In the Press

Read what the media are saying about MCC, listed by date in descending order. Sort the table by clicking on a column header.

2012 MCC Mentions in the Press
Date Publication Article Title and Link Type
10/05/2012 Christian Science Monitor Aid that works: A new road, farmer co-op revitalizes rural El Salvador Article
10/01/2012 The Wall Street Journal MarketWatch A new Marshall Plan Article
09/24/2012 NPR Fighting Global Poverty With Business Strategies Radio Interview
09/24/2012 Foreign Policy A New Model for Foreign Aid Op/Ed
09/08/2012 Voice of America Daniel Yohannes on Press Conference USA TV Interview
08/24/2012 Lonely Planet Cruising into a Town Worth Your Time Blog
08/14/2012 The Africa Report The 50 Most Influential Africans Article
07/11/2012 McClatchy Commentary: Using aid to fight corruption Editorial
06/29/2012 USA Today Investing in Africa: Sowing the Seeds of Success Article
05/21/2012 Washington Times Tanzanian plows fertile ground in pitch for aid Article
04/27/2012 ONE Jonny Dorsey wins MCC’s Next Generation Award Blog
04/13/2012 Insight Magazine Putting aid dollars to work Article
04/01/2012 Harvard Political Review Humanitarian Assistance: A Pragmatic Choice Article
03/09/2012 Women's eNews It Takes Women to End Global Poverty Op/Ed
03/06/2012 The Daily Beast Success in Ghana for Millennium Challenge Corporation Op/Ed
03/02/2012 The Wall Street Journal MarketWatch Commentary: Funding developing nations is profitable Article
02/09/2012 Roll Call MCC Showcases Value of Foreign Assistance Op/Ed
01/18/2012 Newark Post Online Senator Coons hosts conference to connect Delawareans with opportunities in Africa Article
01/09/2012 Vibe Ghana US Senators commission MiDA project in Ghana Article
01/06/2012 Huffington Post MCC’s Distinct Model for Development Blog
2011 MCC Mentions in the Press
Date Publication Article Title and Link Type
12/05/2011 Philippine Star Empowering poor communities to lift themselves out of poverty Article
12/03/2011 Denver Post Guest Commentary: Partnering with the private sector Op/Ed
11/30/2011 DipNote Participating in the U.S. Delegation to HLF4: A First for Partnership for Growth Blog
11/23/2011 The Guardian Foreign assistance, even in tough times, is a good investment Blog
11/15/2011 2011 Pilot Aid Transparency Index MCC Ranks Seventh on Transparency Index Article
11/11/2011 Fortune Magazine Foreign aid, capitalist style Article
06/27/2011 Wall Street Journal Africa Is Awakening, Helped by Free Trade Op/Ed
06/12/2011 NPR Clinton’s Africa Tour Underscores The Power Of Women Radio Interview
06/02/2011 allAfrica Rwanda: Improving Community Dialogue Article
06/01/2011 DipNote A Preview of the 2011 AGOA Forum in Zambia Blog
06/01/2011 DipNote A Preview of the 2011 AGOA Forum in Zambia Blog
04/26/2011 Africa Media Hub A Media Briefing with MCC CEO Daniel Yohannes Radio Interview
04/14/2011 Radio Australia Improved roads lead to new opportunities for Vanuatu Radio Interview
04/05/2011 Politico Obama talks global investment Article
03/10/2011 Devex MCC’s Commitment to Innovation Op/Ed
03/10/2011 U.S. Welcomes Burkina Faso Students to Washington Article
03/09/2011 The Huffington Post It Takes Women to End Global Poverty Op/Ed
02/16/2011 The Chronicle of Philanthropy Foreign Aid Would Grow Slightly in Obama Budget Blog
02/16/2011 ONE Is Obama’s budget brawny or brainy? Blog
02/03/2011 USGLC Gates Makes The Case Blog
02/02/2011 The Washington Post Setting goals: An interview with the head of the Millenium Challenge Corporation Article
01/31/2011 Bloomberg Senegal Expects Record Rice Crop in Drive to Meet Local Demand Article
01/30/2011 The Washington Post How Washington can help Tunisia and other Arab revolutions Op/Ed
01/28/2011 The Daily Caller More effective foreign assistance can pay real dividends Op/Ed
01/27/2011 ONE Showing US leadership through innovation in foreign assistance Blog
01/26/2011 State Department Secretary Clinton Talks with Jordanian Foreign Minister Nasser Judeh about MCC Compact Transcript
01/25/2011 Atlanta Journal Constitution Helping world’s poor aids all of us Op/Ed
01/19/2011 MFAN A Look Back at USAID’s Major Reforms: Shah Talks to David Lane Blog
01/18/2011 MFAN A Banker’s Perspective on Development Blog
01/14/2011 Devex What Makes Effective, Accountable Aid? Blog
01/10/2011 WAMU- Kojo Nnamdi Show MCC CEO sits down with Kojo Nnamdi- A New Strategy for Aid to Africa Radio Interview
01/10/2011 ONE MCC helps bring Malawi into the light Blog
01/07/2011 Reuters US grants Malawi $350 mln to upgrade power supply Article
01/06/2011 Heritage Foundation Obama’s Foreign Aid Strategy Article
01/06/2011 Devex MCC Reveals 2011 Aid-Eligible Countries, OKs Malawi Compact Blog
01/05/2011 Bloomberg Malawi to Get $350.7 Million Electricity Grant Article
01/05/2011 ONE Video: CNN takes a look at Daniel Yohannes Blog
01/04/2011 Devex MCC Board Quorum and January 5th Meeting Blog
12/30/2010 The Washington Post Washington Post Letter to the Editor Editorial
12/21/2010 The New York Times African Farmers Displaced as Investors Move In Article
2010 MCC Mentions in the Press
Date Publication Article Title and Link Type
12/14/2010 UPI Ghanaian farmers look for new markets Article
12/13/2010 Bloomberg Africa Crucial to Meeting World Food Needs Article
12/11/2010 CNN CNN International Profiles MCC CEO Daniel Yohannes TV Interview
12/09/2010 MFAN Opening Up: Aid Information, Transparency and U.S. Foreign Assistance Reform Blog
12/08/2010 State Department Burkina Faso’s Independence Day Transcript
12/08/2010 MFAN Round Eight of the Millennium Challenge Account Blog
12/02/2010 Save the Children Consultation & Participation for Local Ownership Article
11/29/2010 Bloomberg Benin’s Cotonou Port Receives 27% More Imports After Expansion Article
11/24/2010 The Washington Post Federal agencies do work we should be grateful for Article
11/12/2010 White House G-20: Fact Sheet on a Shared Commitment to Fighting Corruption Transcript
11/07/2010 Voice of America New Water Projects For Jordan Article
11/04/2010 Reuters Obama to target forest, climate aid in Indonesia trip Article
10/29/2010 ONE Arkansas goes on the record! Blog
10/29/2010 Bloomberg Tanzania’s President Kikwete Will Probably Win a Second Term in Landslide Article
10/26/2010 AFP US awards Jordan 275-million-dollar grant to improve water Article
10/25/2010 Foreign Policy Clinton to Jordanians: Americans are ‘committed to Jordan’s future’ Blog
10/25/2010 State Department Dip Note A Strong and Prosperous Jordan Is Good for the Region, World Blog
10/15/2010 Center for Global Development MCA Monitor Report from the Field Underway in the Republic of Georgia Blog
10/15/2010 USGLC Melinda Gates: Telling of Development’s Successes a Must Blog
10/15/2010 U.S. State Dept. Secretary Clinton Mentions MCC in Remarks to Commonwealth Club Transcript
10/13/2010 The Africa Society of the National Summit on Africa Ambassador Andrew Young Lecture Series - “MCC’s Commitment on Africa” featuring Mr. Daniel Yohannes Blog
10/13/2010 The Jordan Times Jordan, US sign $360m aid agreements Article
10/12/2010 Center for International Private Enterprise Qualities of the Quality of ODA Assessment Blog
10/11/2010 MCC Signs Memorandum of Understanding With African Development Bank And African Development Fund Article
10/07/2010 USGLC New CGD report explores quality & effectiveness of U.S. aid Blog
10/07/2010 ONE A new tool to help you measure the effectiveness of aid Blog
10/07/2010 The St. Louis Post-Dispacth Rebooting foreign aid: From now on, it comes with strings attached. Editorial
10/07/2010 The Heritage Foundation The White House Embraces Smart Power: Now What? Article
10/05/2010 Foreign Policy MCC Scores Well on New Aid Study Blog
10/04/2010 Center for Global Development MCC Principles Lead the Way Blog
10/04/2010 The East African US firms win tender for power lines extension to four regions Article
09/30/2010 Center for Global Development My Reflections on and Hopes for the New U.S. Global Development Policy Blog
09/30/2010 The Guardian President Bush’s enduring legacy Op/Ed
09/30/2010 Nica Times Honduras Becomes Poster Child for the U.S. Millennium Challenge Corporation Article
09/29/2010 Univision EEUU culmina programa de ayuda para Honduras con desembolso de 215 M USD Article
09/29/2010 Voice of America Aid Award to Energize Senegal’s Agricultural Sector Article
09/29/2010 Devex Devex List of Young Aid Leaders in DC is Announced Blog
09/28/2010 U.S. State Department Remarks in a Roundtable Discussion on the Administration’s New Global Development Policy Transcript
09/28/2010 Foreign Policy MCC CEO Speaks at USGLC PPD Event Blog
09/28/2010 The Huffington Post Obama’s New Plan to Fight Poverty Gets the Purpose Right Blog
09/28/2010 MFAN Blog What Does the PPD Mean for USAID?” Blog
09/27/2010 Dip Note Blog MCC at UNGA: A Week of Policy, Partnerships, and Progress Blog
09/24/2010 Raleigh News Observer Aid and change Editorial
09/23/2010 LA Times Obama seeks accountability on foreign aid Article
09/23/2010 AFP US grants Philippines 434 M USD to fight poverty Article
09/23/2010 Foreign Policy No Easy Fix for U.S. Foreign Aid Article
09/23/2010 Foreign Policy Is Obama serious about development? Article
09/22/2010 CNN Obama announces development plan at U.N. Article
09/16/2010 New York Times Abbas Says Israel Talks Will Continue Article
09/10/2010 Center for Global Development MCC Board Meeting Blog
09/07/2010 Latin American Herald Tribune Honduras—A Star Performer at Raising People Out of Poverty Op/Ed
08/26/2010 Reuters US gives $45 mln funding for Tanzania power project Article
08/24/2010 From Floods To Drought, Delivering Safe Water Article
08/12/2010 MFAN Richard Morford on the MCC as a Model for Foreign Aid Reform Blog
08/11/2010 Reuters Cape Verde: no resources, no problem Article
07/30/2010 The Washington Post Obama administration unveils strategy for meeting global poverty goals Blog
07/23/2010 The Huffington Post Applause for Chairman Berman’s New Foreign Aid Legislation Blog
07/22/2010 The Economist The democracy bug is fitfully catching on Article
07/12/2010 Modernizing Foreign Assistance Newtork Aid Reform that Works Blog
07/08/2010 AFP US gives Liberia millions for girls’ education Article
07/07/2010 Center for Global Development Enhancing the Transparency of U.S. Aid to Pakistan: It Starts with a Click Blog
07/07/2010 The Huffington Post The Top 5 Myths About Global Poverty Blog
06/21/2010 Modernizing Foreign Assistance Newtork Conservatives have long history of standing up for EFFECTIVE foreign assistance Blog
06/10/2010 Liberia - U.S. Relations on Pedestal Article
06/10/2010 CSIS ONE’s Data Report Report
06/09/2010 U.S. State Department Policy Address on Opportunity In The Americas Transcript
06/09/2010 Modernizing Foreign Assistance Newtork Foreign Assistance Reform: Building on Initiatives That Work Blog
06/08/2010 Business Week U.S. to Boost Kenya Investment After New Constitution Article
06/04/2010 Millennium Challenge Corporation Approves Grant Article
05/28/2010 Reuters US OKs $15 mln for Liberia, Obama lauds leadership Article
05/25/2010 Sheila Herrling Talks with AllAfrica about Liberia Article
05/24/2010 USAID to Strengthen Public Participation in Dev’t Programs Article
05/19/2010 Radio New Zealand New sealed tarmac runway opened on Vanuatu Article
05/18/2010 Pres. Sirleaf To Meet Officials in Washington Article
05/06/2010 Council on Foreign Relations The Debate over Foreign Aid Article
05/04/2010 Speech by Deputy Secretary Wolin to the Corporate Council on Africa Transcript
05/03/2010 Brookings A New Strategy to Leverage Business for International Development Transcript
04/30/2010 MFAN State Department Authorization Passes out of SFRC Blog
04/30/2010 Initiative for Global Development How Private Investment Can Catalyze Economic Growth and Reduce Poverty Article
04/29/2010 Center for Global Development Senate Committee Passes State Department Authorization: Fixes MCC Country Categories Blog
04/29/2010 State’s Carson Says U.S., Africa Partnering On Infrastructure Article
04/28/2010 The Charlie Rose Show Mo Ibrahim Discusses MCC on Charlie Rose TV Interview
04/20/2010 Center for Global Development Congress Presses MCC CEO on Corruption, Results, and the Private Sector Blog
04/19/2010 Armenia TV Armenia TV Sits Down with Frances Reid to Discuss Economic Growth TV Interview
04/16/2010 USGLC MCC CEO Yohannes Testifies Before House Appropriators Blog
03/31/2010 Financial Times: This is Africa MCC Featured in Financial Times This is Africa Article
03/31/2010 USAID Frontlines Moldova’s Farmers Hope to Sell Produce in World Market Article
03/22/2010 Voice of America The Importance Of Fresh Water Article
03/22/2010 Michigan Oakland Press Why Mongolia matters to Michigan Op-Ed
03/22/2010 Reuters U.S. sees food security as next big Africa push Article
03/15/2010 Reuters Power cuts cost Malawi $215 mln/yr, hurt investment Article
03/08/2010 Center for Global Development MCC in FY2011: What it needs, What it wants to do, and How it’s going to get there Blog
03/04/2010 AllAfrica Local Farmers ‘Can Feed Africa’ Article
03/03/2010 Business Report Construction companies stand to benefit from $5 billion in US tenders Article
03/03/2010 NPR Ethiopia-Born Businessman Runs U.S. Aid Program Radio Interview
03/02/2010 Center for Global Development Hillary Clinton Promotes FY11 International Affairs Budget in Congressional Testimony Marathon Blog
03/02/2010 Reuters Malawi, Zambia set for big US infrastructure aid Article
03/01/2010 Carson Cites ‘Powerful Success Stories’ and Reiterates U.S. Commitment to Political and Economic Pro Article
02/18/2010 Foreign Policy Foreign Policy Talks with MCC CEO Daniel Yohannes Blog
02/12/2010 Reuters U.S. seeks corporate help in aid to poor countries Article
02/08/2010 Devex Yohannes: ‘We Must Continue to be Innovative’ Article
02/08/2010 Devex New MCC CEO Reveals Plans for 2010 Article
02/05/2010 Voice of America Moldova’s New MCC Compact Editorial
02/03/2010 Ghana Broadcasting Company CEO of Millennium Challenge Corporation meets President Mills Article
02/03/2010 Ghana News Agency Feeder roads in Central, Eastern Regions to be rehabilitated Article
02/03/2010 Bloomberg U.S. Millennium Challenge Plans to Expand in Africa Article
02/02/2010 ONE The President’s Budget: The Millennium Challenge Account Blog
02/02/2010 The Washington Times Obama boosts budget for State Dept. Article
02/02/2010 Ghana News Agency Land Title registration office opens at Winneba Article
02/02/2010 Ghana News Agency Millennium Challenge Corporation CEO inspects projects Article
02/01/2010 ONE Examining the FY2011 Budget Request Blog
02/01/2010 Center for Global Development MCC Slated for $1.28 Billion in FY2011 Budget Request Blog
02/01/2010 Foreign Policy Budget Day Blog
02/01/2010 Business Week Obama Budget Adds Money for Global Health, Pakistan Security Article
02/01/2010 Reuters Zambia firm to boost power supply to mines Article
01/31/2010 Center for Global Development Sheila Herrling Appointed as MCC VP for Policy and International Relations Blog
01/29/2010 Devex Strong Reform Advocate Takes Helm of MCC Policy Shop Blog
01/28/2010 U.S., Moldova Advance Partnership with New Agricultural Grants Article
01/28/2010 ONE Moldova and MCC Sign $262 million Compact Blog
01/26/2010 Center for Global Development Moldova Becomes 20th Country to Sign MCC Compact Blog
01/25/2010 Federal Computer Weekly 5 tips for cybersecurity-training your employees Article
01/22/2010 Department of State Secretary Clinton Remarks At MCC Signing Ceremony With the Government of Moldova Transcript
01/20/2010 Huffington Post Meeting the Women of Ghana Op/Ed
01/20/2010 Voice of America Ethiopian Banker Leads Development Agency for Obama Administration Article
01/19/2010 Colorado Public Radio Former Colorado Executive Heads Federal Aid Program Radio
01/12/2010 ONE MCC brings agricultural development to rural Georgia Blog
01/12/2010 Center for Global Development Clinton, Innovation, and the MCC Op/Ed
01/12/2010 NPR Leading Africa Charity Taps New President Radio Interview
01/08/2010 Columbia University Press Big Think interview with R. Glenn Hubbard Blog
01/07/2010 IPS Clinton Lays Out U.S. Strategy Article
01/07/2010 Devex Clinton Calls for ‘New Mindset’ in US Foreign Assistance Blog
01/07/2010 The Washington Times Countries to be allowed a say in foreign aid usage Article
01/07/2010 U.S. Global Leadership Coalition Secretary Clinton Makes the Case for Investing in Development Blog
01/06/2010 Foreign Policy As USAID awaits its fate, Clinton lays out new U.S. development agenda Blog
01/06/2010 Department of State Secretary Clinton: Development in the 21st Century Transcript
01/06/2010 ONE Reviewing Secretary Clinton’s “State of Our Development” Address Blog
01/06/2010 Voice of America Clinton Says Development Aid ‘Central Pillar’ of US Foreign Policy Article
01/06/2010 AFP Development aid key to terrorism fight: Clinton Article
01/06/2010 The New York Times Hillary Clinton on Development Issues Blog
01/01/2010 Bread for the World Cheesemaking in Nicaragua, with Help from U.S. Foreign Assistance Blog