Student Information

Student Rights and Responsibilities

Students share with the school staff the responsibility of developing a climate within the school that is conducive to
productive learning.

Students and parents must be responsible for class attendance.

Students have a right to:
  • receive a quality education. 
  • be informed of the educational progress and deficiencies
  • receive regular teacher evaluation
  • have assignments and tests evaluated and returned
  • hear and be heard
  • be treated with courtesy and respect
  • be safe
  • privacy, personal property, and personal space
  • be proud of their ancestry, cultural background, religious beliefs and gender
  • fair and equal opportunities in all activities


Students have a responsibility to:
  • listen to instructions
  • work in a cooperative manner
  • follow classroom guidelines set by the teachers
  • be attentive, by not interrupting or disrupting the class
  • respect the rights of others to learn
  • respect others by not teasing or annoying other people, by showing respect and courtesy toward others
  • not to threaten or harm anyone else in school
  • maintain property, properly care for textbooks and other equipment issued by the school
  • obey school rules
  • accept just and appropriate consequences of responsibilities not fulfilled
  • respect the privacy of others, their personal property, and personal space
  • be understanding and respectful of the ancestry, cultural background, religious beliefs, and gender of others
Freedom of Expression

Students have the right to free inquiry and free expression of ideas. Free expression is not to be restricted, unless its exercise interferes with the orderly conduct of classes. Students have the right to recite the Pledge of Allegiance and salute the American flag, but may decline to do so long as they respect the rights of others who wish to do so. Students have a responsibility for showing proper respect for those who wish to participate in the Pledge of Allegiance, in flag salutes, or in patriotic ceremonies, and to respect the customs and flags of all nations. Students have a responsibility for the content of their expression and for assuring that such expression does not interfere with the freedom of others to express themselves. They have a responsibility to avoid libel, slander, obscenity, profanity, known falsehood, and disregard for truth.