

Public Information Statement...Comment Request

National Weather Service Headquarters Washington DC

740 AM EDT Wed Sep 29 2010


To:      Subscribers:

         - Family of Services

         - NOAA Weather Wire Service

         - Emergency Managers Weather Information Network

         - NOAAPORT

         Other NWS partners and NWS employees


From:    Tim McClung
         Science Plans Branch Chief
         Office of Science and Technology


Subject: Soliciting Public Comments Through November 30, 2010

         for Experimental Gridded Localized Aviation Model

         Output Statistics Program (LAMP) Products


Effective Tuesday, September 28, 2010, the NWS began producing

experimental Gridded LAMP observations and guidance products

for the CONUS and disseminating them on the NWS server.  These

products are available in GRIB2 format. The NWS is seeking user

feedback on these products through November 30, 2010.


The Gridded LAMP products contain guidance on a 2.5 km Lambert 
Conformal grid covering the same expanse as the National Digital 
Forecast Database (NDFD) CONUS grid.  Grids will be generated 
hourly consisting of gridded forecasts for projections of 
1 to 25 hours in advance, as well as gridded observations for 
the initial time of the Gridded LAMP cycle. Grids will initially 
be available for the following elements with others to be added 
at a later date:
  2-meter temperature observations and the associated error
  2-meter dewpoint temperature observations and the associated
     error estimations
  Ceiling height observations
  Visibility observations
  2-meter temperature forecast guidance
  2-meter dewpoint temperature forecast guidance
  Ceiling height forecast guidance
  Visibility forecast guidance
The products are available in GRIB2 format in the National 
Digital Guidance Database (NDGD). They will initially be 
available on the NWS server at:



A web page outlining the Gridded LAMP products and the NWS server 
directory and file structure can be found online at:

Users are encouraged to provide feedback on these experimental

products by using the brief survey and comment form available on line at:


If you have technical comments or questions, please contact:


Judy Ghirardelli

National Weather Service

Meteorological Development Laboratory

301-713-0056 x194


Links to the LAMP products and descriptions can found at:



National Public Information Statements are online at:

