National Oceanic and Atmospheric AdministrationNODC, National Oceanographic Data CenterDepartment of Commerce
NOAA Satellite and Information Service

Ocean Climate Laboratory Data Sets and Products Logo

World Ocean Database 2009 (WOD09) is an update of World Ocean
Database 2005
(WOD05). All data are available online presorted by 10 °
geographic squares, by year or by user specified criteria.
The entire data set on DVD can be ordered from Online Store.
For any questions about this product, please e-mail OCLhelp desk.
*Important note about BT bias corrections in WOD09
  • WODselect   - user specified data selection tool

  Last modified:    Wed, 13-Apr-2011 19:34 UTC
Dept. of Commerce - NOAA - NESDIS - NODC
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