Northern Indiana Fire Weather Page

National Weather Service Products

IWX Products

Annual Operating Plans

Storm Prediction Center Fire Weather Products

Day 1 Fire Weather Outlook

Day 2 Fire Weather Outlook

Day 3 to 8 Outlook

National Fire Weather Page (Centered on IWX Office Location)

Government Partners

Eastern Area Coordination Center (EACC)

Wildland Fire Assessment System (WFAS)

Graphics from WFAS (Links lead to information on Using the Graphic)

Observed/Computed 10 Hour Fuel Moisture

Observed/Computed 100 Hour Fuel Moisture

Observed Fire Danger Class

Forecast 10 Hour Fuel Moisture

Forecast 100 Hour Fuel Moisture

Forecast Fire Danger Class

Haines Index

Haines Index

Observed Winds/Precip/Temperature/RH

Forecast Winds/Precip/Temperature/RH

Keetch-Byran Drought Index

Live Fuel Moisture



Please direct any feedback on this page to the Northern Indiana Fire Weather Program Leader


 11/27/12  LF is the U.S. government's official web portal to all federal, state and local government web resources and services.