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Attic Squirrels

2013 February 13

By Amy Miller

Honey, come quick, I called.
What, what is it?
Just come listen.

We listened. We waited. They scratched. And scratched. We looked at each other. And we knew. These were no mice, these were squirrels. Or raccoons. Or some animal that would laugh at a mousetrap.

By the next day the scratching had stopped.

Our neighbor was not so lucky. For months she tried traps and barriers to get rid of her squirrels. She paid experts. And in the end she had to chainsaw nine-tenths of the branches off her giant pine trees to eliminate the bridges the squirrels were using to her rooftop.

My friend’s mother also wasn’t so lucky. All the boxes stored in her attic fell apart because squirrels apparently munched on the glue holding the boxes together.

According to one web site, about 15,000 homes fires each year are caused by squirrels and other rodents chewing on wiring. (Yes, a squirrel is a rodent).

While it’s not so hard to find a squirrel or its nest on a roof, once they are inside the house they will win the game of hide-and-seek hands down.

The Eastern Gray Squirrel is one of the most common pests. At 16 to 18 inches and weighing about a pound, they get in through small holes that they gnaw wider. They bring nesting material with them and make noise scurrying around storing their nuts, seeds, fungi or fruit. They may fall down the chimney or down a wall from the attic and get stuck.

A survey of web sites makes it clear that solving this problem is no picnic. You can try trapping them, locking them out, or quickly sealing up holes if you know they are out to get lunch and water.
I heard one story of a mother squirrel and her babies that camped out in an attic, but when the babies grew up they all left on their own, taking up residence in a new nest in a nearby tree.

Be warned, if someone recommends using mothballs, forget it; it’s illegal. The EPA allows moth balls for moths and caterpillers only. This is because moth balls are toxic to humans and pets.

EPA tells landlords that if squirrels are in a house, the tenants should be told of integrated pest management techniques, and advised to fix screens, remove clutter and eliminate wood piles. In addition, holes should be patched with pest-resistant materials and mesh should be used to cover air intake and exhaust vents.

I wonder what tricks others have used to get rid of their squirrels.

Click for more information

About the author: Amy Miller is a writer who works in the public affairs office of EPA New England in Boston. She lives in Maine with her husband, two children, seven chickens, two parakeets, dog and a great community.

Editor's Note: The opinions expressed in Greenversations are those of the author. They do not reflect EPA policy, endorsement, or action, and EPA does not verify the accuracy or science of the contents of the blog.

3 Responses leave one →
  1. Arman.- permalink
    February 13, 2013

    Natural Disaster And Natural Selection : It’s Equal……

    Fundamentally we must destroy and grow : again, again and again. So, I have the question, are natural disaster equal with n. selection ?

  2. Linda Johnson permalink
    February 13, 2013

    I might blog about this. We had a mouse get into a box inside a storage room on our second floor last night. My daughter, whose room is near the storage room, heard scratching. My husband found it inside a box it had somehow gotten into and was scratching cause it couldn’t get out. Here’s my question: we’ve seen one mouse, what number do we multiply by to figure out how many more are likely in the house somewhere? ljj

  3. Romona Taylor Williams permalink
    February 13, 2013

    Your article couldn’t have come at a more appropriate time. I’ve lived in a house for 8 months that have squirrels in the attic. I constantly hear them chewing on the wood and fear them eating the wires and a fire hazard. Needless to say the gnawing drive me crazy and the literally sound like people walking around up there.

    We’re going to try sealing off their entrance using the wire mesh method.

    Thanks for your article.

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