U.S. Helps Journalists During a Time of Crisis in Pakistan

Posted by Courtney Beale / December 20, 2010

U.S. soldiers fly over the flood-affected Swat Valley in Pakistan, Sept. 29, 2010. [AP File Photo]

About the Author: Courtney Beale serves as Assistant Information Officer at U.S. Embassy Islamabad, Pakistan.

Almost immediately after the onset of the worst floods in Pakistan's history last summer, the U.S. response effort leaped into action. In the four months since the floods hit, the United States has contributed $500 million to relief and early recovery efforts. In addition, the U.S. military -- in partnership with their Pakistani counterparts -- flew helicopter relief missions that rescued more than 40,000 people and delivered more than 26 million pounds of relief supplies.

What is less well known is the U.S. military's efforts to help journalists in Pakistan… more »

Briefing on Afghanistan and Pakistan

Posted by DipNote Bloggers / December 16, 2010

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton joined President Barack Obama, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, and Joint Chiefs of Staff Vice Chairman General James Cartwright to brief the press on progress in Afghanistan and Pakistan over the last twelve months. Before discussing the way forward, President Obama spoke of the passing of Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan Representative Richard Holbrooke. He said, "Our efforts also reflect the dedication of Ambassador Richard Holbrooke, whose memory we honor and whose work we'll continue. Indeed, the tributes to Richard that have poured in from around the globe speak to both the enormous impact of his life and to the broad international commitment to our shared efforts in this critical region."

President Obama then reviewed progress over the past year. He said, "I have spoken with President Karzai of Afghanistan… more »

U.S. Assists Agricultural Recovery in Pakistan

Posted by Alberto Rodriguez / December 13, 2010

USAID officer hands out seeds and fertilizer to farmers in Sindh Province, Pakistan, Dec. 13. 2010.

About the Author: Alberto Rodriguez serves as a Spokesperson at U.S. Embassy Islamabad.

On December 13, 2010, the United States launched a project to help small farmers in Sindh Province cultivate sunflowers by providing seed, fertilizer and technical assistance.

USAID Economic Growth Officer Sarah Parvez, who represented the United States at a launching ceremony in Madad Pur Khoso Village, said, "This project will jumpstart the local economy by creating direct and indirect employment and increasing farmers' incomes." The project was organized in cooperation with the Sindh Province Ministry of Agriculture, which was represented at the ceremony by Secretary of Agriculture Agha Jan Akhtar and Jacobabad District Coordination Officer Sajid Jamal Abro.

The project, supported by $15 million in USAID funding, is part of a larger, comprehensive… more »

Officials Discuss Water Resource Development and Management at National Conference in Afghanistan

Posted by Robert Sauers / December 10, 2010

Second Vice President Khalili addresses water conference in Kabul, Dec. 7, 2010. [Embassy Photo]

About the Author: Robert Sauers serves with the U.S. Agency for International Development in Afghanistan.

Second Vice President H.E. Abdul Karim Khalili and Ambassador Karl W. Eikenberry joined a host of Afghan officials other international representatives assembled at the Second National Conference on Water Resources Development and Management of Afghanistan held at the Ministerial Palace on December 7 to celebrate progress made toward managing vital water resources in Afghanistan.

The goal of the conference was to foster collaboration among key organizations to address Afghanistan's water resource development and management challenges with the primary objectives of reducing poverty and improving public welfare.

Addressing more than 200 conference participants, 2nd Vice President Khalili said, "Afghanistan as a developing country… more »

U.S. Embassy Islamabad Renews Partnership With International Islamic University

Posted by Alberto Rodriguez / December 07, 2010

Pakistani students stand outside their college in Lahore, Pakistan, Oct. 21, 2009. [AP File Photo]

About the Author: Alberto Rodriguez serves as a Spokesperson at the U.S. Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan.

On December 7, 2010, the U.S. Embassy in Islamabad and International Islamic University (IIU) extended their agreement to maintain a Lincoln Corner at IIU. The Corner provides students with information about the United States and hosts programs deepening people-to-people relationships between Pakistanis and Americans.

In a ceremony held today in Islamabad, U.S. Embassy Counselor for Public Affairs Mark Davidson and IIU President Dr. Anwar Siddiqui signed a Memorandum of Understanding to continue the ongoing Lincoln Corner partnership for an additional three years.

Mr. Davidson thanked university officials and highlighted the role of this partnership in building mutual understanding. "Our four Lincoln Corners in Pakistan provide… more »

Recognizing Community Health Workers in Afghanistan

Posted by Robert Sauers / December 05, 2010

USAID commends community health workers during annual celebration, Dec. 5, 2010. [USAID Photo]

About the Author: Robert Sauers serves with the U.S. Agency for International Development in Afghanistan.

In support of the United Nations designated International Volunteer Day for Economic and Social Development, Afghanistan's Ministry of Public Health celebrated its annual Community Health Worker Day on December 5, 2010. Acting Minister of Public Health Dr. Suraya Dalil, USAID Senior Deputy Mission Director Robert Hellyer, other government officials, and international donors joined in recognizing the critical contribution of community health workers in Afghanistan and encouraging them to continue their voluntary support to their communities.

The event praised the contributions of the more than 22,000 volunteers throughout the country who deliver community level health-education, counseling, and services out of village health posts located… more »

Refrigerated Containers Open the World’s Markets to Fresh Fruit From Afghanistan

Posted by Joyce Kim / December 04, 2010

Men pack pomegranates into boxes at factory in Kandahar, Afghanistan, Nov. 13, 2007. [AP File Photo]

About the Author: Joyce Kim serves with the U.S. Agency for International Development in Kabul, Afghanistan.

On December 3, 2010, Afghan farmers and merchants took an important step forward in world trade by exporting Afghanistan's first-ever, 40-foot refrigerated container ("reefer") of pomegranates, destined for buyers in Canada. Subsequent reefer shipments will go to Dubai and Holland through the seaport in Karachi, Pakistan.

Canadians will soon enjoy the juiciest and tastiest pomegranates from Afghanistan. In the past, exporting chilled fresh fruit to distant markets was impossible, because Afghanistan did not have the required cold-chain infrastructure, trade agreements, or skilled merchants. Now, however, the U.S. Government is assisting with the infrastructure and trade policy essentials for Afghan exports of chilled fresh fruit. The… more »

U.S. Provides Bridges To Assist Flood Recovery in Pakistan

Posted by Alberto Rodriguez / December 02, 2010

U.S. and Pakistani officials participate in a bridge handover ceremony, Islamabad, Dec. 1, 2010.

About the Author: Alberto Rodriguez serves as a Spokesman at the U.S. Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan.

The United States is providing the people of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province (KPk) in Pakistan with pre-fabricated bridging material to build eight new bridges to replace those destroyed by the recent monsoon floods. When built, these light easily transportable bridges will support heavy vehicle traffic and greatly assist the people of KPk to rebuild their communities and livelihoods.

At a ceremony at the U.S. Embassy on Wednesday, December 1, U.S. Ambassador to Pakistan Cameron Munter, accompanied by Brigadier General Michael Nagata, Deputy Commander, Office of the Defense Representative-Pakistan, presented General (Ret.) Nadeem Ahmed, Chairman of the National Disaster Management Agency (NDMA), with a plaque signifying the friendship between… more »

U.S. Supports Training for Women Police Officers in Pakistan

Posted by Alberto Rodriguez / November 27, 2010

A police officer receives her graduation certificate in Islamabad, Nov. 27, 2010. [Embassy Photo]

About the Author: Alberto Rodriguez serves as a Spokesman at the U.S. Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan.

On November 27, 2010, nine police women graduated from a special training course that taught them how to work with victims of crime and handle the psychological and physiological damage throughout the investigation. The U.S.-sponsored training program, which occurred during the 16 Days of Activism to Eliminate Gender-Based Violence, is part of the U.S. government's broader commitment to working with the Government of Pakistan to protect women's rights.

Senior Law Enforcement Advisor for the U.S. Department of Justice in Pakistan Mr. Chuck Bennett and Superintendent of Police Head Quarters Mr. Abdul… more »

Marjah: Progress on the Road to Stability and Prosperity

Posted by Ed Messmer / November 27, 2010

Afghan family on motorbike in northern Helmand Province, Afghanistan, July 21, 2010. [AP File Photo]

About the Author: Ed Messmer serves with District Support Team Marjah, Helmand Province, Afghanistan.

The district of Marjah in Helmand Province, which had been a center of insurgent activity for nearly two years, was liberated from the Taliban in February 2010 as U.S. Marines entered in force. Due to its importance to the insurgency, the district was the scene of heavy kinetic activity through the spring and early summer. But by late summer, the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF), teamed with their ISAF colleagues, had cleared central Marjah of almost all activity, creating a secure environment in which economic and political activity is rapidly expanding.

The turning point may have occurred on the day parliamentary elections were held (September 18) when ANSF and ISAF successfully protected more than 100 election officials at 12 polling… more »

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