Data and Forecasts courtesy of:

AQI Forecast - https://files.airnowtech.org/airnow/today/forecast_aqi_20161227_mi_in_oh.jpg Map Map Map Map Map Map Map Map Map Map Map Map Map
Legend: National Parks/Monuments National Parks/Monuments     Legend: Tribal Boundaries Tribal Boundaries
The tribal boundaries shown here are provided by the Bureau of Indian Affairs and are intended to be used as a general spatial reference only. They are not a formal determination of tribal boundaries by the EPA.
 - https://files.airnowtech.org/airnow/today/cur_aqi_mi_in_oh.jpg Map Map Map Map Map Map Map Map Map Map Map Map Map
Legend: National Parks/Monuments National Parks/Monuments     Legend: Tribal Boundaries Tribal Boundaries
The tribal boundaries shown here are provided by the Bureau of Indian Affairs and are intended to be used as a general spatial reference only. They are not a formal determination of tribal boundaries by the EPA.
AQI Animation - https://files.airnowtech.org/airnow/today/anim_aqi_mi_in_oh.gif Map Map Map Map Map Map Map Map Map Map Map Map Map
Legend: National Parks/Monuments National Parks/Monuments     Legend: Tribal Boundaries Tribal Boundaries
The tribal boundaries shown here are provided by the Bureau of Indian Affairs and are intended to be used as a general spatial reference only. They are not a formal determination of tribal boundaries by the EPA.
AQI: Good (0 - 50) AQI: Good (0 - 50)
Air quality is considered satisfactory, and air pollution poses little or no risk.
AQI: Moderate (51 - 100) AQI: Moderate (51 - 100)
Air quality is acceptable; however, for some pollutants there may be a moderate health concern for a very small number of people who are unusually sensitive to air pollution.
AQI: Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups (101 - 150) AQI: Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups (101 - 150)
Although general public is not likely to be affected at this AQI range, people with lung disease, older adults and children are at a greater risk from exposure to ozone, whereas persons with heart and lung disease, older adults and children are at greater risk from the presence of particles in the air.
AQI: Unhealthy (151 - 200) AQI: Unhealthy (151 - 200)
Everyone may begin to experience health effects members of sensitive groups may experience more serious health effects.
 AQI:Very Unhealthy (201 - 300) AQI: Very Unhealthy (201 - 300)
Health alert: everyone may experience more serious health effects.
AQI: Hazardous(301 - 500) AQI: Hazardous (301 - 500)
Health warnings of emergency conditions. The entire population is more likely to be affected.
Action DayAction Day
Local Air Quality Resources
Action Day Programs | Forecast | Real-time Air Quality Data | Today's AQI
State Air Quality Resources
Air Monitoring via MIair – AQI, Pollutant Maps & Data
Air Quality Division - Michigan DEQ
American Lung Association (ALA) of Michigan
Department Environmental Quality (DEQ)
Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Environmental Emergency Contacts
Local Clean Air Coalitions: Clean Air Coalition of Southeast Michigan
Local Clean Air Coalitions: West Michigan Clean Air Coalition
Midwest Haze Camera
Data and Forecasts courtesy of:
Air Quality Forecast
Today's High Tomorrow's High
Air Quality Index (AQI)
Good Good
Health Message: None
Air Quality Index (AQI)
Good Good
Health Message: None
AQI - Pollutant Details
Particles (PM2.5)
Particles (PM2.5)
Forecast Discussion: FORECAST SUMMARY: Tuesday, December 27th 2016 through Tuesday, January 3rd, 2017 PM-2.5: 24-hour Fine Particulate concentrations are expected to be mostly Good to Low Moderates throughout the forecast period. FORECAST DISCUSSION: After a late December thaw, colder weather moves into the region on Tuesday. Good Air Quality will accompany this colder weather. A small period of warm air advection will arrive during Wednesday bringing some chance of Low Moderates, especially in the more urban areas. A low pressure trough will pass through the region early Thursday putting the area back into a west to northwest wind pattern and Good Air Quality. This should persist into Saturday when winds turn to a more southerly direction, again. Northwesterly wind will return on Sunday before settling into an easterly to southerly component wind for the early part of next week. Overall, we will see a mixture of Good to Low Moderate fine particulate concentrations, mostly dependent on when the winds are southerly (with wet ground) or northerly (with frozen ground). EXTENDED FORECAST: Air Quality is expected to continue to be Good to Low Moderate into the first week of the new year. Forecast updated by Jim Haywood: Tuesday, December 27th, 2016 Next forecast update: Tuesday, January 3rd, 2017

Current Conditions
Air Quality Index (AQI)
observed at 19:00 EST
Health Message: None
Note: Values above 500 are considered Beyond the AQI. Follow recommendations for the Hazardous category. Additional information on reducing exposure to extremely high levels of particle pollution is available here.
AQI - Pollutant Details
Particles (PM2.5) 38 Good

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Air Quality Maps Archives (by region)

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