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April 11, 2011

Celebrating volunteers in emergency management

Posted by: Public Affairs

Wadena, MN, June 22, 2010 -- An American Red Cross emergency vehicle provides meals and beverages to volunteers at the Wadena City Cemetery which sustained severe tree damage during the June 17, 2010 F4 tornado. Volunteer agencies play an important role during the recovery process. FEMA/Michael Mancino

Wadena, MN, June 22, 2010 -- An American Red Cross emergency vehicle provides meals and beverages to volunteers at the Wadena City Cemetery which sustained severe tree damage during the June 17, 2010 F-4 tornado. Volunteer agencies play an important role during the recovery process.

We often reference the importance of the emergency management team – the collective group of individuals and organizations that help America prepare for, respond to and recover from disasters of all types. At the start of National Volunteer Week, we would like to specifically highlight and say “thank you” to the voluntary agencies and individual volunteers that play an integral role as part of the team.

President Obama says it best in his proclamation:

Volunteers are the lifeblood of our schools and shelters, hospitals and hotlines, and faith-based and community groups. From mentoring at-risk youth and caring for older Americans to supporting our veterans and military families and rebuilding after disasters, these everyday heroes make a real and lasting impact on the lives of millions of women and men across the globe.

During National Volunteer Week, we celebrate the profound impact of volunteers and encourage all Americans to discover their own power to make a difference. Every one of us has a role to play in making our communities and our country stronger. I encourage all Americans to help us renew progress and prosperity and build a brighter future for our Nation by visiting to find a local project.

If you’re looking to volunteer your time and talents to help Americans before, during and after disasters, here are a few great places to start:

And feel free to leave a comment below if you’ve had a volunteer group help you or your neighborhood in the past, or you have a great volunteer organization in your community.

Share your experience:

If a volunteer group has ever come to your aid or if you have a great volunteer group in your community, please share your experience below.

1 comment:

  1. HI hope that all of next time see that we are have an Tektonic Earth quake an solar storm next time after now we nust wait where we must help :-) at mexico state at 3 o clock


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