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February 15, 2013
Cover of the Integrated Science Assessment (ISA) for Carbon MonoxideEPA is announcing the Integrated Science Assessment (ISA) of Ozone (O3) and Related Photochemical Oxidants Final Report. This is EPA's latest evaluation of the scientific literature on the potential human health and welfare effects associated with ambient exposures to O3. The development of this document is part of the Agency's periodic review of the national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS) and will provide the scientific basis to inform EPA decisions related to the review of the current O3 standards. [Federal Register Feb 15, 2013]
February 05, 2013
EPA's IRIS Program have posted updated schedules for several chemicals in the assessment development process. The chemical assessments with new schedules represent a subset of the entire IRIS agenda. These schedules incorporate additional stakeholder engagement early in the assessment development process. For several assessments that have already undergone public comment and external peer review, the schedules reflect EPA's decision to obtain further public comment and external peer review of the revisions due to the nature of the peer review comments. The release of these schedules represents the IRIS Program's continuing efforts to improve the assessment development process, meet the needs of the American public, and meet our goal to complete the IRIS assessments in a timely manner.
January 30, 2013
EPA's Integrated Risk Information (IRIS) Program submits new materials to the National Research Council (NRC)committee reviewing their assessment development process.
January 25, 2013
EPA's Science Advisory Board announces the establishment of the Chemical Assessment Advisory Committee (CAAC) for review of IRIS Assessments. The charter of the new CAAC committee is to provide advice regarding Toxicological Reviews of environmental chemicals available on EPA's Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS). EPA will also consult with the committee on questions regarding the Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) Program. This action continues the agency's efforts to further strengthen the IRIS program. [November 18, 2011 Press Release]
January 22, 2013
EPA is announcing the availability of the independent workshop proceedings, Report of the State-of-the-Science Workshop: Evaluation of Epidemiological Data Consistency for Application in Regulatory Risk Assessment. This report provides a summary of selected epidemiology methodological issues for assessing consistency in epidemiological study results.
January 11, 2013
EPA has released the response to comments document on the draft exposure factors handbook from the external peer review meeting that was held on March 3-4, 2010 in Arlington, VA.
December 20, 2012
EPA announced an update on the schedule of the draft assessment in response to over 230,000 public comments and the comments received from expert peer reviewers. EPA plans to have a group of qualified experts review the revised assessment prior to completion of the final assessment. The Agency is working to determine the schedule, scope, and methodology of this additional review. No deadline for completing the assessment has been set.
December 20, 2012
EPA's IRIS Program is developing updated schedules for many chemicals in the assessment development process. The new schedules will be announced on the IRIS website and available in IRISTrack in the near future. While the new schedules are being developed, the IRIS Program is continuing to improve the development process to meet our goal to complete IRIS assessments in a timely manner.
December 14, 2012
EPA is announcing the availability of the final report, Provisional Assessment of Recent Studies on Health Effects of Particulate Matter Exposure. This report presents the findings of EPA's survey and provisional assessment of studies published since the completion of the 2009 PM ISA. EPA has screened and surveyed the recent literature and developed a provisional assessment that places those studies of potentially greatest relevance to the current PM NAAQS review in the context of the findings of the 2009 PM ISA.
November 27, 2012
EPA is announcing the release of the draft document, Integrated Science Assessment for Lead - Third External Review Draft for public review and comment. This draft document represents a concise synthesis and evaluation of the most policy-relevant science and will ultimately provide the scientific bases for EPA's decision regarding the adequacy of the current national ambient air quality standards for lead to protect human health, public welfare, and the environment. [Federal Register Nov 27, 2012]

Recent Addition items from past years

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