Current & Future Lab Studies

The Office of Survey Methods Research (OSMR) periodically invites individuals to participate in research studies that help us evaluate and improve BLS surveys and products.  If you are interested in participating in one of our research activities — focus groups, one-on-one interviews, in-house and remote usability tests — please check the list of available studies below and contact the appropriate study administrator.

For more general information about OSMR Lab studies, see our Lab Study FAQs

Study Opportunities

Lab-based Study Exploring Factors That Affect Respondents' Job Classifications


April 29, 2011


Participants in this study will come to the BLS for a 1-hour session. They will be given a self-administered questionnaire that includes descriptions of different work situations and be asked to classify each job. At the end of the questionnaire, participants will be asked for their reactions to the task and any suggestions for improving the survey. The study pays $40 and runs through June 30, 2011.

Recruiting Criteria:

Study participants must be 25 years old or older and have had a paid job within the last 12 months.

Contact Information:

Stella Godbolt, (202) 691-6782.


Lab-based Study Exploring Alternative Approaches for Measuring Household Spending

Posted: April 29, 2011
Description: Participants in this study will come to the BLS for a 1-hour session consisting of an interviewer-administered survey on household spending and income. Upon completion of the survey, participants will be asked for their reactions to the questions and any suggestions for improving the survey. The study pays $40 and runs through June 3, 2011.
Recruiting Criteria: Study participants must be 21 years old or older and be familiar with their household finances.
Contact Information:

Stella Godbolt, (202) 691-6782.


Lab Study Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who can participate in OSMR lab studies?

We look for a wide variety of people to participate in our studies. Consult the individual study descriptions for specific eligibility criteria, or contact us directly (202-691-6782).

What will I do as a participant in an OSMR lab study?

It depends on the study you select. Most of our studies are conducted in our research lab in Washington, DC. Test sessions are designed to evaluate a set of questions, a website, or some other BLS product. The sessions are not an evaluation of your ability — in other words, there are no “wrong answers”.

Will my answers be kept confidential?

All information collected during the study will be kept confidential in accordance with federal regulations and will only be used to evaluate and improve BLS products. Participation in our research studies is always voluntary and participants may withdrawal at any time.

How long will it take to participate?

Test sessions typically last between 45 minutes to an hour.

Will I get paid?

Participants in our studies will receive $40 as a token of appreciation for their time and assistance.

Where are the sessions held?

Most lab studies are conducted at the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) lab in Washington, DC. The BLS labs are located in the Postal Square Building, across the street from the Union Station metro. The address is:

Bureau of Labor Statistics
Office of Survey Methods Research,
Room 1950
2 Massachusetts Ave., NE
Washington, DC 20212

To reach the OSMR research laboratory, see our directions.

How do I sign up?

Please contact the study administrator for the study in which you are interested.


Last Modified Date: May 3, 2011