Wounded Warriors Give the Army a Piece of Their Mind

AW2 Symposium delegates focus intently on their role in improving Army warrior care.

By BG Gary Cheek, WTC Commander

This week, the Army Wounded Warrior Program (AW2) is hosting its sixth annual Symposium in San Antonio, Texas. It’s is a great event, where 65 AW2 Soldiers, Veterans, and Families get together to prioritize the issues and problems facing wounded warriors in the Army. Not only do they tell us what’s wrong, but they also tell us how they think we should fix it.

At the end of the week, I’ll listen to their recommendations, along with several other senior leaders from the Army and other government agencies. Then we’ll roll up our sleeves and start taking the actions necessary to address the problems.

The issues identified at past AW2 Symposiums have produced lasting improvements for wounded warriors and Families, such as…

  • access to treatment for TBI at every military installation
  • the creation of Soldier Family Assistance Centers

And new legislation that includes…

  • an additional $10,000 in VA housing benefits
  • a monthly stipend for primary caregivers
  • expanded Traumatic Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance coverage by adding TBI and uniplegia (complete paralysis of an arm or leg) as qualification criteria

I look forward to meeting the delegates and hearing their personal stories. I attended the event last year as well, and I noticed how seriously the delegates took their responsibility and how committed they were to making things better for wounded warriors and Families who will follow. Supporting the severely wounded is one of the most important missions in the Army, and I look forward to hearing the delegates’ recommendations on how we can continue to expand and improve the system.

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