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Previous Announcements

June 4, 2004 - Decision on Five-Year Contract Extension Request:  In a letter dated June 4, 2004 (PDF, 2 pages, 21 kb), Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) summarized comments received regarding the request from Mason County Public Utility District No. 3 to extend the term of its power sales contract for another five years. BPA has agreed to extend Mason's contract and will offer them a contract amendment. The June 4 letter provides the rationale for this decision. No other power sales contract actions outside of current terms are contemplated prior to the publication of BPA's final Record of Decision on the Regional Dialogue expected this fall. For more information, see previous announcement dated May 3, 2004.

June 2, 2004 - BPA issued a news release yesterday announcing that all six of the region's investor-owned utilities have signed agreements that benefit the region's electricity ratepayers. The agreements reduce near-term costs for public utilities while providing increased certainty regarding benefits for the residential and small-farm consumers of the investor-owned utilities for FY 2007-2011. The agreements were signed subsequent to the BPA administrator signing a Record of Decision following a 30-day public comment period. For more information, see previous announcements dated May 27th, May 10th, and April 16th.

May 27, 2004 - Administrator's Record of Decision on IOU Residential Exchange Program Agreements:  On May 25th the BPA Administrator signed the Record of Decision (ROD) on "Proposed Contracts or Amendments to Existing Contracts With the Regional Investor-Owned Utilities Regarding the Payment of Residential and Small-Farm Consumer Benefits Under the Residential Exchange Program Settlement Agreements FY 2007-2011" (PDF, 31 pages, 153 kb). This ROD describes BPA's decision to offer agreements or amendments to the region's investor-owned utilities that will reduce BPA's near-term costs while providing the investor-owned utilities increased certainty in the benefits for their residential and small-farm consumers. The ROD also includes BPA's decision to clarify the 1998 Power Subscription Strategy. The ROD includes BPA's response to public comments received on the proposed agreements (see previous announcements dated April 16 and May 10, 2004, for more information).

May 10, 2004 - BPA Receives Concurrence from Auditor:   BPA has analyzed the $100 million deferral component of the proposed agreements with PacifiCorp and Puget Sound Energy (see April 16th announcement below) and believes it qualifies for FAS 71 accounting treatment. As of May 6, 2004, BPA has received concurrence from its external auditor, PricewaterhouseCoopers, that it agrees with BPA's analysis and conclusion. As a result, the $100 million of expenses (and related interest) can be deferred to FY 2007-2011. However, should facts or circumstances change from those outlined in the current proposed agreements, the accounting treatment will need to be reassessed.

May 3, 2004 - Contract Extension for Mason County Public Utility District No. 3:  In a letter dated April 29, 2004, Bonneville Power Administration announced its intention to extend the power sales contract for Mason County Public Utility District No. 3. Three customers have five year contracts with terms that end in September 2006, but whose contracts guarantee them the applicable lowest PF rates through September 30, 2011. Mason has requested the term of its existing contract be extended for another five years. BPA intends to affirm their contractual rights and is giving interested parties an opportunity to comment on this action. Instructions on how to submit comments are included in the letter (PDF, 2 pages, 26 kb). Comments will be accepted through May 14, 2004.

April 16, 2004 - Public Comment Period Regarding Agreements with Regional Investor-Owned Utilities and a Modification to the BPA Power Subscription Strategy:  Today BPA sent a Letter to Customers, Constituents, Tribes, and Others (PDF, 7 pages, 54 kb) that announces the opening of a public comment period regarding proposed agreements with the region's investor-owned utilities (see below) that deal with the current and future benefits for their residential and small farm customers and an associated modification to the BPA Power Subscription Strategy. The letter explains the substance of the agreements, the modification to the Subscription Strategy, and provides an address for written or electronically-submitted comments. See today's BPA News Release (PR 44 04) for additional information. The public comment period closes on May 14, 2004.

March 29, 2002 - New Large Single Load (NLSL) Policy Issue Review: On March 27, 2002, BPA released the Administrator's Record of Decision (ROD) on the "New Large Single Load Policy Issue Review" (PDF, 17 pages, 64 kb). You will recall that on November 1, 2001, BPA published a Federal Register Notice (FRN) that announced a change in schedule for the policy review of three NLSL issues: 1) BPA preference customer service to direct service industrial (DSI) load; 2) the transfer of "contracted for, committed to" (CFCT) load determinations between preference customers; and 3) whether BPA should close the class of CFCT load served by BPA customers. The FRN stated that resolution of issue 1 would be deferred until a broader regional discussion could occur, but that resolution of issues 2 and 3 would be addressed in a ROD. The ROD released on March 27 addresses issues 2 and 3. Printed copies can be obtained by calling the BPA Public Information Office at 1-800-622-4520 or by contacting your Account Executive. For further information, contact Dave Fitzsimmons at 503-230-3685.

November 1, 2001 - Revised Schedule for NLSL Policy Review: BPA published today a Federal Register Notice (FRN) (PDF, 40 kb) announcing a change in schedule for the policy review of certain issues related to BPA's existing New Large Single Loads (NLSL) Policy. Three issues were identified in an earlier FRN (see June 25, 2001 announcement below) and a public comment process was conducted. The three issues were: 1) BPA preference customer service to direct service industrial (DSI) load; 2) the transfer of "contracted for, committed to" (CFCT) load determinations between preference customers; and 3) whether BPA should close the class of CFCT load served by BPA customers. The FRN published today states that BPA plans to defer resolution of Issue 1 until a broader regional discussion can occur. A record of decision on Issues 2 and 3 will be published in late November or December 2001. Today's FRN provides more detailed information on all three issues. Questions regarding this FRN should be directed to Dave Fitzsimmons at 503-230-3685.

August 1, 2001 - Following the extension of the New Large Single Load (NLSL) public comment period through August 6, 2001, numerous other participants contacted BPA asking for a further extension. In order to accommodate those requests, BPA has agreed to a second extension of the comment period, and will now accept NLSL comments through close of business on Friday, August 10, 2001. Refer to the July 18 announcement below for instructions on how to submit comments.

July 19, 2001 - Bonneville Power Administration held a public meeting on July 10, 2001, to take comment on three specific New Large Single Load (NLSL) issues. A copy of the meeting transcript (PDF, 49 pages, 70 kb) is now available. BPA will be accepting comments on the NLSL issues through August 6, 2001. See the July 18, 2001, announcement below for information on how to submit comments.

July 18, 2001 - Following the New Large Single Load (NLSL) Policy public meeting held in Portland on July 10, 2001, several participants asked Bonneville Power Administration to extend the comment period beyond July 27. BPA will extend the comment period for an additional week, and now will accept comments on the three NLSL issues through close of business on Monday, August 6, 2001. Information on how to submit comments is included in the extension announcement (PDF, 21 kb). The three NLSL issues open for comment were summarized in a Federal Register Notice dated on June 25, 2001. Refer to the June 25 announcement below for a copy of the text from the Federal Register Notice.

June 27, 2001 - On May 24, 2001, BPA held a public meeting to ask for comments on a plan to allow customers to use small temporary generating resources to help enhance Northwest electric reliability during the current energy shortage. Comments on the proposed policy were accepted through May 31, 2001. The Administrator's Record of Decision: Temporary Small Resource Policy was signed by the Acting Administrator on June 22, 2001. Both the Record of Decision (PDF, 35 pages, 112 kb) and a policy document entitled "Energy Emergency - Temporary Small Resource Policy" (PDF, 4 pages, 17 kb) are now available. This policy targets temporary generating resources of one megawatt to 25 MW in size that will be used by a customer for no more than 12 months. This policy will complement BPA's rate mitigation and load reduction policies. Contact Robert Anderson at 503-230-4151 if you have questions regarding this policy.

June 25, 2001 - Last December BPA announced that it intended to re-examine portions of its New Large Single Load (NLSL) policy. Since that time BPA has identified three issues on which it would like to receive public comment. The issues now open for review are described in a Federal Register Notice (FRN) (PDF, 58 kb) published today (FR 01-15843). The text of the FRN (PDF, 14 kb) is also available in separate document. Please note that BPA is not reviewing its entire NLSL policy and is not taking comments on the entire policy. Comments should be limited to the three issues outlined in the FRN.   A public meeting to discuss the three NLSL issues will be held on Tuesday, July 10, at the Sheraton Portland Airport Hotel. Comments on the three issues must be received at BPA no later than Friday, July 27, 2001. See the June 25th transmittal letter (PDF, 24 kb) for information on the three NLSL issues open for comment, for details about the public meeting, and for instructions on how to submit comments. BPA's NLSL policy is a combination of contract and policy decisions recorded in several documents. In a letter dated February 23, 2001, BPA stated that it was consolidating those decisions into one document (see the March 2, 2001, announcement below). That has been done and a copy of BPA's New Large Single Load Policy document (PDF, 53 kb) is now available for your reference. The letter, the text of the FRN, and the Policy document are also being mailed to customers and other interested parties. For further information, contact Dave Fitzsimmons, BPA Account Executive, at 503-230-3685.

May 18, 2001 - The Bonneville Power Administration wants to hear from the public on the details of a plan to allow customers to use small temporary generating resources to help enhance Northwest electric reliability during the current energy shortage. The proposed policy (PDF, 13 kb) targets temporary generating resources of one megawatt to 25 MW in size that will be used by a customer for no more than 12 months. This proposed policy will complement BPA's rate mitigation and load reduction policies. BPA is accepting public comment on this policy through May 31, 2001. A public meeting to take comments on this proposed policy will be held on Thursday, May 24, 2001, from 4:00 to 6:00 PM in BPA's Rates Hearing Room. This room is located on the second floor of the 911 Building of BPA's Portland complex. The address is 905 N.E. 11th Street, Portland, Oregon. Those attending the meeting will need to register at the Security Desk in the 911 building lobby and show picture identification. Written comments should be received at BPA by close of business on Thursday, May 31, 2001. Written comments should be sent to: Bonneville Power Administration, P.O. Box 12999, Portland, Oregon 97212. You may also E-mail your comments to: comment@bpa.gov. Alternatively, you can fax your comments to BPA at 503-230-3285. See press release (PDF, 1 page, 106 kb) and fact sheet (PDF, 7 kb) for additional information.

March 2, 2001 - On February 23, 2001, BPA announced that a public process to review portions of the New Large Single Load (NLSL) policy would begin in mid-April. The original schedule called for this process to begin by the end of February. However, BPA is taking some time to consolidate the current NLSL policy into a single document. This consolidation will provide background on some of the specific issues BPA will ask for comment on. The February 23 letter (PDF, 45 kb) provides additional details and an estimated timeline for this review process.

December 18, 2000 - In a letter dated December 15, 2000 (PDF, 10 kb), the Bonneville Power Administration announced its intention to re-examine portions of its New Large Single Load (NLSL) Policy. BPA is examining this issue as a follow-up to comments made by customers during the Subscription process. Refer to the letter from BPA for more information pertaining to the scope of this policy review and the tentative schedule for the review process.

October 31, 2000 - BPA has issued an errata page (PDF, 9 kb) to replace page 104 in the Record of Decision for the "Residential Exchange Program Settlement Agreements With Pacific Northwest Investor-Owned Utilities" (see October 10th announcement below). The specific corrections made to page 104 are described in an October 26th letter to Interested Parties (PDF, 7 kb).

October 10, 2000 - Two separate Records of Decision related to the Residential Exchange Program were recently signed and are now available. One document is entitled "Residential Exchange Program Settlement Agreements With Pacific Northwest Investor-Owned Utilities" (PDF, 198 pages, 725 kb). A second document is entitled "Residential Purchase and Sale Agreements With Pacific Northwest Investor-Owned Utilities" (PDF, 96 pages, 355 kb).

October 6, 2000 - On August 31, 2000, the Bonneville Power Administration announced its intention to amend its proposed power rates currently before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. This action is necessary to insure that the probability of BPA making its annual payment to the U.S. Treasury is at acceptable levels through the Fiscal Year 2002-2006 rate period. During September, BPA met with rate case parties and others in an attempt to reach agreement on needed modifications to the rate proposal; however, an agreement was not reached. Consequently BPA will now proceed to develop a proposal to amend the FY 2002 Power Rate Case through an amended 7(i) process. Prior to beginning this process, BPA is giving all interested parties an opportunity to provide comment on the CRAC design as well as other issues. Refer to the October 5, 2000 letter to customers and interested parties (PDF, 27 kb). The letter includes instructions on how you can submit your comments. All comments must be received at BPA by close of business on October 16, 2000[Note: Future announcements regarding the amended rate case proposal will be posted on the 2002 Rate Case Announcements web page, rather than on this web page.]

September 21, 2000 - Updated Treasury Payment Probability (TPP) Analysis Files Available for Downloading: BPA has posted a set of 10 files that can be used both to replicate the TPP analyses BPA described in meetings on September 19 in the Rates Hearing Room and to explore other CRAC possibilities. This set of files has a total decompressed file size of 11.4 MB. Included in this package is a file entitled "About the September 19 TPP Package" (PDF, 11 kb). All 10 files have been combined into a single compressed (self-extracting) archive (.EXE file, 3.9 MB) for quicker downloading.  [Note: After this file has been downloaded to a folder on a local drive, it can be decompressed by double-clicking on the file.]   As explained in the "About..." PDF file above, these updated files require six of the same input files that were included in the September 12 update below. If you don't already have these 6 input files (.EXE file, 3.1 MB, decompressed file size of 9.5 MB), you can download them separately here.   [Bug alert - BPA has discovered an error in versions 1.32 through 1.34 of the ToolKit that were used to model the Accelerated and the Lump-Sum CRAC. Neither the ToolKit files posted today nor the analysis presented on September 19 are affected by the error.]

September 12, 2000 - Updated Treasury Payment Probability (TPP) Analysis Files Available for Downloading: BPA has posted a set of 17 files that can be used both to replicate the TPP analyses BPA described in meetings on September 8 in the Rates Hearing Room and to explore other CRAC possibilities. This set of files has a total decompressed file size of 23.6 MB. Included in this package is a file entitled "About the September 8 TPP Package" (PDF, 13 kb). All 17 files have been combined into a single compressed (self-extracting) archive (.EXE file, 7.9 MB) for quicker downloading.  [Note: After this file has been downloaded to a folder on a local drive, it can be decompressed by double-clicking on the file.]

August 31, 2000 - On August 1, BPA announced a temporary delay in signing power sales contracts for the Fiscal Year 2002-2006 period. The delay was due to recent developments that increased the risk of BPA's Treasury Payment Probability falling below acceptable levels. BPA opened a public comment period on August 3 and held a public meeting in Portland, Oregon, on August 21. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss options being considered to give BPA the added flexibility it needs to ensure that Treasury payment obligations are met. After considering all public comments, BPA has decided to make a limited modification of its rate proposal for the FY 2002-2006 rate period before those rates are reviewed by FERC. The letter to customers and interested parties (PDF, 13 kb) announces that decision and outlines a schedule for proceeding with this process. For further information, contact Syd Berwager, Subscription Policy Manager, at 503-230-5657.

August 29, 2000 - BPA held a Subscription Options Process public meeting in Portland, Oregon, on August 21, 2000, to discuss adding flexibility for meeting Treasury Payment Probability Obligations. Minutes from that meeting are now available. For additional information, contact Syd Berwager, Subscription Policy Manager, at 503-230-5657.

August 22, 2000 - Public Comment Deadline Extended: On August 3, 2000 the Bonneville Power Administration requested public comments on two options BPA is considering to give it the added flexibility needed to ensure BPA can meet all of its obligations and maintain an 80-88 percent Treasury Payment Probability. An August 9 technical meeting was held and these options were discussed in more detail at an August 21 public meeting. BPA is extending the public comment period to close of business on Thursday, August 24. Information on how to submit comments is included in August 3 letter to customers and interested parties. [See August 3 announcement below for letter (PDF, 20 kb) and Options Paper (PDF, 14 kb), and August 15 announcement below for handout from August 9th technical meeting (PDF, 80 kb).]   Electronic versions of two handouts used at the August 21 public meeting are also now available. The first handout is information to supplement the August 3 Options Paper (PDF, 23 kb). The second handout is a Proposal to extend the September 30 Subscription Window to October 18 (PDF, 6 kb).   BPA is looking forward to receiving your comments on: options for meeting Treasury Payment Probability Obligations including the criteria listed in our August 3 Options Paper; what should be done with previously signed subscription contracts; and the proposal to extend the Subscription Window 2.5 weeks to October 18.

August 18, 2000 - A 2-page paper entitled "Changes to Forecast of FY 2002 Starting Reserves Since the Final Power Rate Proposal" (PDF, 11 kb) is now available. See August 15th, 11th, 3rd, and 1st announcements below for other related information.

August 15, 2000 - An electronic version of the handout from the August 9th technical meeting (PDF, 80 kb) is now available. See August 11, August 3, and August 1 announcements below for other related information.

August 11, 2000 - On August 9, BPA held a technical meeting (in the BPA rates hearing room) to answer questions about the analyses supporting the recent concern over TPP (Treasury Payment Probability). Several people requested copies of some of the files BPA used in our recent TPP analyses. A set of 10 supporting files (totaling 9.4 MB) is now available for downloading. These files are combined into a single compressed (self-extracting) archive (.EXE file, 3 MB) for quicker downloading.  [Note: After this file has been downloaded to a folder on a local drive, it can be decompressed by double-clicking on the file.]  Other files to be posted as soon as possible include the hand-out from the technical meeting, the resource additions built in the Aurora runs, and an explanation of the factors that have contributed to the change in the expected value of starting 2002 reserves (that is, the forecast for October 1, 2001).

August 9, 2000 - In January of this year, the United Steelworkers of America submitted a proposal to BPA asking that a Good Corporate Citizenship Clause (GCCC) be included in power sales contracts with Direct Service Industry (DSI) customers. After an extensive public comment process, and after consulting with the Secretary of Energy, BPA has decided to include the GCCC in DSI contracts, with certain changes. A letter (see below) was sent to Customers and Interested Parties informing them of this decision and enclosing a copy of the final Good Corporate Citizenship Clause.

Letter (1 page) with final GCCC (1 page):
PDF version (12 kb) | MSWord version (45 kb)

August 3, 2000 -   On August 1, 2000 the Bonneville Power Administration announced a temporary delay in signing power sales contracts for the Fiscal Year 2002-2006 period. The delay is due to recent developments that have increased risk of BPA's Treasury Payment Probability falling below acceptable levels. These developments include unprecedented market volatility, a possible additional 1,400 average megawatts of firm load, and climbing market prices. A public comment period is now open on two options BPA is considering to give it the added flexibility needed to ensure BPA can meet all of its obligations and maintain an 88 percent Treasury Payment Probability. BPA has scheduled two opportunities to share information on this issue. A technical discussion will be held on August 9 in BPA's Rates Hearing Room. A public meeting will be held on August 21 at the Portland Airport Holiday Inn. Comments on the options must be received at BPA no later than August 22, 2000 (extended to Thursday, August 24, 2000). Refer to the documents listed below for more detailed information on the options, for details on the technical discussion and public meeting, and for instructions on how to submit comments. Additional copies of the options document can be obtained by calling your Power Business Line Account Executive, your Constituent Account Executive, or by calling BPA's Public Information Office at 1-800-622-4520.

August 1, 2000 - Temporary Suspension in Signing New Power Sales Contracts:  Today the BPA Administrator signed a letter to customers and interested parties announcing a temporary suspension in signing new power sales contracts (see links to letter below). This action was taken in response to unprecedented volatility in the wholesale electricity market coupled with an unexpected upward trend in prices. Further details on the public comment process will be available later this week.

Letter to Customers and Interested Parties
(2 pages, dated August 1, 2000)
PDF version (17 kb) | MSWord version (45 kb)

July 31, 2000 - Draft 5(c) Settlement Agreement: BPA proposed in its Power Subscription Strategy an arrangement for settling the rights of IOUs in the Pacific Northwest to receive benefits under the Residential Exchange Program. These proposed settlements would be comprised of power sales and monetary payments from BPA to the IOUs. Under the proposed settlements, IOUs could purchase firm power sold under either section 5(b) or section 5(c) of the Northwest Power Act. On May 5, 2000, BPA released prototype contracts for a settlement arrangement with power sales under section 5(b) of the Northwest Power Act. BPA has since received a request for settlement with power provided under section 5(c). BPA is asking for comment on a Draft 5(c) Settlement Agreement (PDF, 48 pages, 164 kb). Comments will be accepted through Friday, August 18, 2000. Refer to the July 28th transmittal letter (PDF, 3 pages, 11 kb) for information on how to submit comments and who to contact for additional information. Additional copies of this draft settlement agreement can be obtained by calling BPA's Public Information Office at 1-800-622-4520.

June 29, 2000 - As part of the Subscription process, BPA recently completed a 9(c) study and developed a methodology for evaluating non-hydro resources. This study describes a methodology for estimating the fully allocated cost of existing resources and identifies the region's marginal resource and its expected cost for the FY 2002-2006 period. Additional information is included in a letter dated June 26 (PDF, 12 kb) that was sent to interested parties. Copies of this study can be obtained by calling Spencer Wedlund at 503-230-5051 or BPA's Public Information Office at 1-800-622-4520.

June 20, 2000 - Bonneville Power Administration has issued a report entitled "Power Subscription Guide" (PDF, 75 kb). This document discusses BPA's strategy for selling power to its customers through the Subscription process. This Guide presents an informal discussion of some basic subscription issues such as Subscribing to Federal Power, Power Products and Services, Pricing, and Contract Elements. Additional copies of this guide can be obtained by contacting your Power Business Line Account Executive, your Constituent Account Executive, or by calling BPA's Public Information Office at 1-800-622-4520.

June 6, 2000 - BPA will conduct a workshop on Wednesday, June 28, 2000, where customers will have an opportunity to provide input and influence the initial Point(s) of Receipt selections for use in obtaining a Wheeling Agreement for delivery of power purchased under Subscription. The meeting will be held from 1 - 4 p.m. in BPA's Rates Hearing Room. Additional information is contained in the transmittal letter (PDF, 9 kb) mailed to customers.

May 24, 2000 - 5(b)9(c) Policy ROD - Today BPA released the Administrator's Record of Decision on the "Policy on Determining Net Requirements of Pacific Northwest Utility Customers Under Sections 5(b)(1) and 9(c) of the Northwest Power Act." This policy pertains to the amount of Federal power a customer may purchase under a BPA subscription power sales contract under sections 5(b) and 9(c) of the Northwest Power Act. In May of 1999 and again in October, BPA published a Federal Register Notice seeking comments on the draft proposal. Printed copies of both the May 23, 2000 Record of Decision (PDF, 153 pages, 547 kb) and final policy (PDF, 13 pages, 55 kb) are available by contacting your BPA Account Executive or by calling BPA's Public Information Office at 1-800-622-4520.

May 15, 2000 - Standards for Service Policy document - On December 29, 1999, BPA announced its Final Policy on Standards for Service in the Administrator's Record of Decision (see 12/29/1999 announcement below). Another document entitled "Policy Decision Regarding Bonneville Power Administration's Standards for Service" (PDF, 24 kb) is also available. This document summarizes the standards entities must meet in order to qualify as an eligible purchaser of Federal power under section 5(b) of the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act. Printed copies of both documents can be obtained by contacting your BPA Account Executive or by calling BPA's Public Information at 1-800-622-4520.

May 8, 2000 - Residential Exchange Announcement - BPA's Power Subscription Strategy states that residential and small farm loads of investor owned utilities (IOUs) may receive benefits from the Federal system in one of two ways. An IOU may participate in the established Residential Exchange Program, or it may participate in a settlement of the program through Subscription. BPA is seeking comments on the proposed contracts that implement the Residential Exchange Program. The paper entitled "Proposed Agreements to Implement the Residential Exchange Program or Provide for Settlement of Those Agreements in Accordance with BPA's Power Subscription Strategy for Specific Northwest Investor Owned Utilities" (PDF, 84 kb) provides background information on the proposed contracts. BPA is asking for comment on two draft agreements-the Draft Residential Purchase and Sale Agreement (PDF, 97 kb), and the Draft Settlement Agreement (PDF, 192 kb). Comments will be accepted through Friday, June 9, 2000. Refer to the transmittal letter (PDF, 25 kb) for information on how to submit comments comment and who to contact for additional information.

April 28, 2000 - Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) released its Power Subscription Strategy Administrator's Supplemental Record of Decision (ROD) today. In December 1998 Bonneville issued the Power Subscription Strategy and accompanying Record of Decision. However, since adoption of that Strategy, several new issues arose which necessitated additional public review and comment. This Administrator's Supplemental Record of Decision contains evaluations and decisions regarding these new issues. If you have questions about this supplemental ROD, contact your BPA Account Executive. The Supplemental ROD is available in two electronic formats. If you are opening the PDF version, the entire ROD is in that one document. If you are viewing the ROD in MSWord, you will need to open two documents. The first document contains the title page and table of contents (TOC). The second MSWord document contains the text of the ROD.

April 24, 2000 - In January Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) asked for comments on a Good Corporate Citizenship clause. The United Steelworkers of America proposed that BPA include this clause in the Subscription power sales contracts. After reviewing the comments received during the public process, BPA consulted with the Department of Energy (DOE). BPA and DOE believe there are some good public policy arguments in favor of including some type of Good Corporate Citizenship clause in power sales contracts with the Direct Service Industries (DSIs). A proposed clause (PDF, 8 kb) was drafted for DSI contracts. Before making a final decision, BPA is conducting a public process to take comment on the scope of the proposed clause, the implementation procedures, and whether or not it should be included in DSI power sales contracts. Comments will be accepted through May 31, 2000. Written comments should be sent to Bonneville Power Administration, P.O. Box 12999, Portland, Oregon 97212. Comments can also be submitted electronically to: comment@bpa.gov. For more information, see April 21, 2000 letter to Customers and Interested Parties (PDF, 14 kb).

March 16, 2000 - 5(b)9(c) Final Policy - In May 1999 BPA sought comments on its draft policy proposal regarding the amount of Federal power a customer may purchase under a BPA subscription power sales contract under sections 5(b) and 9(c) of the Northwest Power Act and section 3(d) of the Northwest Preference Act. In October 1999 a revised draft policy proposal was distributed for comment. After having reviewed and considered over 200 comments received during both comment periods, BPA has now issued the final policy. This policy was published today (March 16, 2000) in the Federal Register (FR Doc. 00-06505). Electronic copies of the policy are available below. If you have questions about this policy, please contact your BPA Account Executive.

Notice of Final Policy Regarding Bonneville Power Administration's Subscription Power Sales to Customers and Customer's Sales of Firm Resources:

January 24, 2000 - Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) received a proposal from the United Steelworkers of America to include a "Good Corporate Citizenship Clause" in the Subscription power sales contracts. BPA has agreed to consider the proposal and is seeking comments from customers and other interested parties. BPA's letter of January 24, 2000 (PDF version | MSWord version), describes the proposal and encourages comment on several questions outlined in the letter. A copy of the January 4, 2000, letter from the United Steelworkers of America (PDF, 196kb) and an excerpt from the BPA's General Contract Provisions (PDF version | MSWord version) pertaining to environmental compliance are enclosed with the BPA transmittal letter. Comments will be accepted through close of business on February 25, 2000. Written comments should be sent to Bonneville Power Administration, P.O. Box 12999, Portland, Oregon 97212. Comments can also be submitted electronically to: comment@bpa.gov.

December 29, 1999 - In May of this year, Bonneville Power Administration published a Federal Register Notice that outlined a proposal for modifying BPA's standards for service to purchase Federal power. This proposal was driven by the Federal Power Subscription Strategy, ongoing changes to the electric power industry, and increased interest by some regional parties in becoming eligible to buy Federal Power at the priority firm rate. The Standards for Service Record of Decision (21 pages) is now available in two electronic formats: PDF version (53 kb) | MSWord version (89 kb). Printed copies can be obtained by calling 1-800-622-4520 or by contacting your Account Executive.

December 6, 1999 - The BPA Power Business Line is moving towards its goal of completing the PBL rate case by April 2000 and signing all Subscription contracts by the end of September. There have been only a few significant changes since the Subscription Strategy was published in December 1998. Specific public processes were conducted on the most significant issues. However, other issues will be covered in an amended Subscription Strategy Record of Decision. A letter signed by Syd Berwager on December 2, 1999, summarizes the other issues. We welcome your feedback and encourage you to contact your Account Executive, Constituent Account Executive, or Tribal Liaison if you have questions. Please refer to the December 2 letter (PDF version 14 kb, MSWord version 50 kb) for instructions on how to submit your comments.

November 19,1999 - BPA's Power Subscription Strategy proposes settlements of the Residential Exchange Program with regional investor-owned utilities (IOUs). The document entitled "Proposed Increase to Residential Exchange Settlement Benefits and Allocation of Residential Exchange Settlement Benefits among Pacific Northwest Investor Owner-Owned Utilities" ( 7 pages, PDF Version 21 kb, MSWord Version 46 kb) summarizes BPA's proposed allocation methodology. We would appreciate your comments on this proposal. The comment period will be open through close of business on January 7, 2000. Written comments should be sent to Bonneville Power Administration, P.O. Box 12999, Portland, Oregon 97232. You can also send comments electronically via E-mail to: comment@bpa.gov. Additional copies of this proposal may be obtained by calling BPA's Public Information Office at 1-800-622-4520. See transmittal letter ( PDF Version 66 kb, MSWord Version 46 kb) for additional information.

October 28, 1999 - BPA's revised draft policy proposal regarding subscription power sales to customers and customers' sales of firm resources was published today in the Federal Register (FR Doc. 99-28178, pages 58039-58045). [An electronic copy of the text of the revised proposal is available below in PDF and MSWord formats.] The most significant changes to the previous version of the proposal (published on May 6, 1999) are described in a letter to customers and other interested parties (PDF, 2 pages, 23 kb). The letter and printed copies of the documents listed below are being mailed to customers; constituents; tribal representatives; and other interested parties that expressed interest in receiving Subscription materials.

  • Notice of revised draft policy proposal regarding "Bonneville Power Administration's subscription power sales to customers and customer's sales of firm resources" (25 pages, PDF Version 46 kb, MSWord Version 92 kb)
  • Interlined version of text changes to 1994 9(c) NFP Policy (4 pages, PDF Version 20 kb, MSWord Version 38 kb). [Note: This document is referenced on page 14 of the revised proposal.]

BPA is accepting public comments on the revised proposal through close of business on Tuesday, November 30, 1999. You can send written comments to: Bonneville Power Administration P.O. Box 12999 Portland, Oregon 97232. You can also send comments electronically via E-mail to: comment@bpa.gov. Printed copies of the proposal can be obtained by calling the BPA Public Information Office at 1-800-622-4520 or by contacting your BPA Account Executive.

June 22, 1999 - Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) recently held two public meetings to take comment on "Subscription Power Sales and Standards for Service" and "Subscription Power Sales to Customers and Customers' Sales of Firm Resources." The first meeting was held in Spokane, Washington on May 27, 1999. A second meeting was held in Portland, Oregon on June 2, 1999. Complete transcripts from both the May 27 (136kb) and the June 2 (126kb) meeting are available. BPA will be accepting comment on both of these proposals through June 30, 1999. See the June 3, 1999, announcement on this site for information on how to submit comments.

June 3, 1999 - Bonneville Power Administration is extending the comment period on two policy proposals published in the Federal Register on May 6, 1999. The policy proposals include: 1) BPA's Subscription Power Sales and Standards for Service, and 2) BPA's Subscription Power Sales to Customers and Customers' Sales of Firm Resources. Comments on both of these proposals will now be accepted through close of business on June 30, 1999. This is an extension from the original close of comment date of June 11, 1999. Information on how to submit comments is included in the attached notice (22kb).

May 25, 1999 - As part of subscription implementation, two public meetings are being held to take public comment on Subscription Power Sales and Standards for Service and Subscription Power Sales to Customers and Customers' Sales of Firm Resources. An overview of each policy will be provided, followed by clarifying questions. Attendees will then have an opportunity to provide comment. Comments can also be made via e-mail or through the mail. The meetings are scheduled to begin at 10:00 and will conclude when the comments are complete. See the agenda (PDF, 10kb) for location.

May 6, 1999 - Two BPA policy proposals were published today in the Federal Register regarding: 1) BPA's Subscription Power Sales and Standards for Service (FR page 24382); and 2) BPA's Subscription Power Sales to Customers and Customers' Sales of Firm Resources (FR page 24376). [Electronic copies of both proposals are also available below in PDF and MSWord formats.] BPA is proposing changes to the standards used to determine whether a prospective customer is qualified to purchase Federal power on a preference and priority basis. In addition, BPA is proposing changes to the way decisions are made regarding a customer's sale of its resources out of region and the amount of Federal power a customer is entitled to purchase. BPA is accepting public comment on these proposals through June 11, 1999. Two public meetings have also been scheduled. The first meeting will be held in Spokane, Washington, on May 27, 1999. A second public meeting will be held in Portland, Oregon, on June 2, 1999. Information on how to comment, as well as the time and location of the public meetings, is included in an announcement (PDF, 23 kb) that is being mailed (with copies of both policy proposals) to customers; constituents; tribal representatives; and other interested parties that expressed interest in receiving Subscription materials.

  • Notice of draft policy proposal regarding "Bonneville Power Administration's Subscription Power Sales and Standards for Service" (12 pages, PDF Version 32 kb, MSWord97 Version 38 kb)
  • Notice of draft policy proposal regarding "Bonneville Power Administration's Subscription Power Sales to Customers and Customers' Sales of Firm Resources" (25 pages, PDF Version 58 kb, MSWord97 Version 79 kb)

April 19, 1999 - The Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) today issued the final report on "Partial Service Products" (PDF, 185 kb, 56 pages). If you have questions about the report or need additional information, contact your Account Executive or John Elizalde (jlelizalde@bpa.gov), West Hub Manager (503-230-5371).

March 26, 1999 - The Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) today issued the final language for three standard contract provisions (Cost Recovery, Uncontrollable Forces, and Governing Law and Dispute Resolution) that will be used in Subscription Contracts. BPA also issued today a letter that summarizes the public comments received on the draft contract provisions, and BPA's response to those comments. Paper copies of the letter and final contract provision language are being mailed to the same audience that received copies of the draft contract provisions for comment.

March 19, 1999 - The Bonneville Power Administration is proposing two new policies relating to new power sales contracts. These proposals will be published in the Federal Register and pertain to: 1) BPA Standards for Service, and 2) Determining customer's net requirements as they relate to sections 5(b) and 9(c) of the Regional Act. A formal 30-day public comment period will begin after the Federal Register notice is published. Copies of documents providing background information (see below) on the proposals are being provided to customers, interested parties, and tribal representatives early next week in order to give them an opportunity to begin reviewing these concepts before the formal comment period begins. Once the formal proposals have been published in the Federal Register, BPA will notify interested parties of the date of the public meeting, and provide information on the formal 30-day public comment period.

  • Paper on "Eligibility and Standards for Service to Purchase Federal Power" (5 pages, PDF Version 24 kb, MSWord97 Version 36 kb)
  • Discussion Paper on "Determining Net Requirements" (5 pages, PDF Version 24 kb, MSWord97 Version 35 kb)
  • Technical Paper on "Process for Addressing Northwest Power Act Section 5(b) and Section 9(c) Issues under Subscription" (24 pages, PDF Version 69 kb, MSWord97 Version 98 kb)

January 7, 1999 - The Bonneville Power Administration today issued for public comment its key provisions for subscription contracts. Paper copies of these draft standard contract provisions are being mailed today to the Subscription Workgroup; Customers; Constituents; Tribes; and other interested parties that expressed interest in receiving Subscription materials. BPA will accept comments on the draft provisions through February 8, 1999 (see cover letter for additional information on how to provide comments).

December 21, 1998 - The Bonneville Power Administration today unveiled its "Power Subscription Strategy" for selling wholesale electricity in the 21st century.

September 30, 1998 - BPA's Energy Efficiency organization has established a web site to help disseminate information on the proposal for a Conservation and Renewables Discount.

September 18, 1998 - The Bonneville Power Administration today released it's "Power Subscription Strategy Proposal" (PDF, 27 pages, 94 kb) for public comment. For more information, see the press release entitled "Spreading federal power benefits" (PDF, 2 pages, 120 kb) and the Keeping Current publication entitled "Getting Power to the People of the Northwest, BPA's Power Subscription Proposal for the 21st Century" (PDF, 8 pages, 475 kb). Comments on the proposal are due by October 23, 1998.


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