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Wind Power
(Updated January 3, 2011)

January 3, 2011 - Wind-related Issues in the Rate Case can be followed at http://www.bpa.gov/corporate/ratecase/current.cfm

October 13, 2010 - Regional Dialogue Exhibit H Resources Pursuant to Section 2 of Exhibit H of the Regional Dialogue Agreements, BPA is providing customers the following as the list of resources with Western Renewable Energy Generation Information System (WREGIS) Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) associated with them that will be included in the Tier 1 REC inventory:

  • Foot Creek I
  • Foot Creek II
  • Stateline
  • Condon
  • Klondike I
  • Klondike III

Note: Ashland Solar was included on a version of the list above that appeared in Exhibit H of the Regional Dialogue Agreements. However, Ashland Solar has been removed from the current list and will not be included in Tier 1 REC inventory until further notice because it: is not metered separately from the host load, is not registered with WREGIS, and therefore does not have WREGIS RECs associated with it.

May 8, 2009 - Bonneville joined the Western Renewable Energy Generation Information System (WREGIS) as Qualified Reporting Entity in May 2008 and as a Marketer in June 2008. The executed WREGIS TOU Agreement associated with BPA's power marketing function is incorporated by reference in related customer contracts and is being provided here for customer reference.

February 9, 2009 - The Bonneville Environmental Foundation (BEF) has released its fourth progress report (PDF, 26 pages, 1.2 MB) on Renewable Energy Activities from October 2006-September 2007. Additional information about b-e-f and its renewable energy projects can be found at the b-e-f website.

Project Descriptions

Resources in WREGIS & Associated with Tier 1 REC Inventory

Regional Dialogue Exhibit H Resources Pursuant to Section 2 of Exhibit H of the Regional Dialogue Agreements, BPA is providing customers the following as the list of resources with Western Renewable Energy Generation Information System (WREGIS) Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) associated with them that will be included in the Tier 1 REC inventory:

  • Foot Creek I
  • Foot Creek II
  • Stateline
  • Condon
  • Klondike I
  • Klondike III

Note: Ashland Solar was included on a version of the list above that appeared in Exhibit H of the Regional Dialogue Agreements. However, Ashland Solar has been removed from the current list and will not be included in Tier 1 REC inventory until further notice because it: is not metered separately from the host load, is not registered with WREGIS, and therefore does not have WREGIS RECs associated with it.

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Content provided by:  Debra Malin, BPA Power Business Line, 503-230-5701, djmalin@bpa.gov.
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