Register to Vote & Request Your Absentee Ballot

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by Susan, OVF on October 3, 2014

US Vote logoWe invite you to explore our new U.S. Vote Foundation (US Vote) website. US Vote provides absentee ballot request and voter registration services for all U.S. Voters in all states at home and abroad.

The My Voter Account application on US Vote will already accept your OVF login. And on US Vote, My Voter Account will present you with a brand new account interface that integrates all of our services on one dashboard. Included now is easy look up of your elected representatives, and a newsfeed for political news in your state from the...

OVF Blog

October 20, 2014

Overseas and Uniformed Services Voters Should Get to Know the FWAB

FWAB VideoIf you are a registered American voter living overseas or serving in the military, the Federal Write-in Absentee Ballot (FWAB) may be just what you need right about now. The FWAB is the official emergency ballot and is accepted in all states and U.S. territories. It is the ballot to use when the ballot you requested from your election office is late or has not arrived. In some states, the FWAB can also be used as a simultaneous voter registration form and ballot.

Overseas Vote Foundation (OVF) offers an interactive “vote, print, mail” ballot system. Simply click here to be guided through the cover page questions. Next, your zip code will be matched to your voting district and the system will provide you with candidate lists for your specific elections. The final step is the finish page, where you will download your FWAB, print it, sign it, and mail it to your local election office. You may even opt to...