October 27, 2012

Notable Government Documents 2011: Past as Prologue

ljx1200502webGodort Notable Government Documents 2011: Past as Prologue

By Marianne Ryan

In this Article
Agencies and Distributors
The ALA/Godord Panel

The more things change, the more they remain the same—or do they? While history was brought to bear in numerous respects during the past year, some significant changes occurred on the government information landscape. That said, this year’s list of notable titles reflects an enduring interest in aspects of the past mirrored in current reality.

The federal budget deficit and elusive budget agreement between Republicans and Democrats meant that adequate funding for education and libraries remained elusive as well, with significant cutbacks occurring for yet another year and taking its toll on information services. On the federal level, the government began to scrutinize the proliferation of .gov websites, striving to eliminate overlap. On the state level, the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) took a hit. And, finally, a cut to the Census Bureau’s Statistical Compendia Branch eliminated the Statistical Abstract of the United States—though that had a happy ending (see below). Nonetheless, the Notable Documents Panel had plenty to choose from in selecting this year’s gov docs.

GPO leadership

In January 2011, William J. Boarman became the 26th Public Printer of the United States. His recess appointment to lead the Government Printing Office (GPO) lasted only until the end of the calendar year but was marked by a number of accomplishments, including assessing Congress’s needs for—then reducing accordingly—print distribution of titles such as the Federal Register, resulting in considerable cost savings. On Boarman’s watch, GPO continued to increase the number of born-digital items it distributed, partnered with Google and other vendors to provide ebooks, and continued the transition to the Federal Digital System—FDsys—with GPO Access becoming archive-only. GPO’s tribute to its history, Keeping America Informed: The U.S. Government Printing Office; 150 Years of Service to the Nation, was published and is one of the year’s notable titles. Upon his departure, Boarman named his deputy and chief of staff, Davita Vance-Cooks, as acting public printer, making her the first woman to assume that post in GPO’s history.


Ongoing fiscal challenges and other struggles that libraries face continued to impact their participation in the Federal Depository Library Program. For only the second time in history, two depository libraries—the State Library of Michigan and the University of Nevada, Reno—dropped regional status within a single calendar year, opting to serve as selective depositories instead. That left both those states without a regional to serve them. In addition, 18 selective depository libraries left FDLP in 2011, and so far five more have dropped out in 2012. But one library—Towson University, MD—rejoined, bringing the total number of depository libraries to 1,201 as of this writing. In an effort to consider more effectively possibilities for FDLP’s role in the digital environment, GPO contracted with Ithaka S + R to explore sustainable ­solutions.

Expanding its use of social media, GPO launched a Facebook page in 2011 and established a presence in Foursquare and Yelp. In November, the agency released the Member Guide as its first app for web and mobile devices. It then collaborated with the Library of Congress to develop an app for the Congressional Record and most recently another for the FY13 federal budget. Information is now available on a variety of platforms via more than 100 apps created by agencies governmentwide.

Government in the cloud

While more than one Wikileaks brouhaha raged in the background, the federal government embarked on an overhaul of its entire IT strategy and its web presence. In a February 2011 directive, the Obama administration mandated that agencies think “cloud first.” Per the White House’s Federal Cloud Computing Strategy, the time had come to improve efficiencies and security, eliminate redundancies, and transform IT from an asset to a service. Among the inefficiencies identified was the government’s web presence, which had grown unmanageably large and unwieldy. In June 2011, the President ordered a freeze on new government websites and an analysis of existing ones by the agencies that maintain them. A .gov Reform Task Force was charged to make recommendations to improve or eliminate websites that are redundant, out-of-date, or counterintuitive.

Requiem for Statistical Abstract

Government websites aren’t all that landed on the chopping block in 2011. Early in the year, librarians around the country were dismayed to learn that the Census Bureau budget for FY12 made no provision for the Statistical Compendia Branch, which produced the venerable and beloved Statistical Abstract of the United States, and, thus, the 2012 edition would be the last produced by the Census Bureau. Then, in late March, content provider ProQuest announced its intent to pick up where the government left off and publish Statistical Abstract in both print (to be copublished with Bernan Press) and online beginning with the 2013 edition. The upshot is there should be no interruption between the final taxpayer-funded version and the inaugural privatized one. Statistical Abstract received a number of nominations as a 2011 Notable Document and was given a lifetime achievement award by the Dartmouth Medal committee in 2011.

The 2011 list

Nominated documents reflect an interest in political issues, historical happenings, and personal enrichment. This year’s list includes titles on wars past and present, international relations, diversity and gender equality, infrastructure, and the environment—as well as health, education, and welfare writ large. The vast majority are available online, many with print counterparts. Contact information for publishers and distributors appears at the end of the list. The Notable Documents Panel thanks all who participated in the nominating process.


Beneath the Surface: Thirty Years of Historical Geography in Skagway, Alaska. by Becky M. Saleeby. U.S. Dept. of Interior, Alaska Regional Office. 2011. 228p. illus. maps. SuDoc# I 29.2:SU 7/3.
In a single volume, the National Park Service has summarized 30 years of archaeological fieldwork in Skagway, AK, and in the surrounding villages and ghost towns that served as supply stations and recreation spots for the estimated 100,000 individuals who sought their fortune along the Yukon River in the 1890s. Illustrated with historic photographs of street scenes and images of many of the artifacts retrieved from privies and trash pits, this absorbing document illustrates domestic and professional life on the Alaska frontier.

Bumble Bees of the Eastern United States. by Sheila Colla & others. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Pollinator Partnership. 2011. 103p. illus. map. SuDoc# A 13.2:B 39/8. purl.fdlp.gov/GPO/gpo13132
Designed for use as a field guide, this volume fills the needs of melittologists (those who study bees) of all ages for a quick and easy way of identifying the 21 species of bumble bee (genus bombus) most commonly encountered between the Atlantic coast and the Mississippi River. With close-up color photographs, body part diagrams, maps, and charts; beautifully browsable.

Cathlapotle and Its Inhabitants, 1792–1860: A Report Prepared for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Region 1. by Robert Boyd. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Svc. 2011. 209p. illus. maps. SuDoc# I 49.111:15.
Anthropologist Boyd has written the most comprehensive synthesis to date of known ethnographic and historic information concerning the “Cathlapotle Reach,” a stretch of the Columbia River from Longview to Vancouver. Focusing on one of the two largest and best preserved Portland Basin villages, Cathlapotle, located on what is now the Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge, Boyd explores the identity of its Native inhabitants from the beginning of Euroamerican contact in 1792 through 1860, by which time most had been removed to reservations. The report uses extensive excerpts from primary source materials and illustrative maps and graphics to clarify the cultural and territorial bases of Native identities in the Cathlapotle Reach. Boyd draws on more than 35 years of anthropological research and teaching about Pacific Northwest Native American ethnohistory, cultural contact and change, cultural ecology, and medical anthropology.

The Center of the World, the Edge of the World: A History of Lava Beds National Monument. by Frederick L. Brown. National Park Svc., Pacific West Regional Office. 2011. 348p. illus. maps. SuDoc# I 29.58/3:L 38.
This NPS tract portrays the human history of north-central California’s Lava Beds National Monument region from its beginning as the ancestral homeland of the Modoc. Artifacts, hieroglyphs, and rock paintings illuminate the lifestyle of these people before the arrival of the Hudson’s Bay Company. Drawings by Edward Kern and Charles Preuss illustrate Capt. John C. Fremont’s expedition into the area in 1846. The lava beds were designated a national monument by presidential proclamation in 1925.

Confronting the Nation’s Fiscal Policy Challenges: Statement of Douglas W. Elmendorf, Director, Before the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction, U.S. Congress. U.S. Congressional Budget Office. 2011. Online. SuDoc# Y 10.2:P 75/9. purl.fdlp.gov/GPO/gpo12665.
The so-called Super Committee created by the Budget Control Act of 2011 was charged with formulating a bipartisan recommendation for dealing with budget challenges created by an aging population, the rising cost of health care, and declining revenues. On November 21, 2011, the committee acknowledged that it had failed to reach consensus regarding legislation; however, it did release this document, which outlines its research findings and its budget predictions. Written for nonspecialists, it presents a dire outlook if voters are unable to overcome their partisanship.

Freedom by the Sword: The U.S. Colored Troops, 1862–1867. by William A. Dobak. U.S. Army Center of Military History. 2011. 553p. illus. maps. SuDoc# D 114.19:SW 7. GPO Stock# 008-029-00542-5. $38. purl.fdlp.gov/GPO/gpo10905.
In what may be the definitive “operational history” of black troops in action during the Civil War, Dobak describes the differences in how freedmen and runaway slaves were recruited, how they lived, and how they were trained. Most important, it considers how gallantly these men performed in combat at a time when many of their own leaders questioned whether they would be willing to fight for their own freedom and for that of their families. Much of the documentation comes from the “War of the Rebellion” ­series.

Keeping America Informed: The U.S. Government Printing Office; 150 years of Service to the Nation. U.S. GPO. 2011. 149p. illus. SuDoc# GP 1.2:IN 3/2. GPO Stock# 021-000-00212-7. $21. purl.fdlp.gov/GPO/gpo8534.
Liberally illustrated with historical photographs and facsimiles of famous government documents, this volume will appeal to a wider audience than depository librarians. Historians and history buffs who have an interest in government and how it interacts with both the private sector and public employee unions will find a compelling story that focuses on the federal government’s obligation to keep citizens informed about its activities.

Legacy of Excellence: The Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, 1862–2011. by Paul Stone. U.S. Army Medical Center & School, Borden Inst. 2011. 251p. illus. SuDoc# D 101.2:AR 5/104. GPO Stock# 008-000-01043-9. $65.
In 1862, shortly after the Battle of Antietam, army surgeon general Brigadier Gen. William Hammond ordered the establishment of the Army Medical Museum. Surgeons working on Civil War battlefields were encouraged to preserve anatomical specimens, such as severed limbs and diseased organs, and send them to the museum for further research. From the start, the museum made its displays of specimens and instruments, as well as its medical library, available to the general public. Under the leadership of later curators, such as John Billings and Walter Reed, the museum evolved into the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology. Readers interested in the history of science, especially medical science or in the devastating effects of Civil War weaponry on the human body, will be fascinated by the hundreds of graphic photographs.

Macondo: The Gulf Oil Disaster: Chief Counsel’s Report. U.S. National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill & Offshore Drilling. 2011. 357p. illus. SuDoc# PR 44.8:D 36/M 23. GPO Stock# 040-000-00787-3. $35. purl.fdlp.gov/GPO/gpo4390.
The National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill was created by President Obama and charged with investigating the root causes of the largest accidental marine oil spill in the history of the petroleum industry. The committee concluded that the cause of the blowout was not mechanical. Instead, a number of poor management decisions, combined with an inadequate regulatory structure and an indifferent regulatory agency, overwhelmed the safeguards designed to prevent such disasters. Plenty of illustrations and photographs offer a glimpse into the technology of offshore oil rigs.

Mexico’s “Narco-Refugees”: The Looming Challenge for U.S. National Security. Strategic Studies Inst., U.S. Army War Coll. 2011. 40p. SuDoc# D 101.146:N 16. purl.fdlp.gov/GPO/gpo13768.
This report focuses on the growing challenge to American immigration and national security policy posed by Mexicans who involuntarily cross the border in order to escape the violence of the brutal drug cartels that operate in their country. Current immigration policy allows refugees to seek political asylum in the United States when they are targeted victims of religious and political persecution. Alternatively, those who have been directly threatened by drug lords have been returned to Mexico as the U.S. authorities to whom they must appeal are suspicious of undocumented border crossings that don’t fall under the umbrella of current policy.

Navy Medicine at War: The Complete Series. Navy Medicine Support Command, Visual Information Directorate. 2010. 6 discs. color & b/w. 201 min. SuDoc# D 206.24:W 19/DVD.
This six-DVD set documents the history of navy medical activities during World War II from Pearl Harbor to the bombing of Japan. It contains plenty of archival footage combined with reenactments. In addition, it relies on interviews with surviving veteran sailors, as well as doctors and nurses who share their eyewitness accounts of life aboard the ships in the South Pacific more than 60 years ago.

The Senate’s Civil War. U.S. Senate. 2011. 33p. illus. SuDoc# Y 1.3:S. Pub. 112-7. www.senate.gov/reference/Index/Civil_War_Senate.htm.
A collection of photographs, maps, political cartoons, and other materials that emphasize the crucial role played by the U.S. Senate during the Civil War and Reconstruction. The online supplement includes full-text versions of the documents that are only summarized or cited in the book, such as the Final Report of the Joint Committee on the Conduct of the War, various speeches extracted from the Congressional Globe, and letters and memoirs by Senate members who saw the Capitol building transformed into barracks and that document the impeachment of President Andrew Johnson.

Statistical Abstract of the United States: 2012. 131st ed. U.S. Census Bureau. 2011. 1004p. illus. SuDoc # C 3.134:2012. GPO Stock # 003-024-09088-1. $44. purl.access.gpo.gov/GPO/LPS2878.
In addition to being the quintessential statistical resource of all time, Statistical Abstract is a Notable Document for 2011 simply because this edition will be the last produced by the Census Bureau and distributed through FDLP. Future editions will be published commercially, so librarians will still have options for maintaining the continuity of their print collections. A classic reference tool.

Then Came the Fire: Personal Accounts from the Pentagon, 11 September, 2001. U.S. Army, Center of Military History. 2011. 328p. illus. SuDoc# D 114.2:P 38. GPO Stock# 008-029-00545-0. purl.fdlp.gov/GPO/gpo13501.
In 2011, there were many publications designed to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the attacks of September 11, 2001. In addition to the 59 people aboard the flight that struck the Pentagon, 125 people in the Pentagon were killed. The editors of this memorial volume have collected the stories of eyewitnesses, including the military and civilian personnel who escaped the burning building and first responders and reporters at the scene. It also includes hundreds of photographs.

U.S. Army Order of Battle, 1919–1941. by Steven E. Clay. Combat Studies Inst. 2010. illus. maps. SuDoc# D 110.2:B 32/2/v.1-4. purl.fdlp.gov/GPO/gpo4474.
This massive encyclopedia outlines the command structure of the U.S. Army. It contains an entry for each individual unit and provides information such as name of commanding officers, assigned headquarters, and brief history and focuses on where and when the unit experienced combat. The volumes covering World War I were published in 1939; for World War II, 1984. This latest series addition covers army units between the two World Wars and required 20 years of painstaking research.

Weather Spotters Field Guide: A Guide to Being a SKYWARN Spotter. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Weather Svc. 2011. 68p. illus. SuDoc# C 55.108:SP 6/4. purl.fdlp.gov/GPO/gpo11809.
Since the 1960s, SKYWARN, a program of the National Weather Service, has trained thousands of volunteer, on-the-ground weather spotters to recognize the initial signs of potentially hazardous weather. These volunteers are a vital link in NWS’s alert and warning process. The Field Guide is their working reference manual and contains many “first signs” photos, policy and procedures for reporting dangerous weather, and safety tips for weather spotting.


North Dakota

Crossing the Water: An Oral History of the Four Bears Bridge. by Calvin Grinnell & others. North Dakota Dept. of Transportation. 2010. OCLC# 694787162. 4 discs. color & b/w. 160 min. Free (limited quantities upon request).
“The three bridges known as ‘Four Bears’ and the Garrison Dam had a profound effect on the people living along the Missouri River and on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation,” per the program packaging. Using historic photos and footage and the words of those there at the time, this DVD set lets “the bridges reemerge, taking their place in a landscape of memories and taking their physical shape in a graceful new span across the Missouri River.”

North Dakota Trail Guide. North Dakota Parks & Recreation. 2010. OCLC# 670095591. 43p. illus. maps. Free. www.parkrec.nd.gov/activities/attachments/state_trail_guide.pdf.
North Dakota offers outdoor enthusiasts a wide choice of trails for exploring the state’s diverse terrain, beautiful scenery, and historic landmarks. Whether seasoned or novice hikers, longtime residents, or new visitors to the state, users of this guide will find the basics of what’s needed to explore North Dakota’s varied outdoor offerings, including location, amenities, and contact info for 18 trails located in state parks, state forests, recreation areas, and nature areas.

Sundogs and Sunflowers: Folklore and Folk Art of the Northern Great Plains. by Timothy J. Kloberdanz & Troyd A. Geist. North Dakota Council on the Arts. 2010. 339p. illus. ISBN 9780911205213. OCLC# 656158780. pap. $34.95.
With more than 1000 folklore texts representing the peoples and cultures of North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wyoming, Montana, and Canadian provinces, from 2010 to decades past, this volume covers ghost stories, weather, folk beliefs, medicine, language, and lore. Over 300 photographs depict the rich colors of art, traditions, and life on the Great Plains.


Ohio Statehouse: A Building for the Ages. by Cheryl J. Straker & Chris Matheney. Capitol Square Review and Advisory Board, dist. by Donning Co. 2011. 80p. illus. ISBN 9781578646821. OCLC# 790407726. pap. $13.95.
In the year of its sesquicentennial, the Ohio Statehouse, Senate Building, Atrium, and grounds and many of the political leaders who have made a lasting impression on Ohio politics are celebrated in this book, which aims to offer readers a glimpse of the history, architecture, and symbolism of Ohio democracy.

Stream Fishes of Ohio—Field Guide. by Brian Zimmerman. Ohio Dept. of Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife. 2011. 78p. illus. maps. OCLC# 740435870. Free. www.dnr.state.oh.us/Portals/9/pdf/pub5127.pdf.
Fish are far harder to observe than most other wildlife. But for the adventuresome naturalist who doesn’t mind getting a little wet, this resource provides for easy identification of 76 of Ohio’s most common stream fish species. The colorful guide includes photographs and descriptions of each of the featured species along with maps of some of the principal rivers and streams that crisscross the state. The title also provides general information on stream ecology and conservation, Ohio fishing license requirements, references, and a glossary. For aspiring ichthyologists.


Fast Forward: Regional Transit System Plan (RTSP). Indian Nations Council of Governments. 2011. 144p. illus. maps. ISBN 9781885596888. OCLC# 747978209. Free. www.fastforwardplan.org.
Facing new and evolving challenges, agencies and institutions in Tulsa have taken the opportunity to engage the public, study alternative transportation solutions, and create community visions to help guide regional success. This resource compiles the findings of extensive transportation studies of existing services, historic transportation models, community input, and city infrastructure into a plan that will guide the future of regional transportation in the Tulsa area.

ODOT 100: Celebrating the First 100 Years of Transportation in Oklahoma. by Bob Burke. Oklahoma Dept. of Transportation, dist. by Oklahoma Heritage Assn. 275p. illus. maps. ISBN 9781885596888. OCLC# 787978209. pap. $25.
Well before statehood, Oklahomans began building roadways and advocating actively for better road conditions. On March 16, 1911, the Oklahoma Legislature passed House Bill 318 creating the Oklahoma State Highway Department. Since then, Oklahoma’s developing transportation system has seen vibrant growth, from Route 66 to the aeronautics industry. Through historic photos, maps, and text, this volume provides a look at the colorful and vibrant history of Oklahoma’s highways, waterways, railroads, turnpikes, and aeronautics.


Aquifers of Texas. by Peter Gillham George & others. Texas Water Development Board. 2011. 172p. illus. maps. OCLC# 787271257. Free. www.twdb.state.tx.us/publications/reports/numbered_reports/doc/R380_AquifersofTexas.pdf.
This study provides an overview of nine major and 21 minor Texas aquifers. Summaries describe the geology, hydrology, and water use of the aquifers, while the report discusses water issues and reviews groundwater basics and management. Although this report is technical in nature, it serves as a layperson’s guide to Texas groundwater resources.


A Community-Based Food System: Building Health, Wealth, Connection, and Capacity as the Foundation of Our Economic Future. by Eric S. Bendfeldt & others. Virginia Cooperative Extension Svc. www.pubs.ext.vt.edu/3306/3306-9029/3306-9029-PDF.pdf. 2011. 40p. illus. maps. Free.
Interest in local foods is increasing throughout the United States. Leaders in the Martinsville, VA, region realized this growing awareness could help foster a community-based food system, thus contributing to the economic, social, and environmental stability of local farms and neighborhoods. This report defines a local food system, assesses the Martinsville region’s setup, and highlights many potential health, economic, and synergistic outcomes that result from building a vibrant community-based food system.

Federal Health Care Reform: Do Recent Changes in Federal Health Care Reform Have You Puzzled? State Corporation Commission, Commonwealth of Virginia. 2011. www.scc.virginia.gov/boi/pubs/hcrpuzzle.pdf. 27p. illus. Free.
Many questions and much misinformation arose after the passage of the Affordable Care Act. The Bureau of Insurance in Virginia took action to offer its residents clear information about new health-care and insurance requirements. This guide provides Virginians with straightforward answers to common questions about the act and sister legislation passed in the state; it also outlines the rights and responsibilities of the insured.

Virginia Memory Project. Library of Virginia. 2011. www.virginiamemory.com. Free.
The Library of Virginia maintains vast and varied collections of print materials, manuscripts, archival records, newspapers, photographs and ephemera, maps and atlases, rare books, and fine art. Virginia Memory offers a wide array of complementary digital collections, representing the history of Virginia’s government, life, and local color. This website also serves as an online classroom with lesson plans, featured collections, and guides for educators to incorporate digital materials into their traditional classroom settings. A worthwhile resource for genealogists and historians, too.


Against the Odds: Disadvantaged Students Who Succeed in School. Organisation for Economic Co-operation & Development, dist. by Bernan & Renouf. 2011. 198p. illus. map. bibliog. ISBN 9789264089952. pap. $54. www.oecd-ilibrary.org/education/against-the-odds_9789264090873-en.
Why do some socioeconomically underprivileged students succeed in the classroom while so many others fail? This report uses data collected through the Programme for International Student Assessment—a study that evaluates education systems worldwide by testing 15-year-olds—to answer this question. The narrative is accessible to a wide audience.

Atlas of Global Development. 3d ed. World Bank & HarperCollins, dist. by Bernan & Renouf. 2011. 144p. illus. maps. ISBN 9780821385838. pap. $29.95. eAtlas of Global Development: data.worldbank.org/atlas-global.
Through the use of thematic maps, charts, tables, and clear prose, this book portrays progress in the struggle against a wide range of global problems. The publication was accompanied by the release of the eAtlas of Global Development, a free online resource that allows users to create customized maps, import and export data, and graph more than 175 statistical series over longer periods than covered by the print atlas. Everyone from high school students to professors will find these resources fascinating.

Combating Discrimination on Grounds of Sexual Orientation or Gender Identity: Council of Europe Standards. Council of Europe, dist. by Bernan & Renouf. 2011. 111p. ISBN 9789287169891. pap. $38.
The Council of Europe—a major human rights organization—has developed 18 standards, resolutions, and recommendations concerning the rights of lesbian, gay, bi­sexual, and transgender (LGBT) persons. This compilation serves mainly as a reference for European governments and NGOs but also provides model language for legislation, regulations, and policy statements worldwide. A reader with no legal training can immediately grasp this material. Suitable for both law libraries and LGBT studies collections.

Discrimination on Grounds of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in Europe. Council of Europe, dist. by Bernan & Renouf. 2011. 132p. maps. ISBN 9789287169136. pap. $18. archive.equal-jus.eu/884.
This “largest study ever made on homophobia, transphobia and discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity in the 47 member states of the Council of Europe” based its findings on transcripts of interviews with lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) persons; government statistics; and other data collected from 2004 to 2010. Subtopics include perceptions of LGBT persons; crimes committed against them; their access to health care, education, and employment; and relevant legislation. Thematic maps enable the reader to visualize key data. This publication brings intolerance to light but also shows how far the movement for LGBT rights in Europe has come.

European Drug Prevention Quality Standards: A Manual for Prevention Professionals. European Monitoring Centre for Drugs & Drug Addiction, dist. by the EU Bookshop. 2011. 284p. illus. ISBN 9789291684878. pap. Free. www.emcdda.europa.eu/attachements.cfm/att_145539_EN_TD3111250ENC.pdf.
This manual—the work of dozens of experts in the field—provides the first European framework on effective drug abuse prevention. It outlines planning, implementation, and evaluation of prevention and aids the understanding of how people, interventions, organizations, and strategies contribute to positive outcomes. Though substance abuse-prevention professionals are the intended audience, anyone studying this phenomenon will want to consult this well-­documented source. With an attractive layout, clear prose, and a superb glossary.

FAO in the 21st Century: Ensuring Food Security in a Changing World. Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, dist. by Bernan & Renouf. 2011. 239p. illus. bibliog. ISBN 9789251069134. pap. $62. www.fao.org/docrep/015/i2307e/i2307e.pdf.
More than one billion people worldwide suffer from malnutrition, and the challenge of providing access to food is becoming more daunting as the global population is expected to exceed the nine billion mark in 2050. Part 1 of this resource details the current knowledge of food insecurity and its causes, as well as the international community’s efforts to eradicate it. Part 2 identifies policies that will ameliorate the problem, with emphasis on proposals of the Food and Agriculture Organization. With appealing graphics, this title is intended for ­nonspecialists.

The Great Recession and Developing Countries: Economic Impact and Growth Prospects. ed. by Mustapha K. Nabli. World Bank, dist. by Bernan & Renouf. 2011. 634p. illus. ISBN 9780821385135. pap. $35.
The financial crisis of 2008 to 2009 spread like a contagion from the United States to the rest of the world and raised questions about how low- and middle-income countries could protect themselves from external shocks. The ten case studies here analyze precrisis growth, the effects of the crisis, and policy responses in Brazil, China, Ethiopia, India, Malaysia, Mexico, the Philippines, Turkey, Vietnam, and Poland. The text, which is accompanied by more than 150 illustrations and 80 tables, is accessible to undergraduates.

The Hidden Crisis: Armed Conflict and Education. EFA Global Monitoring Report 2011. UNESCO, dist. by Bernan & Renouf. 2011. 416p. illus. bibliog. ISBN 9789231041914. pap. $48. unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0019/001907/190743e.pdf.
More than 40 percent of children in countries engaged in armed conflict are not in school. This report documents the effects of war on education and proposes a wide-ranging agenda for action. It contains 85 graphs, as well as many poignant and sometimes extraordinary photographs. With more than 90 pages of international education statistics.

Looking Ahead in World Food and Agriculture: Perspectives to 2050. ed. by Piero Conforti. Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, dist. by Bernan & Renouf. 2011. 539p. illus. ISBN 9789251069035. pap. $110. www.fao.org/docrep/014/i2280e/i2280e.pdf.
This collection of essays offers an assessment of where agriculture is headed and what must be done to meet the world’s food demands in the coming decades. It addresses issues such as the effects of using crops to produce biofuels instead of food, the impact of climate change on yields, and the inadequacy of investment in agricultural research and development. The clarity of the text makes this a useful source for both scholars and interested citizens.

Police Perception Survey 2011: The Afghan Perspective. UN Development Programme, Afghanistan Country Office. 2011. 155p. illus. maps. bibliog. Free. www.undp.org.af/Publications/KeyDocuments/2011/PPS-Eng%20Version-2011%20Final%20Lowest%20Res.pdf.
The authors present the results of the third annual public opinion survey concerning the Afghan National Police (ANP), and it is full of unexpected details. For instance, 30 percent of the 7000 Afghan interviewees reported that someone in their household had seen an ANP member use illicit drugs, and only 20 percent think the ANP is ready to operate without the support of international forces. On the positive side, 45 percent of respondents believe the performance of the ANP in their area has improved in the past year.

Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation: Special Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. ed. by Ottmar Edenhofer & others. Cambridge Univ., dist. by Bernan & Renouf. 2012. 1076p. illus. bibliog. ISBN 9781107023406. $200; pap. ISBN 9781107607101. $100. srren.ipcc-wg3.de/report.
In this massive volume, the world’s leading body on climate change assesses the technological development, costs, potential, and environmental and social effects of hydropower, bioenergy, and solar, geothermal, wind, and ocean energy. Each chapter includes a detailed table of contents, an executive summary, an extensive bibliography, and many color illustrations. Readers seeking in-depth knowledge of renewable energy technologies and related issues will find this work invaluable.

World Development Report 2012: Gender Equality and Development. World Bank, dist. by Bernan & Renouf. 2011. 426p. illus. maps. ISBN 9780821388259. $50; pap. ISBN 9780821388105. $26. Full report: http://ow.ly/atJTB. Free iPad app.
The authors examine gender inequality and the potential role of governments in ending it. While many countries have made dramatic progress in this area, others lag far behind. This title explores the causes of these disparities and makes specific policy recommendations. For the first time, the World Development Report is available as an iPad app that is attractive, easy to use, and free. It contains information not available in the print version and guides the user toward the most important content.

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  1. Virginia Parks says:

    The description provided for Cathlapotle and its Inhabitants, published by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, does not reflect the content of the report. A more accurate description of the Cathlapotle and its Inhabitants report follows:

    In this report, anthropologist Robert Boyd has written the most comprehensive synthesis to date of known ethnographic and historic information concerning the “Cathlapotle Reach”, a stretch of the
    Columbia River from Longview to Vancouver. Focusing on one of the two largest and best preserved Portland Basin villages, Cathlapotle, located on what is now the Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge, Dr. Boyd explores the identity of its Native inhabitants from the beginning
    of Euroamerican contact in 1792 through 1860, by which time most had been removed to reservations.

    The report uses extensive excerpts from primary source materials and illustrative maps and graphics to clarify the cultural and territorial bases of Native identities in the Cathlapotle Reach.
    Dr. Boyd is the author of several books and articles about the native peoples of the Pacific Northwest, including The Coming of the Spirit of Pestilence: introduced infectious diseases and population decline among Northwest Coast Indians, 1774-1874 and Indians, Fire, and
    the Land in the Pacific Northwest. He draws on more than 35 years of anthropological research and teaching about Pacific Northwest Native American ethnohistory, culture contact and change, cultural ecology, and medical anthropology.

  2. Mr. Boarman’s initiation of cost savings to government agencies should be commended greatly – especially in these times. Kudos to him!

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