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Congressional Testimony

NNSA officials frequently testify before Congressional committees and subcommittees on matters of nuclear and national security.

Congressional Testimony
Apr 5, 2011

Opening statement by NNSA Administrator D’Agostino as prepared for delivery

Congressional Testimony
Mar 30, 2011

Opening statement by NNSA Administrator D’Agostino as prepared for delivery

Congressional Testimony
Mar 1, 2011

Opening statement by NNSA Administrator D’Agostino as prepared for delivery

Congressional Testimony
Feb 1, 2011

Dr. Parrish Staples, Director of European and African Threat Reduction

Congressional Testimony
Apr 21, 2010
Principal Assistant Deputy Administrator for Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation Kenneth E. Baker
Congressional Testimony
Mar 10, 2010
Chief Operating Officer for Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation Steven K. Black
Congressional Testimony
Mar 10, 2010
Testimony before the House Appropriations Committee, Subcommittee on Energy and Water
Congressional Testimony
Mar 4, 2010
Administrator Thomas D'Agostino As Prepared for Delivery
Congressional Testimony
Mar 4, 2010
Testimony before the House Appropriations Committee, Subcommittee on Energy and Water
Congressional Testimony
Sep 14, 2009

Testimony before the House Committee on Homeland Security, Subcommittee on Emerging Threats, Cybersecurity, and Science and Technology

Congressional Testimony
Sep 9, 2009
Testimony before the House Energy and Environment Subcommittee on "Solving the Medical Isotope Shortage"