CSPN - College Savings Plans Network
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  • College aid: Don't take the bait

    Some advisers promote life insurance as the tuition cure-all. Yet a four-month investigation by MONEY has found that the people most likely to profit from this strategy are the planners themselves.

  • Review Your 529 Plan to Meet College Savings Goals

    Parents should follow these steps annually, since financial and family circumstances may change.

  • This college savings plan flunks the test

    Anna in Riverside, Calif., thought she was doing the right thing by securing her child’s college education with a life-insurance plan. Then she read my column last week about the Gerber Grow-Up Plan, a whole life policy that provides pricey, unnecessary coverage for children.

Read More 529 News

Put Your Refund to Good Use this Spring

By Hon. Michael L. Fitzgerald
State Treasurer, State of Iowa
September 10, 2012

Still trying to figure out the best way to spend your tax refund this year? Instead of splurging it on something that will be gone before you know it, why not invest it in something that will last a lifetime, such as a loved one’s 529 college savings account. While their college years may seem a long ways off for some, the time to save for those higher education expenses is now. By starting early, saving a little at a time and making smart investment choices, families can make their 529 plans work for them and get the most out of these precious years.

State-sponsored 529 plans are designed to provide families and friends a tax-advantaged way to save money for those future higher education expenses. Investors are able to withdraw their investment federally tax-free to pay for qualified higher education expenses, which includes tuition, books, supplies and certain room and board costs at any eligible college, university, community college or accredited technical training school in the U.S. or abroad.*

529 plans can be used to pay for tuition, room and board, fees, books, supplies, and equipment required for enrollment. View All

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