Creating CORS Newsletter      

CORS Newsletter

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                      NOAA-NOS-NGS-CORS Weekly Newsletter 
                  Created On UTC Date: Sun Feb 24 06:19 2013


   The "CORS Newsletter" is a weekly summary of information about NOAA's National 
   Geodetic Survey's(NGS) Continuously Operating Reference Station (CORS) Program. 
   The newsletter is made up of 5 sections 
     A. Changes to CORS products and services 
     B. General news on activities that impact the CORS program
     C. Publications related to the CORS program
     D. Statistics for CORS products and services 
     E. List of partners in the CORS network

   Instructions to Subscribe/Unsubscribe are at the bottom of the newsletter

   Questions about the newsletter should be sent to @

   CORS Web Sites:



Tuesday January 8, 2013


Update Guidelines for establishing and operating CORS sites have been released today.
 The main change reflects a new minimum spacing requirement of 70 km to nearby CORS. The 
 rest of the changes are mostly clarifications or corrections to existing requirements.

  Any questions about these guidelines should be sent to ngs.proposed.cors


 Tuesday September 6, 2011


 New CORS coordinates have been released today Tuesday, 6 September 2011. These coordinates
   are in:
   -IGS08 epoch 2005.00
   -NAD 83 (2011,MA11,PA11) epoch 2010.00
   -These coordinates are from a stacked solution including data from 1 January 1994 to 
     16 April 2011.
   -60-day and long-term plots are available 
   -Absolute antenna calibrations have been released in both ANTINFO and ANTEX format
    older relative antenna calibration remain available in ANTINFO format
   -OPUS-S and OPUS-RS support obtaining solutions in new reference frames as listed
   -UFCORS provides coordinates in the new frame 
  A detailed description of the new coordinates with a comparison of results to previous
  reference frames, and an FAQ is available: 
 For questions/comments/suggestions please contact Giovanni Sella
  giovanni.sella @


Being Awarded US Air Force Contract to Continue GPS Modernization
Boeing Company Press Release
12 February 2013

Boeing will continue modernizing the Global Positioning System (GPS) satellite 
constellation for up to five more years, extending the company's role in 
the vital military and civilian navigation network.

The U.S. Air Force, which operates the GPS network, recently awarded 
Boeing a $51 million, one-year contract with four one-year options. The 
contract covers GPS IIF satellite shipment to the launch site in Florida, 
pre-launch preparation, post-launch checkout, handover and on-orbit 

"The contract provides mission continuity for the Boeing GPS IIF fleet 
as we continue to deliver on our commitments," said Craig Cooning, vice 
president and general manager of Boeing Space & Intelligence Systems. 
"With nine GPS IIFs still awaiting deployment, the contract scope includes 
supplying all support needed until the Air Force calls for the vehicles."

Boeing, which has been part of GPS since the network's inception in the 1970s, 
hass produced nearly 70 percent of the satellites launched in support of 
the GPS constellation.

The company is on contract for 12 GPS IIF satellites, three of which 
have been launched into service. The IIFs provide greater navigational 
accuracy through advances that include atomic clock technology, a new 
civilian L5 signal and an improved military signal.

The next IIF is to launch during the second quarter of this year. Boeing 
will complete production of the remaining ones by the end of the year.

"We have the capability to maintain the remaining IIF spacecraft to be 
delivered and the flexibility to launch up to three within a single year 
if required to sustain the network," said Jan Heide, Boeing GPS IIF 
program director.

A unit of The Boeing Company, Boeing Defense, Space & Security is one of 
the world's largest defense, space and security businesses specializing 
in innovative and capabilities-driven customer solutions, and the world's 
largest and most versatile manufacturer of military aircraft. Headquartered 
in St. Louis, Boeing Defense, Space & Security is a $33 billion business 
with 60,000 employees worldwide. 



February 14, 2013


The GPS/GNSS Bibliography for the year 2012, compiled by the National Geodetic Survey, 
is now available at the following web address:


   Recently published articles related to the CORS program are available
   at the link:

   For Presentations see:
   Other NGS presentations are available at:


  February 1, 2013
   To see a plot of OPUS-S solutions in the US by county during January
   2012 click at:

   To see a plot of OPUS-RS solutions in the US by county during January
   2013 click at:

   The total OPUS coverage (OPUS + OPUS-RS) by county during a period of one year 
   can be seen at:
   February 1, 2013

   To know the approximate accuracy of OPUS-RS solutions as a function of 
   geographic location, click the following two graphs:
   a) 15 minutes session accuracy
   Horizontal accuracy:
   Ellipsoid height accuracy:
   b) 1 hour session accuracy
   Horizontal accuracy:
   Ellipsoid height accuracy:
   An interactive web-based beta version is available at:
   A brief description of how these graphs were generated can be read at:

   February 5, 2013


   Total number of monthly solutions for OPUS-S, OPUS-RS, and OPUS-DB are
   graphically displayed at:


February 5, 2013


 FTP server statistics for Jan 2013
          Total Requests: 4405521 (all FTP requests logged)
  Total Data Transferred: 1211444 MB (all files)

 Requests for RINEX data: 3412141 (77% of total requests)
               2013 data: 2149214 (62% of RINEX requests)
               2012 data: 463206 (13% of RINEX requests)
               2011 data: 189838 ( 5% of RINEX requests)
               2010 data: 127263 ( 3% of RINEX requests)
               2009 data:  61832 ( 1% of RINEX requests)
               2008 data:  44155 ( 1% of RINEX requests)
               2007 data:  44923 ( 1% of RINEX requests)
               2006 data: 136924 ( 4% of RINEX requests)
               2005 data:  54309 ( 1% of RINEX requests)
               2004 data:  26928 
               2003 data:  21669 
               2002 data:  18436 
               2001 data:  17958 
               2000 data:  13994 
               1999 data:  10109 
               1998 data:   9684 
               1997 data:  11305 
               1996 data:   8807 
               1995 data:   1475 
               1994 data:    112 

Requests for daily files.                   Requests for hourly files.
   Total: 1513955 -  766591 MB                  Total: 1757102 -   91746 MB
     Obs: 168513 -  551090 MB                    Obs:  90469 -   63636 MB
     Nav:      0 -       0 MB                    Nav:      0 -       0 MB
     Met:  10129 -      28 MB                    Met:   2952 -       2 MB
     Sum: 407848 -       0 MB                    Sum:   2859 -       0 MB
   Other: 927465 -  209543 MB                  Other: 1660822 -   28089 MB

Requests for ephemerides files.
     IGR:    534 -     50 MB
     IGS:    332 -     30 MB
     IGU:    152 -     26 MB
    Brdc: 112763 -   5591 MB

Other files: 27303 -  530 MB

Requests from top 10 hosts (% of RINEX requests):
 1209179 (35%) -  20564 MB ( 2%)
           525674 (15%) - 103953 MB (12%)
                             planck: 295584 ( 8%) -   7365 MB ( 0%)
                         heisenberg: 295102 ( 8%) -   7349 MB ( 0%)
            242912 ( 7%) -  18069 MB ( 2%)
   164739 ( 4%) -   4239 MB ( 0%)
 155624 ( 4%) -   2679 MB ( 0%) 114708 ( 3%) -  29307 MB ( 3%)
    90954 ( 2%) -  28984 MB ( 3%)
  83801 ( 2%) -  24365 MB ( 2%)  69804 ( 2%) -  16381 MB ( 1%)

                              Total: 3248081 (95%) - 263259 MB (30%)

Unique hosts:   3350 - 1211444 MB

Hosts with 
           1  request:   1263 (37%) -   2459 MB ( 0%)
       2-100 requests:   1859 (55%) -  63608 MB ( 5%)
    101-1000 requests:    117 ( 3%) -  79595 MB ( 6%)
  1001-10000 requests:     62 ( 1%) - 327069 MB (26%)
  over 10000 requests:     49 ( 1%) - 738711 MB (60%)

Plots for "user friendly" CORS (UFCORS) requests for last month are available at the
following Web address:
   Month by month statistics can be viewed at:

   A graphic display of FTP and UFCORS previous years activity is available at:

  The following agencies contribute data from their owned and operated stations to the CORS network

 Agency     No. Sites and Status      Agency Name
  Code    Op  Non  Pre  Dec  Total**       URL 
------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 320ENG    0    0    0    6      6  320th Engineer Company    
 ACCUP     0    0    0    1      1  Accupoint Inc.             
 AGPR4N    0    0    0    1      1  Agrimennsores 4N Inc. 
 ALDOT    38    0    0    3     41  Alabama Department of Transportation
 AKDT      2    0    0    0      2  Alaska Department of Transportation
 ASCS      1    0    0    0      1  Alfred State College    
 ACC       1    0    0    0      1  Allegany College of Maryland
 AZGPS     2    1    0    1      4  Arizona GPS                   
 ASLDSC   23    0    0    0     23  Arizona State Land Department, State Cartographers Office
 ARHD      5    2    0    1      8  Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department
 BPEXAK    4    0    0    1      5  BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.     
 BCSD      1    0    0    0      1  Baltimore County Survey Division
 BCOLS     0    0    0    1      1  Beckley County Land Surveys                                     
 BSL      10    1    0    0     11  Berkeley Seismological Laboratory
 BBP3      1    0    0    0      1  Bonneville Blueprint Supply, INC
 BYUI      1    0    0    0      1  Brigham Young University-Idaho 
 BLM       0    0    0    1      1  Bureau of Land Management
 BLMCHY    1    0    0    0      1  Bureau of Land Management, Cheyenne, WY
 CALNET    0    0    0    1      1  Calhoun Telecommunications System                  
 CSDS      0    1    0    0      1  California Surveying and Drafting Supply Inc.
 UT-007    1    0    0    0      1  Carbon County GIS, Utah
 CCWY      1    0    0    0      1  Casper College Casper Wyoming
 CAYMAN    1    0    0    1      2  Cayman Islands        
 CFA       0    4    0    0      4  Center For Astrophysics-Harvard
 CNPPD     1    0    0    0      1  Central Nebraska Public Power Irrigation District
 CENTRO    1    0    0    0      1  Centro Nacional de Registros 
 TX0030    0    0    0    1      1  City of Abilene, Texas
 COAIN     1    0    0    0      1  City of Auburn, Information Systems
 OR0180    0    0    0    1      1  City of Beaverton    
 IL0840    1    0    0    0      1  City of Bloomington Illinois 
 OH0920    1    0    0    0      1  City of Bowling Green         
 OH1610    0    0    0    1      1  City of Cincinnati, Ohio
 COEKS     0    0    0    1      1  City of Emporia Kansas        
 GUID      1    0    0    0      1  City of Grand Island Utility Department
 COHPWD    3    1    0    3      7  City of Houston Public Works Department
 AL1730    1    0    0    0      1  City of Huntsville Alabama
 JCKS      0    0    0    1      1  City of Junction City Kansas
 AZ0260    1    0    0    0      1  City of Kingman, Arizona
 CA2200    1    0    0    0      1  City of Modesto        
 AR2730    1    0    0    1      2  City of Mountain Home, Arkansas
 CTYNBG    1    0    0    0      1  City of Newberg
 GA4760    0    0    0    1      1  City of Rome, Georgia          
 TX6170    0    0    0    1      1  City of San Marcos
 AZ0420    2    1    0    0      3  City of Scottsdale, Arizona
 65330     1    0    0    0      1  City of St George Utah       
 AZ0530    2    0    0    0      2  City of Tucson, Arizona
 MN-027    1    0    0    0      1  Clay County Minnesota     
 CBCDOT    0    3    0    0      3  Cobb County Department of Transportation
 CCGIS     0    0    0    1      1  Cognocarta de Costa Rica S.A.
 CODOT     1    0    0    0      1  Colorado Department of Transportation
 GA-073    1    0    0    1      2  Columbia County, Georgia
 CNMI      0    0    0    1      1  Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
 CTINC     1    0    0    0      1  CompassTools Inc.   
 CETINC    0    0    0    1      1  Condor Earth Technologies Inc
 CORMEA    0    0    0    5      5  Conerstone Measurement Solutions
 CONDOT    9    0    0    0      9  Connecticut Department of Transportation
 CTA       1    0    0    2      3  Crafton, Tull, Sparks & Associates, Inc.
 CRAZYM    0    0    0    1      1  Crazy Mountain Joint Venture    
 DEDOPR    1    0    0    0      1  Delaware Department of Parks and Recreation
 DEDT      0    0    0    1      1  Delaware Department of Transportation
 DOUGCS    1    0    0    0      1  Douglas County Surveyor's Office
 DCOGIS    6    0    0    1      7  Dupage County GIS DIV
 EGPSSO   10    1    0    7     18  EGPS Solutions                 
 EDA       1    0    0   14     15  Earl Dudley Associates Incorporated
 ERTHWX    0    0    0    2      2  Earthworx, LLC     
 EDISI     0    0    0    5      5  Easy Drive Stake Inc.     
 ENTI      1    0    0    0      1  EnTech, Inc.               
 ENG       0    1    0    0      1  Engineering, Inc             
 EDCURI    1    0    0    0      1  Environmental Data Center -URI
 ESRI      1    0    0    0      1  Environmental Systems Research Institute
 ETHIOP    2    1    0    0      3  Ethiopia Mapping Agency       
 FALLON    0    0    0    1      1  Fallon Naval Air Station, Nevada
 FAA      39    0    0    3     42  Federal Aviation Administration 
 FLDWKS    0    0    0    1      1  Fieldworks, Inc.                                   
 FVCC      1    0    0    0      1  Flathead Valley Community College
 FLDT     25    1    0    8     34  Florida Department of Transportation
 FCOGA     1    0    0    0      1  Forsyth County GIS Department
 GLIS      3    0    0    0      3  Geographical Registration &Land Information Systems
 GFZ       1    0    0    0      1  German Research Centre for Geosciences
 AZ-007    1    0    0    0      1  Gila County,Arizona
 GLNSC     0    1    0    0      1  Glennville State College - Survey Program
 GVTC      0    0    0    1      1  Greenville Technical College 
 HLCM      8    0    0    0      8  HLCM Group, Inc.               
 HAGCC     0    0    0    1      1  Hagerstown Community College
 HGCSD     3    0    0    1      4  Harris Galveston Coastal Subsidence District
 HSURIN    0    0    0    4      4  Haselbach Surveying Instruments
 IN-063    1    0    0    0      1  Hendricks County Surveyor's Office
 MTECH     1    0    0    0      1  Highlands College of Montana Tech
 AZCCHF    1    0    0    1      2  Highway and Floodplain Department, Cochise County Arizona
 IDDT06    1    0    0    0      1  Idaho Department of Transportation District 6
 ISU       1    0    0    0      1  Idaho State University          
 ITD       3    0    0    0      3  Idaho Transportation Dept     
 INDOT    36    0    0    0     36  Indiana Department of Transportation
 INU       1    0    0    0      1  Indiana University          
 IGN       2    0    0    0      2  Institut Geographique National    
 IRAMSU    0    1    0    0      1  Institute for Regional Ananlysis & Public Policy at MSU
 IGN-GT    3    0    0    0      3  Instituto Geografico Nacional, Guatemala
 IGN-HO    1    0    0    3      4  Instituto Geografico Nacional, Honduras
 INEGI    12    0    0    3     15  Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía, Mexico
 INETER    1    0    0    1      2  Instituto Nicaraguense de Estudios Territoriales
 IADT      2    0    0    0      2  Iowa Department of Transportation
 IRAGDS    6    0    0    0      6  Iraq Ministry of Water Resources General Directorate for Surveys
 JBDI      0    0    0    1      1  J. B. Davies, Inc            
 JPL      12    1    0    3     16  Jet Propulsion Laboratory
 KARA     10    2    0   10     22  KARA Company                  
 KYTC     17    0    0    0     17  Kentucky Transportation Cabinet
 KINGSV    1    0    0    0      1  King Surveyors Inc.    
 IL-097    1    0    0    0      1  Lake County Division of Transportation, Illinois
 LCOGID    0    1    0    0      1  Lancaster County GIS Department
 LCSO      2    0    0    0      2  Lane County Surveyors Office
 LVVWD     8    0    0    5     13  Las Vegas Valley Water District
 LEHIGH    1    0    0    0      1  Lehigh University         
 LEICA     0    0    0    1      1  Leica               
 LEIGEO    0    0    0    2      2  Leica Geosystems    
 GEOATL    0    0    0    3      3  Leica Geosystems Mid-ATL
 LASU     23    3    0    6     32  Louisiana State University  
 LCRA      2    0    0    2      4  Lower Colorado River Authority  
 PA-081    0    1    0    0      1  Lycoming County, Pennsylvania  
 MEDT     10    0    1    0     11  Maine Department of Transportation
 MTS       3    0    0    2      5  Maine Techinal Source
 MARBAY    0    0    0    1      1  Marel Bayamon, Inc                                              
 MCDOT     1    0    0    0      1  Maricopa County Department of Transportation
 MCSO      3    0    0    0      3  Marion County Surveyors Office
 MECOPW   15    0    0    0     15  Mesa County Colorado Department of Public Works
 MIDT     92    0    0    4     96  Michigan Department of Transportation
 MCABJ     6    1    0    0      7  Millenium Challenge Account-Benin
 MNDT     57    1    0    2     60  Minnesota Department of Transportation
 MT-063    2    0    0    0      2  Missoula County Surveyor, Montana
 MODT     66    0    0   17     83  Missouri Department of Transportation
 MVCC      0    1    0    0      1  Mohawk Valley Community College 
 NY-055    0    0    0    1      1  Monroe County, New York 
 MTMUA     0    0    0    1      1  Monroe Township Utility Authority
 MON       0    1    0    0      1  Monsanto-Soda Springs      
 MDT       2    0    0    0      2  Montana Dept of Transportation
 MTMS      1    0    0    0      1  Montana State University Northern
 MTST      1    0    0    0      1  Montana State University-Bozeman
 MBC       0    0    0    1      1  Moore Bass Consulting     
 NCAD      0    0    0    1      1  NCAD Corporation               
 COOPS     1    0    0    0      1  NOAA, Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services
 ESRL     18   27    0    3     48  NOAA, Earth System Research Laboratory
 NGS      33    6    0   11     50  NOAA, National Geodetic Survey
 IN-113    1    0    0    0      1  NOBLE COUNTY INDIANA
 NGIA      0    2    0    1      3  National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
 CADNR    10    0    0    1     11  Natural Resources Canada, Geodetic Survey Division
 NHDOT     1    0    0    1      2  New Hampshire Department of Transportation
 NJIT      0    0    0    1      1  New Jersey Institute of Technology
 NMDOT     4    0    0    0      4  New Mexico Department of Transportation
 NMSU      1    0    0    0      1  New Mexico State University    
 NYSDEC    0    0    0    1      1  New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
 NYSDOT   43    0    0    1     44  New York State Department of Transportation
 NCGS     76    1    0   15     92  North Carolina Geodetic Survey
 NDDT      1    0    0    0      1  North Dakota Department of TransportationSurveys & Photogrammetry
 MADPW     1    0    0    0      1  Northampton Department of Public Works
 OBEC      1    0    0    0      1  OBEC Consulting Engineers
 OHDT     49    0    0    5     54  Ohio Department of Transportation
 OHU       1    0    0    0      1  Ohio University                
 OKDOT    18    0    0    0     18  Oklahoma Department of Transportation
 PANGA     1    0    0    1      2  PANGA                   
 UNAVPB  383    5    0    3    391  PBO                       
 PWCWR     0    0    0    1      1  PWC W/R Engineering, North Carolina
 PACGPS    3    0    0    1      4  Pacific GPS Facility, Hawaii
 DAWENG    0    0    0    1      1  Pape Dawson Engineers Inc.
 SMITHC    0    1    0    0      1  Paul Smiths College      
 PELLIS    0    0    0    1      1  Pellissippi State Technical Community College
 PADT     19    0    0    3     22  Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
 PIERCE    1    0    0    4      5  Pierce County Public Works and Utilities
 GTST      0    0    0    1      1  Precise Geosystems Inc.
 PLI       1    0    0    0      1  Precision Laser & Instrument
 PRDUCT    1    0    0    0      1  Purdue University - College of Tech
 RLDA      0    0    0    2      2  RLDA Surveying and Mapping      
 RODS      1    0    0    1      2  RODS Surveying Inc.             
 RTI      14    1    0    0     15  Rahall Appalachian Transportation Institute
 ANDREA    1    0    0    0      1  Rocco V. D'Andrea, Inc.        
 RRWRD     1    0    0    0      1  Rock River Water Reclamation District
 SLCS      0    1    0    0      1  Salt Lake County Surveyors, Utah
 SRP       1    0    0    0      1  Salt River Project, Arizona 
 ILSA      1    0    0    0      1  Sangamon County, Illinois
 SATLOC    0    0    0    1      1  Satloc Inc.           
 SCBO      1    0    0    0      1  Scotts Bluff County
 SOPAC     7    1    0    1      9  Scripps Orbit and Permanent Array Center
 KS-173    5    0    0    0      5  Sedgwick County      
 SEILER   12    5    0    7     24  Seiler Instruments       
 SKAGIT    0    0    0    1      1  Skagit County Washington
 SMRTNT   48    8    0    5     61  SmartNet North America     
 SCGS     14    0    0    3     17  South Carolina Geodetic Survey
 SOIU      0    0    0    1      1  Southern Illinois Univ Carbondale
 OH-151    0    0    0    5      5  Stark County, Ohio GIS
 SUNY      0    0    0    1      1  State University of New York   
 SOADOT    0    0    0    1      1  State of Alaska, Department of Transportation
 SAMINC    1    0    0    1      2  Surveying and Mapping, Inc   
 SURVSC    0    0    0    1      1  Surveyors Service Company    
 TWT       1    0    0    1      2  Taylor Wiseman & Taylor
 TNDOT    40    0    0    0     40  Tennessee Dept. of Transportation Dsgn Div.
 TXDOTD    6    0    0    0      6  Texas DOT, Dallas District    
 TXDOT   127    0    0   21    148  Texas Department of Transportation
 SUREX     2    0    0    0      2  The Surveyors Exchange, Alaska
 TWAMNY    0    0    0    1      1  Town of Amherst Enginerring Deparment
 TRINST    0    0    0    1      1  Transit Instruments Inc                            
 USAFCE    1    0    0    0      1  U.S. Air Force                   
 USCG    170    1    5  220    396  U.S. Coast Guard        
 NPNF      1    0    0    0      1  U.S. Forest Service, Nez Perce National Forest
 USGSVC    1    0    0    0      1  U.S. Geological Survey Cascades Volcano Obs.
 USGSPA    6    0    0    1      7  U.S. Geological Survey, Pasadena/SCIGN
 USNOAM    1    0    0    0      1  U.S. Naval Observatory, Alternate Master Clock
 USSRC     1    0    0    0      1  U.S. Space & Rocket Center 
 UNAVCO   35    7    4    2     48  UNAVCO Inc.                  
 UNAVPS    7    3    1    0     11  UNAVCO_NON-PBO               
 UOAA      1    0    0    0      1  University of Alaska Anchorage
 UARM      0    1    0    0      1  University of Arkansas, Monticello
 UCONN     0    0    0    1      1  University of Connecticut
 UIL       1    0    0    1      2  University of Illinois         
 UMDBAL    1    0    0    0      1  University of Maryland, Baltimore County
 UMT       1    0    0    0      1  University of Montana            
 UNHFIT    1    0    0    0      1  University of New Hampshire FIT     
 USMGOR    0    0    0    1      1  University of Southern Maine
 GCGCMU    0    0    0    2      2  University of Southern Mississippi, GCGC
 GCGC     11    0    0    7     18  University of Southern Mississippi, Gulf Coast Geospatial Center
 USMS      1    0    0    0      1  University of Southern Mississippi, Stennis Space Center
 UTEP      0    1    0    0      1  University of Texas El Paso    
 UVM       1    0    0    0      1  University of VermontNetwork Services
 UTDT      0    0    0    1      1  Utah Department of Transportation
 VTAT     14    1    0    0     15  Vermont Agency of Transportation/VAOT
 VUTD      1    0    0    0      1  Vincennes University
 VDMME     1    0    0    0      1  Virginia Department of Mines Minerals & Energy
 VADOT     4    0    0    1      5  Virginia Department of Transportation
 WFF       1    0    0    0      1  Wallops Flight Facility-NASA GSFC
 WACOSU    1    0    0    1      2  Washington County Surveyor's Office
 WSRN      9    0    0    0      9  Washington State Reference Network
 WACOPW    5    0    0    2      7  Washoe County Public Works
 UT-057    0    0    0    1      1  Weber County Survey Department, Utah
 WECHCO    1    0    0    0      1  West Chester University        
 WIDT      2    0    0    0      2  Wisconsin Department of Transportation
 WHU       1    0    0    0      1  Wuhan University              
        ----  ---  ---  ---   ----
        1872  104   11  514   2501 Site Totals 
          Op  Non  Pre  Dec  Total**                

------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *Agency Code=NGS code for contributing agency; **Op=operating normally, Non=no data for 30 days,
   Pre=preliminary no coordinates published, Dec=Decommissioned, Total=Total sites (Op+Non+Pre+Dec)


   (Note: all of these commands are case sensitive)

  The following commands are accepted:


  To add yourself to the list, send an empty email message to:

    with subject "Subscribe NGS_CORS_news"
    Your name will be added to the list and you will receive all posts


  To remove yourself from the list, send a message to:

    with subject "Unsubscribe NGS_CORS_news"
    Your name will be removed and you will no longer receive any posts.


  To retrieve a current copy of this Information file, send a message to:

    with subject "Info NGS_CORS_news" and in the body of the message the 
    word "Info".


  Subscribers may NOT post to the list.
  The list sends out a post once a week on Tuesday.


  If you have problems using these commands, you should contact the 
    Moderator at: @

A Harris press to the right and the Seybold-Harris guillotine paper cutter to the left. Note the C&GS logo pressmen shirt on the man on the guillotine.