800-622-4520.

October 5, 1999 - SLICE CONTRACT MEETING: A Slice contract meeting is scheduled for October 12th in Seattle, WA. The specific meeting location will be announced later this week. [ 10/7/99 update: The meeting will be held at Seattle City Light (Rm. 3254, Key Tower, 700 5th Avenue).] The meeting will focus on the Slice Revenue Requirement, Slice True-Up, and Adjustments to the Slice System Resources. The meeting is from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM and a phone bridge is available: 1-503-230-3344 passcode 7812.

September 27, 1999 - A public meeting has been scheduled in Portland, Oregon, on Friday, October 15, 1999, to discuss the Slice product. The meeting will be held in BPA's Rates Hearing Room on the second floor of the 911 Building of BPA's Portland complex. The address is 905 N.E. 11th Street. The meeting will be held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. 4:30 p.m. The morning session will include a presentation of "Slice 101" which is an introduction to the basic concepts of the Slice product. In the afternoon, there will be a discussion of the Slice issues of regional significance. See letter to Customers and Interested Parties for more information.

August 25, 1999 - SLICE TEAM REPORT: Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) announces the availability of the Slice Team Report on Responses to Public Comments on the Final Detailed Product Description. The Final Detailed Product Description for Slice was published on February 22, 1999. The Slice Team Report summarizes both oral and written comments received during the public comment period and public meeting, and BPA's response to those comments.

AUGUST 18, 1999 - SLICE TECHNICAL MEETING: A Slice technical meeting is scheduled for August 24, 25, 26 in Seattle, WA. The August 24th meeting is a small group technical session which will be held at BPA's West Hub office at 1601 5th Avenue, Suite 1000 (Westlake Center) from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM. August 25th and 26th, the meetings will be held at Seattle City Light (Rm. 3205, Key Tower, 700 5th Avenue). August 25th, the meeting is from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM and August 26th, the meeting is from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. A phone bridge is available for the 25th and 26th only: August 25th, 1-503-230-3344 passcode 7812; August 26th, 1-503-230-3344 passcode 9753.

AUGUST 11, 1999 - SLICE CONTRACT MEETING: A Slice contract meeting is scheduled for August 17 and 18 in Portland, OR at the Portland Airport Conference Center (Columbia Room, 7000 NE Airport Way). The meeting will focus on development of the Slice contract. August 17th, the meeting is from 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM and August 18th, the meeting is from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. A phone bridge is available: 1-503-230-3344 passcode 8246.

JULY 21, 1999 - SLICE CONTRACT MEETING: A Slice contract meeting is scheduled for July 28 and 29 in Seattle, WA at Seattle City Light (Rm. 3205, Key Tower, 700 5th Avenue). The meeting will focus on development of the Slice contract. July 28th, the meeting is from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM and July 29th, the meeting is from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

JULY 12, 1999 - SLICE TECHNICAL MEETING: A Slice technical meeting is scheduled for July 14 and 15 in Seattle, WA at Seattle City Light (Rm. 3205, Key Tower, 700 5th Avenue). The meeting will focus on developing the technical operating procedures for the Slice product. July 14th, the meeting is from 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM and July 15th, the meeting is from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. A phone bridge is available: 1-503-230-3344, passcode 3579.

BACKGROUND: Bonneville has been meeting with a group of customers eligible to purchase Slice for several months to negotiate a Slice contract and develop technical procedures. Since BPA is now operating under the rules of ex parte and some issues to be discussed in the Slice meeting may touch on topics covered under ex parte, the listed meetings are now open to all rate case participants. Bonneville may open other future Slice meetings to the rate case participants on a case-by-case basis. Anyone not already familiar with Slice and interested in attending should strongly consider attending a Slice101/Hydro 101 session to learn the basics of the Slice product. The next Slice 101/Hydro101 will be held July 13th in Seattle, WA at Seattle City Light (Rm. 3205, Key Tower, 700 5th Avenue) from 1:00 PM to 4:30 PM. There will also be a Slice 101/Hydro 101 on July 23rd in Spokane, WA (BPA, 707 W. Main, Suite 500) from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM.

March 15, 1999 - SLICE KICK-OFF MEETING: A kick-off meeting for Slice is scheduled for March 18, 1999 in Portland, OR. The meeting is for eligible customers (and their representatives) and will be held from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM in conference Rooms A & B of the 911 building located at 911 NE 11th Avenue. Focus of the meeting will be on the processes for Slice set-up and contract negotiations. A draft work plan has been developed and is available in two formats (PDF and MSWord 97). A phone bridge will be available for those wishing to participate but unable to attend.

February 24, 1999 - DRAFT PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: The draft product description (brief version) for Slice, which will be included in the Subscription Product Catalog, is now available in two formats (PDF and MSWord 97).

February 22, 1999 - DRAFT FINAL DETAILED PRODUCT DESCRIPTION FOR SLICE: The draft final detailed product description for Slice (formerly "Straw-Proposal") is now available in two formats (PDF and MSWord 97). The detailed Slice product description incorporates issues from the customer work group meetings held in December and January as well as recent policy decisions. A summary listing of Slice issues (PDF and MSWord 97) is also available which provides a brief description of issues and current status.

Comments on this proposal will be accepted through Wednesday, March 10, 1999. Written comments may be sent to Bonneville Power Administration, P.O. Box 12999, Portland, Oregon 97232. Comments may also be sent via e-mail to slicecomments@bpa.gov.

A public meeting to review the final product description is scheduled in Seattle, Washington, on Thursday, March 4. The meeting will be held at the Seattle City Light office, which is located at 700 Fifth Avenue in Seattle. The meeting will be held in Room 3205 and will start at 10 a.m. A draft Product Description (brief version) will be available soon.

February 12, 1999 - PUBLIC CLOSE-OUT PROCESS FOR THE SLICE PRODUCT: Slice customer work group meetings concluded at the end of January 1999. BPA has proposed the following schedule to close out the public process that began last fall and to finalize the Slice product description. The dates are tentative and may change slightly. Updates on this schedule will be provided.

January 29, 1999 - Version 6.0 of the Slice Straw Proposal is now available in two formats (PDF and MSWord 97).

January 25, 1999 - BPA recently received an 8-page document from Bruce Mizner (Mizner and Associates) entitled "Issues, Concerns, and Proposals for the Proposed Slice Product". This document is available in two formats: PDF and MSWord.

January 11, 1999 - A new Slice meeting calendar is available, which includes a revised list of customer issues (PDF or MSWord). YOU SHOULD REVIEW THE CALENDAR CAREFULLY IF YOU HAVE NOT BEEN ATTENDING MEETINGS AS WE HAVE REARRANGED A NUMBER OF AGENDA ITEMS BETWEEN DAYS. For example, the PNCA discussion will now take place on the morning of 1/14 (instead of 1/13). The product combination discussion will take place on the morning of 1/13 instead of the afternoon of 1/14. A revised assignment list (PDF or MSWord) from the Slice meetings of 1/5-6 is also available. This will hopefully help you keep track of what you need to do in the next few days.

January 4, 1999 - Version 5.1 of the Slice Straw Proposal is now available in two formats (PDF and MSWord 97).

December 31, 1998 - The Meeting Calendar has been updated to show subjects that will be discussed at the meetings on January 5th and 6th in Seattle at Seattle City Light (700 - 5th Avenue, 32nd Floor). IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN SLICE BUT HAVE NOT YET BEEN ABLE TO PARTICIPATE IN NEGOTIATING SESSIONS, THE JANUARY 5TH MEETNG IS AN IMPORTANT SESSION THAT YOU SHOULD CONSIDER ATTENDING (see 12/21/98 message from Kristi Wallis). The meeting on the 5th is from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (telephone bridge 1-503-230-3344, password 1476). The meeting on the 6th is from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (telephone bridge 1-503-230-3344, password 3579).

December 14, 1998 - Version 4 of the Slice Straw Proposal is now available in two formats (PDF and MSWord 97), with or without revision marks. The Meeting Calendar has been updated to show proposed meeting subjects and several meeting changes (see December 21 & 22 and January 7 or 8).

December 8, 1998 - Locations for the remaining December 1998 and January 1999 Slice meetings have been added to the Meeting Calendar. A new e-mail address has been established for providing input to BPA on the Slice Straw-Proposal. Please send comments to: slicecomments@bpa.gov

December 7, 1998 - A Slice Straw-Proposal web page has been added to the Slice web site. The first version of the Slice Straw Proposal (version 3) is now available on this page for download and review in two formats: PDF (57 kb) and MS Word 97 (110 kb). As the Straw-proposal is improved, new versions will also be posted to this web page, each with a unique version number. The first version (version 3) of the Straw-proposal will be discussed at the December 9, 1998 meeting in Portland (see Meeting Calendar). Meeting participants are strongly encouraged to review the Straw-proposal prior to the meeting. At the meeting, BPA will describe the provisions of the Straw-proposal, explain the rational for the provisions, and answer clarifying questions. Although the Straw-proposal is being released before the final ROD, discussions on the Straw-proposal will not have an effect the final ROD. Although it is not anticipated, provisions of the Straw-proposal may need to be altered to conform to the final ROD.

November 25, 1998 - BPA has started Phase 2, the product development of Slice now that the evaluation of Slice (Phase 1) has been completed and BPA has included Slice as a Subscription product. There will be a series of meetings in December and January (see the meeting calendar for times and locations) for BPA and interested customers to complete the product development of Slice. BPA's Slice product development team, led by Philip Mesa, is currently developing a straw-proposal for the kick off meeting on December 9, 1998. The function of the straw-proposal and the overall process was discussed at the November 18, 1998 meeting [ Click here for a meeting summary (PDF, 13 KB) and a Facilitator's List of Outstanding Issues (PDF, 20 KB) ]. The straw-proposal is expected to be available on the Slice web page by December 7, 1998.


Content provided by:  Timothy Roberts, Slice Product Manager, 503-230-5450, tcroberts@bpa.gov.
Admin Assistant, Kimberly Brown, 503-230-3639, kabrown@bpa.gov.
Page maintained by:  BPA Web Team.
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