Christine Ennis

Christine Ennis photo

Scientific and Technical Assistant to the Director, separated

Office of the Director

I provide CIRES management and leadership for the Earth System Research Laboratory's Chemical Sciences Division in scientific, technical, communication/outreach, and management/administrative matters of the Division and its CIRES and federal staff.


B.S. 1975 Purdue University
Ph.D. 1985 University of Colorado Boulder


Scientific communication in the areas of ozone-layer depletion, climate, and air quality; coordination and scientific/technical editing of state-of-understanding assessment reports for decision support, especially related to the Montreal Protocol on the ozone layer; management and coordination of administrative, technical, scientific, and communication matters related to CIRES and federal staff of the Chemical Sciences Division.

Current Topics

Work concluded in January 2015 for the 2014 scientific assessment for the U.N. Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer. The report was published online in September 2014 (Assessment for Decision-Makers PDF file) and December 2014 (full report).

Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

last modified: April 15, 2016