CHIPS Articles: NMCI Announces Second Quarter Customer Satisfaction Survey Results

NMCI Announces Second Quarter Customer Satisfaction Survey Results
By Denise Deon - October-December 2005
The latest Navy Marine Corps Intranet (NMCI) customer satisfaction survey results continued to show slow but steady improvement in user satisfaction with NMCI and EDS related services. For the second quarter of 2005, overall NMCI customer satisfaction increased two percent to 76 percent. Satisfaction for incentive-related questions, those questions focusing solely on EDS' services, also increased to 78 percent from the previous result of 76 percent in March 2005.

More than 118,000 surveys were distributed to NMCI users, generating 18,562 completed surveys for a response rate of 15.7 percent. The June 2005 survey was the second consecutive survey to include Marine Corps users in its distribution. Overall satisfaction for the Marine Corps rose to 74 percent, up from 69 percent from their first survey participation in March 2005.

This quarter marked the first time a Department of Navy (DON) organization attained the 85 percent satisfaction level, which enables EDS to earn incentive payments for those organizations' full performance seats as of June 30, 2005. The first two organizations to reach this level of satisfaction are Commander Naval Installations (CNI) and the Naval Education and Training Command (NETC).

"The slow but continuing rise in NMCI customer satisfaction ratings is encouraging and reflects the hard work of our integrated Navy, Marine Corps and EDS team. We must remain focused and vigilant as we continue implementing and improving NMCI for our customers," said Rear Adm. James B. Godwin III, Direct Reporting Program Manager (DRPM) for NMCI.

NMCI customers are overall most satisfied with the professionalism of EDS personnel (88 percent); and are least satisfied with their inability to make changes to their information technology environment (61 percent), which largely equates to the move/add/change (MAC) process. This same category was also the area that showed the greatest improvement, with satisfaction rising five percent from 56 percent in March to 61 percent in the latest survey results.

"The improvement in customer satisfaction is a direct reflection of the ongoing effort being made to improve the program. Our clients' responses are very valuable to us," said EDS enterprise client executive, Mike Koehler. "We are building on our experience and feedback [from customers] to better understand our client's needs and address key issues. The Navy, Marine Corps and EDS continue to work together to improve delivery to our customers".

Other key areas targeted for improvement include: NMCI training, network reliability and software availability. Several initiatives are underway to address these issues, including the organization of several user focus groups to address training needs and areas for improvement and a pilot program targeting customer satisfaction improvement.

Focusing on improving current services, anti-SPAM software was recently implemented across the enterprise. In addition, the ability to remotely log-in utilizing high-speed access (known within NMCI as broadband unclassified remote access service (BuRAS)) was recently pushed to one segment of the NMCI population with the entire rollout occurring over the next few months.

Other new services planned for delivery later this year include a technology refresh for older seats and rolling out Windows XP.

For more information contact DRPM NMCI Public Affairs at (703) 685-5527.

NMCI by the Numbers - August 2005

Of 6,021,923 messages processed by Ironport during a seven-day period, there were 1,271,822 known SPAM e-mails; 2,990 suspected SPAM e-mails and 4,747,111 non-SPAM e-mails.

TAGS: NEN, NMCI, Workforce
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CHIPS is an official U.S. Navy website sponsored by the Department of the Navy (DON) Chief Information Officer, the Department of Defense Enterprise Software Initiative (ESI) and the DON's ESI Software Product Manager Team at Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific.

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