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Power Rates
Previous Announcements

2006    2005    2004    2003    2002    2001    

February 26, 2007 – WP-07 Quarterly Updates: In its 2007 Wholesale Power rate case, BPA agreed that it would post reports about BPA’s power sales at the surplus rate on its external web site subject to the development of a software platform. The purpose of this announcement is to notify interested parties of this agreement and to update its progress. You will find additional information at Quarterly Updates (2007-2009).

February 21, 2007 - Handouts for Feb. 23 within-year Treasury payment probability workshop: An electronic version of the meeting handout (PDF, 14 pages, 126 KB) is now available for the Friday, Feb. 23, within-year TPP workshop. To participate by phone, please call Dolena Fernandez at (503) 230-4297.

February 5, 2007 - Within-Year TPP Workshop Scheduled for February 23, 2007: This second workshop, focusing on describing the methodology for calculating agency Within-Year TPP, is scheduled for Friday, Feb. 23, from 9:00 am - noon in the Rates Hearing Room. For additional information, please contact Alex Lennox at (503) 230-3460. To participate by phone, please call Dolena Fernandez at (503) 230-4297.

February 2, 2007 - NFB Trigger Event Workshop is canceled: The workshop tentatively scheduled for 9 a.m. to 10 a.m., Tuesday, February 6, in the BPA Rates Hearing Room has been canceled due to insufficient interest. Please contact Peter Burger at (503) 230-4148 or by email at pjburger@bpa.gov if you have questions.

January 29, 2007 - NFB Trigger Event: In December 2006, BPA, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and five Tribes signed an agreement resolving 2007 FCRPS operating issues that arose in National Wildlife Federation vs. National Marine Fisheries. In a letter (PDF, 1 page, 124 kb), BPA announced that the agreement fits the definition of a trigger event as defined in Section G.6.(a)(1). A workshop has tentatively been scheduled for 9 a.m. to 10 a.m., Tuesday, February 6, in the BPA Rates Hearing Room. If you plan to attend the workshop, please contact Peter Burger at (503) 230-4148 or by email at pjburger@bpa.gov. The workshop will be canceled if there is insufficient interest.

TOP    2006    2005    2004    2003   2002     2001    

December 21, 2006 - Final LB CRAC 10 True-up Adjustment Results: The final results for the Load-Based Cost Recovery Adjustment Clause (LB CRAC) true-up calculations for the April 1, 2006 through September 30, 2006 (CRAC 10) period are now available on the December 13, 2006 LB CRAC Workshop page. For a summary of the final results, see the December 20, 2006 letter (PDF, 1 page, 110 KB).

December 4, 2006 - LB CRAC Workshop Scheduled on December 13: BPA has scheduled a workshop on Wednesday, December 13, to present the calculations for the True-up for the LB CRAC10 Rate Adjustment that was in effect from April 1, 2006, through September 30, 2006. The workshop will be held in the BPA Rates Hearing Room beginning at 9 a.m. If you would like to particapate by telephone, please call Dolena Fernandez at 503-230-4297. For additional information, see the December 1 letter from Raymond Bliven (PDF, 1 pages, 112KB).

November 22, 2006 - The Current Power Rates page has been updated to include a link to a PDF version of the new 2007 Wholesale Power Rate Schedules and 2007 General Rate Schedule Provisions (PDF, 176 pages, 927 KB) as well as a table of “Total Adjusted” Power Rates for the October 1, 2006 through September 30, 2007 (FY 2007) period, with the 0% CRAC adjustment.

November 3, 2006 - Handouts for November 7 Within-Year TPP Meeting: An electronic version of the meeting handout (PDF, 24 pages, 531 KB) is now available for the Tuesday, Nov. 7 Within-Year TPP workshop. An electronic copy of 2007 Wholesale Power Rate Schedules and General Rate Schedule Provisions (PDF, 12 pages, 683 KB) is also available. To participate by phone, please call (503) 230-4297.

October 19, 2006 - Within-Year TPP process announced: In a letter (PDF, 2 pages, 132 KB) signed by David J. Armstrong, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, BPA announced an upcoming process to provide interested parties an opportunity to review BPA's methodology for calculating the within-year Treasury payment probability. A workshop will be held Tuesday, Nov. 7, from 9 a.m.- noon in the BPA Rates Hearing Room. To participate by phone, please call Dolena Fernandez at (503) 230-4297.

October 2, 2006 - WP-07 Power Rates go into effect:  On September 21, 2006, BPA received interim approval from FERC for FY 2007-2009 power rates.  In a letter (PDF, 1 page, 27 KB) issued today from Stephen J. Wright, BPA Administrator, BPA announced the implementation of a 3 percent wholesale power rate decrease.  This is the fourth year in a row BPA has reduced its power rates.  For additional information, please see today's BPA news release and the updated Current Power Rates web page.

August 28, 2006 - CRAC/DDC Workshop Scheduled on September 13:  BPA is hosting a workshop for rate case and other interested parties that will cover possible CRAC and DDC adjustments to power rates for FY 2007, and then open up for discussion on the process of the recent WP-07 rate case.  The workshop will begin at 9 a.m. on Wednesday, September 13, in the BPA Rates Hearing Room.  For more information see the August 25, 2006 letter (PDF, 2 pages, 114 KB).  If you would like to participate by phone, please call Dolena Fernandez at 503-230-4297.

July 17, 2006 - WP-07 Rate Case Officially Ends:  Today BPA issued its Final Record of Decision (Final ROD) for the WP-07 Wholesale Power Rate Adjustment Proceeding that presents its expected power rates for FY 2007-2009.  Power rates for FY 2007 are expected to decline by about 3 percent for most customers when compared to this years rates - - the fourth year in a row that BPA has announced a rate decrease.  For more information, see the July 17 Letter from Stephen J. Wright (PDF, 1 pages, 123 KB), WP-07 Fact Sheet (PDF, 4 pages, 54 KB, DOE/BP-3739), and BPA News Release (PR 65 06).  Electronic versions of the Final ROD and supporting Final Studies and Documentation can be accessed via BPA's Final Proposal page.

June 29, 2006 - Final LB CRAC 9 True-up Adjustment Results:  The final results for the Load-Based Cost Recovery Adjustment Clause (LB CRAC) true-up calculations for the October 1, 2005 through March 31, 2006 (CRAC 9) period are now available on the June 14, 2006 LB CRAC Workshop page.  The final LB CRAC 9 true-up adjustment is about $330,000 larger than the adjustment discussed in the June 14 workshop.  The increase is due to issues identified and corrected during the independent auditor review of the LB CRAC 9 true-up calculations.  For a summary of the final results, see the June 28, 2006 letter (PDF, 1 page, 110 KB).

June 7, 2006 - LB CRAC Workshop Scheduled on June 14:  BPA has scheduled a workshop on Wednesday, June 14, to present the calculations for the True-up for the LB CRAC9 Rate Adjustment that was in effect for October 1, 2005, through March 31, 2006.  The workshop will be held in the BPA Rates Hearing Room beginning at 9 a.m.  If you would like to participate by telephone, please call Penny Hanson at 503-230-4297.  For additional information, see the June 5 letter from Raymond Bliven (PDF, 1 page, 36 kb).  [06-22-2006 Note:  The tentative LB CRAC follow-up workshop scheduled on June 23 was determined to be unnecessary.]

June 2, 2006 - WP-07 Draft ROD Issued:  BPA issued today its Draft Record of Decision (ROD) for the WP-07 Rate Case.  An electronic version of the Draft ROD is available in the Exhibits section of the Rate Case Parties Web Site.  For more information see today's letter (PDF, 2 pages, 136 KB) to interested parties regarding the release of the draft ROD and next steps in the rate case.

May 30, 2006 - Workshop Scheduled for June 2:  BPA is hosting a workshop for rate case and other interested parties that will cover topics including the proposed change in the liquidity reserve level due to direct pay, choices regarding the CRAC and DDC thresholds, and the hydro operation assumptions for FY 2007-2009.  The workshop will begin at 1 p.m. on Friday, June 2, in the BPA Rates Hearing Room.  If you would like to participate by phone, please call Cynthia Jones at 503-230-5459.

May 23, 2006 - Meeting Scheduled for May 25 is CANCELLED:  The meeting previously scheduled on Thursday, May 25, in the Rates Hearing Room has been cancelled and will be rescheduled in the near future.  If you have questions, please contact Liz Evans at 503-230-4284.

May 19, 2006 - Meeting Scheduled on May 25:  BPA is hosting a meeting for rate case and other interested parties to discuss BPA's thoughts for handling EN direct pay.  The meeting will begin at 9 a.m. on Thursday, May 25, in the BPA Rates Hearing Room.  If you would like to participate by phone, please call Suzette Starnes at 503-230-4297.  [Note: This meeting has been cancelled. See May 23 announcement for more information.]

April 24, 2006 - WP-07 Oral Argument on April 26:  The parties to the WP-07 rate case will have the opportunity to present oral argument before the Administrator on Wednesday, April 26, beginning at 9 a.m. in the BPA Rates Hearing Room.  A telephone bridge will not be available.  If you have any questions, contact Cynthia Jones at 503-230-5459.

April 3, 2005 - The Current Power Rates page has been updated to reflect the new Load-Based (LB), Financial-Based (FB), and Safety-Net (SN) CRAC adjustments for the April - September 2006 (CRAC 10) rate period.

March 31, 2006 - WP-07 Settlement Discussions Continue on April 6:  Continuing settlement discussions on the General Rate Schedule Provisions (GRSPs) for the Emergency NFB Surcharge will be held on Thursday, April 6, beginning at 12:30 p.m. in the BPA Rates Hearing Room.  Participation via phone bridge for these discussions is available by contacting Cynthia Jones at 503-230-5459.

March 28, 2006 - WP-07 Supplemental Proposal Settlement Discussions Concluded:  Settlement discussions for the WP-07 rate case on the subject of the Supplemental Proposal for Reactive Power have concluded without reaching settlement.  BPA will not be withdrawing or modifying Supplemental Testimony WP-07-E-BPA-28-29-38 previously submitted.  Please direct questions and/or comments to Todd Miller, 503-230-7315.

March 23, 2006 - WP-07 Cross-Examination and Settlement Discussions on March 24:  Cross-examination in the WP-07 rate case on the subject of the Supplemental Proposal for Reactive Power will be held on Friday, March 24, in the BPA Rates Hearing Room beginning at 9:00 a.m. Cross-examination of witnesses for the Columbia River Inter-Tribal Dish Commission, Nez Perce Tribe and the Yakama Nation will follow. A phone bridge will not be available. Continuing settlement discussions on the General Rate Schedule Provisions (GRSPs) for the Emergency NFB Surcharge will follow the cross-examination proceeding. Participation via phone bridge for these discussions is available by contacting Cynthia Jones at 503-230-5459.

March 22, 2006 - WP-07 Settlement Discussions Continue on March 23: Settlement discussions in the WP-07 rate case may continue on Thursday, March 23, in the BPA Rates Hearing Room beginning at 1:00 p.m. and, if held, will focus on Supplemental Reactive issues. As this meeting is tentative, please check this web page Thursday, March 23, after 9 am for a possible cancellation notice. If the meeting is held, participation via phone bridge will available by contacting Cynthia Jones at 503-230-5459.

March 22, 2006 - WP-07 Settlement Discussions Continue on March 22:  Settlement discussions in the WP-07 rate case will continue on Tuesday, March 22, in the BPA Rates Hearing Room beginning at 1:00 p.m. and will focus on the NFB Surcharge. Participation via phone bridge is available by contacting Cynthia Jones at 503-230-5459.

March 17, 2006 - WP-07 Settlement Discussions Continue on March 21:  Settlement discussions in the WP-07 rate case will continue on Tuesday, March 21, in the BPA Rates Hearing Room.  The morning discussions will begin at 9 a.m. (assuming cross examination concludes on the previous day) and will focus on the NFB Surcharge and related issues.  The afternoon discussions will begin at 1:30 p.m. and will focus on the Supplemental Proposal for Reactive Power.  If needed, settlement discussions on the NFB Surcharge will continue once the Supplemental Proposal discussions conclude.  Participation via phone bridge is available by contacting Cynthia Jones at 503-230-5459.

March 13, 2006 - WP-07 Settlement Discussions Continue on March 16:  Settlement discussions in the WP-07 rate case will continue this Thursday, March 16, at noon in the BPA Rates Hearing Room.  Discussions will focus on the NFB surcharge along with other related risk mitigation issues.  Participation via phone bridge is available by contacting Cynthia Jones at 503-230-5459.

March 3, 2006 - Clarification on Supplemental Proposal Scheduled on March 7:  Clarification on the Supplemental Proposal on Reactive Power will also be included during the previously announced clarification session on Tuesday, March 7, beginning at 9 a.m. in the BPA Rates Hearing Room (see March 2 announcement below).  Consistent with BPA 7(i) procedures, parties that have submitted direct cases on the Supplemental Proposal on Reactive Power must make their witnesses available for this clarification session.  If you have questions concerning the foregoing, please contact Peter Burger (503-230-4148) or Todd Miller (503-230-7315).  Participation via phone bridge will be available by contacting Cynthia Jones at 503-230-5459.

March 2, 2006 - Clarification on Rebuttal Testimony and Settlement Discussions Scheduled on March 7 & 8:  Clarification on the NFB Adjustment will begin on Tuesday, March 7 at 9:00 a.m. in the BPA Rates Hearing Room.  Settlement discussions will follow the conclusion of this session.  Clarification will continue on all remaining topics on Wednesday, March 8, beginning at 9 a.m., in the same location.  BPA will establish a schedule for clarification on March 8 at the conclusion of clarification on March 7.  Participation via phone bridge will be available both days by contacting Cynthia Jones at 503-230-5459.

February 24, 2006 - Opportunity for Public Comments on BPA's WP-07 Supplemental Proposal on Reactive Power:  On February 22, the WP-07 rate case Hearing Officer issued an Order Adopting Revised Schedule (PDF, 8 pages, 40 kb) that includes an opportunity for public comments on BPA's Supplemental Proposal on Reactive Power.  The supplemental proposal modifies BPA's initial proposal by eliminating the inside the band component of the generation input allocation for generation supplied reactive power for fiscal years 2008 and 2009.  The deadline for public comments on the supplemental proposal is Monday, March 6, 2006.  Public comments can be e-mailed to comment@bpa.gov, submitted online at www.bpa.gov/comment, faxed to 503-230-3285, or mailed to Bonneville Power Administration, P.O. Box 14428, Portland, OR 97293-4428.

February 15, 2006 - WP-07 Scheduling Conference on BPA's Supplemental Proposal (Reactive) Will Be Held on February 16:  A Scheduling Conference before Hearing Officer Arlow will be held on Thursday, February 16, 2006, beginning at 1 p.m. in the BPA Rates Hearing Room.  Participation via phone bridge will be available by contacting Cynthia Jones at 503-230-5459.

February 15, 2006 - WP-07 Settlement Discussions Continue on February 22:  Settlement discussions in the WP-07 rate case will continue this Wednesday, February 22, at 1 p.m. in the BPA Rates Hearing Room.  Participation via phone bridge will be available by contacting Cynthia Jones at 503-230-5459.

February 9, 2006 - WP-07 Settlement Discussions Continue on February 14:  Settlement discussions in the WP-07 rate case will continue this Tuesday, February 14, at 1 p.m. in the BPA Rates Hearing Room.  Participation via phone bridge will be available by contacting Cynthia Jones at 503-230-5459.

February 8, 2006 - Motion for WP-07 Schedule Revision:  BPA has submitted a motion (PDF, 6 pages, 21 KB) requesting the Hearing Officer revise the WP-07 rate case schedule to allow BPA to submit supplemental testimony that will modify BPA's initial proposal by eliminating the inside the band component of the generation input allocation for generation supplied reactive for fiscal years 2008 and 2009.  [02-09-2006 Note: This schedule change would allow those entities and individuals that are not a Party to the power rate case the opportunity to intervene and participate if they choose to due to the supplemental proposal.  Requests to intervene must be filed by COB Feb. 16, 2006.]

February 6, 2006 - WP-07 Settlement Discussions Continue on February 8:  Settlement discussions in the WP-07 rate case will continue this Wednesday, February 8, at 2 p.m. in the BPA Rates Hearing Room.  Participation via phone bridge will be available by contacting Cynthia Jones at 503-230-5459.

February 1, 2006 (5 p.m.) - LB CRAC8 True-Up Revision:  In its audit of the Load-Based CRAC true-up for April 1, 2005, through Sept. 31, 2005 (Load-Based CRAC8), BPA's independent auditor discovered a data error in the monthly energy reports used in calculating the Load-Based CRAC8 true-up.  The consequence is that the Slice and non-Slice customers covered by the Load-Based CRAC owe BPA an additional $1.3 million for the Load-Based CRAC8 period compared to the amount announced in the December 14 Workshop.  For a summary of the final results, see the REVISED Final LB CRAC Results (PDF, 10 pages, 99 KB, dated 01-31-2006).

February 1, 2006 (10:30 a.m.) - WP-07 Settlement Discussions Begin on February 2:  Settlement discussions in the WP-07 rate case will begin this Thursday, February 2,2006, at 1 p.m. in the BPA Rates Hearing Room.  They may continue the following day, Friday, beginning at 9 a.m. in the same location, if warranted.  Participation via phone bridge will be available Thursday only by contacting Cynthia Jones at 503-230-5459.  If discussions continue on Friday, interested parties will be asked to participate in person.

January 24, 2006 - Liquidity Tools Meeting Scheduled for January 27:  A technical working-group discussion of the liquidity tools proposed in BPA's WP-07 Rate Case Initial Proposal is scheduled for Friday, January 27, 2006, from 8:30 - 10 a.m., at the offices of the Public Power Council.  The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the current status of efforts to secure these tools, as well as to continue the discussion regarding ideas for implementing customer pre-payment.  If you would like to participate by phone, please call Cynthia Jones at 503-230-5459.

January 11, 2006 - Liquidity Tools [Working] Meeting Scheduled for January 13:  A technical working-group discussion of the liquidity tool known as "customer pre-payment" is scheduled for Friday, January 13, 2006, from 9 - 10 a.m., at the offices of the Public Power Council. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss ideas for implementing this type of tool. A phone bridge is available; the phone number is 888-245-8770, pin number 495198.

TOP    2006    2005    2004    2003   2002     2001    

December 23, 2005 - Final LB & FB CRAC Results:  The final results for the LB CRAC rate adjustment for the April 1, 2006 through September 30, 2006 (CRAC 10) period, the true-up for the LB CRAC 8 period, and the FY 2006 FB CRAC True-up are now available on the December 14, 2005 LB & FB CRAC Workshop page.  For a summary of the final results, see the December 16, 2005 letter (PDF, 1 page, 108 KB).   [Note:  The LB CRAC 8 true-up results included in the December 16 letter are out-of-date.  For more information, see the February 1, 2006 (5 p.m.) announcement.]

December 20, 2005 - BPA Response to $27 in '07 Campaign:  On December 20, 2005, Steve Wright sent a letter to Northwest Ratepayers (PDF, 4 pages, 120 KB), addressing the region's interest in BPA having the lowest possible rates.  The letter provides information about what BPA is doing to keep rates down, the 2007-2009 Wholesale Power Rate Case, the Power Function Review and how ratepayers can stay involved on BPA's rate setting process.

December 6, 2005 - WP-07 Letter to Customers:  On November 16, 2005, Paul E. Norman sent a letter to general managers of PBL customers (PDF, 2 pages, 116 KB) discussing high priority areas in the Wholesale Power Rate Case for fiscal years 2007-2009.  The letter encourages customers to continue to work with BPA over the next six months on issues related to fish, risk management, and cost management.

November 30, 2005 (4 p.m.) - LB & FB CRAC Workshop Scheduled on December 14:  BPA has scheduled a combined LB & FB CRAC workshop on Wednesday, December 14, to present the calculations for the LB CRAC10 Adjustment for April 1, 2006, through September 30, 2006;  the LB CRAC8 "True-Up" for April 1, 2005, through September 30, 2005;  and the FB CRAC "True-Up" for April 1, 2006, through September 30, 2006.  The workshop will be held in the BPA Rates Hearing Room beginning at 9 a.m.  If you would like to participate by telephone, please call Cynthia Jones at 503-230-5459.  A second LB CRAC workshop will be held on December 23 only if substantive issues are raised at this workshop.  For additional information, see the November 30 letter from Elizabeth Evans (PDF, 1 page, 117 kb).

November 28, 2005 (4:45 p.m.) - WP-07 Computer Models Technical Training Scheduled on December 2:  As a follow-up to the November 21 demonstration of the power rate case initial proposal computer models (RAM, ToolKit, and RiskMod), BPA has scheduled a second technical training for Friday, December 2, in the BPA Rates Hearing Room. This training will be broken into two sections: the first, scheduled from 8:30-10 a.m., will be for those individuals interested in learning about the models for the first time; the second section, scheduled from 10:15 - 11:45 a.m. will be geared towards those who attended the November 21 training and would like to improve their knowledge and skill level.  If you would like to attend either of these training sessions, please call Cynthia Jones at 503-230-5459 before noon Thursday, December 1.  There will also be a telephone bridge available.  To be connected please call Cynthia Jones at the number above.  Copies of the models will be available on CD for those who need them.

November 21, 2005 - WP-07 Initial Proposal Issued:  BPA's entire set of WP-07 Rate Case Initial Proposal documents (studies, documentation, testimony, witness qualifications, etc.) can now be accesed via the WP-07 Initial Proposal web page.

November 15, 2005 (6 p.m.) - WP-07 Rate Case Prehearing Conference to be held on November 21:  A Prehearing Conference will be held on Monday, November 21, 2005, 9 a.m., in the BPA Rates Hearing Room.  Judge Allen J. Arlow will preside over the proceeding.  BPA will release its Initial Proposal that sets out proposed rates for the FY 2007-2009 period and the Judge will address some related procedural matters.  The Initial Proposal documents will be available in CD format and they will also be posted on BPA's web site (www.bpa.gov/power/ratecase) that same day.  Immediately following the prehearing conference, BPA will host a training workshop on the electronic system that will be used for official filings associated with the rate case.  All rate case parties are strongly encouraged to attend this training.  If you would like to participate by telephone, please call Cynthia Jones at 503-230-5459.  [11-23-2005 Note:  The handouts for the prehearing conference (revised draft orders) were originally posted in the Power Rates Document Queue on November 18.  Final versions of these documents were posted as "Orders" on the Rate Case Parties web site on November 23.]

Also on November 21, 2005, at 1 p.m., BPA will demonstrate the computer models (RAM, ToolKit and RiskMod) used in the rate case.  These models will also be distributed by CD.  It is very important to notify BPA by Friday, November 18, 2005, if you plan to attend this technical workshop.  This training will be held in Room 122 of the BPA Headquarters building and requires at least 24 hour advance notification to security before entering.  If you would like to attend the latter training, please call Cynthia Jones at 503-230-5459.

November 15, 2005 (4:10 p.m.) - Revised message regarding the WP-07 Rate Case:  The November 8, 2005 letter that announced the Rate Case field hearings and how to comment (see the November 8 announcement below) inadvertently stated that the public comment period for the Wholesale Power (WP-07) Rate Case ended on Feb. 13, 2005. That is not the case - - BPA will take comments until Feb. 13, 2006.

November 8, 2005 - WP-07 Rate Case Officially Begins:  Today BPA published a notice in the Federal Register that announces the beginning of the WP-07 Rate Case legal proceeding and summarizes BPA's initial proposal.  As a part of this proceeding, BPA is seeking public comments at field hearings in six cities (Springfield, OR; Kalispell, MT; Spokane, WA; Idaho Falls, ID; Tacoma, WA; and Portland, OR) between November 29 and December 7, 2005.  The deadline for submitting written public comments is February 13, 2006.  For more information about the field hearings and how to comment, see today's announcement letter (PDF, 2 pages, 146 kb) and the WP-07 Rate Case page for links to the Federal Register Notice and other related materials and publications.  [See the Nov. 15 announcement for a correction to the November 8 announcement letter.]

November 4, 2005 - WP-07 Rate Case Scheduling Conference will be held on November 10:  A Scheduling Conference will be held on Thursday, November 10, 2005, 9 a.m., in the BPA Rates Hearing Room.  The purpose of this scheduling conference is to review the proposed rate case schedule outlined in the Federal Register Notice (to be published on Nov. 8) and to discuss procedural orders to be presented at the Prehearing Conference, scheduled on Nov. 21.  If you would like to participate by telephone, please dial the phone bridge 503-230-5566, passcode 0248# or call Cynthia Jones at 503-230-5459.  [11-23-2005 Note:  The handouts for this meeting (draft orders) were originally posted in the Power Rates Document Queue on November 9.  Revised versions of these documents (revised draft orders) were posted in the Queue on November 18 and handed out at the Prehearing Conference on November 21.  Final versions of these documents were posted as "Orders" on the Rate Case Parties web site on November 23.]

October 20, 2005 - WP-07 Rate Case Meeting Scheduled on November 1:  A meeting has been scheduled on Tuesday, November 1, 2005, 9 a.m. - 3:30 p.m., in the BPA Rates Hearing Room. The purpose of this meeting is to share information relevant to the initial proposal prior to its publication in the Federal Register, which is anticipated to occur on November 7, 2005. For more information, see the October 20 letter from Elizabeth Evans (PDF, 1 page, 30 kb) and the draft agenda for the November 1 meeting (PDF, 1 page, 27 kb, updated October 31, 2005). Additional meeting materials will be posted on the November 1 meeting page as they become available.

October 6, 2005 - WP-07 Rate Case Meeting Scheduled on October 13:  A policy-level meeting has been scheduled on Thursday, October 13, 2005, 1 - 4 p.m., in the BPA Rates Hearing Room. This meeting is a continuation of the August 11 meeting regarding alternatives for dealing with risk.  For more information, see the October 6 letter from Paul Norman (PDF, 1 page, 116 kb) and the agenda for the October 13 meeting (PDF, 77 kb, revised and reposted October 12, 2005).  Additional meeting materials will be posted on the October 13 meeting page as they become available.

October 1, 2005 - Correction and Update to Current Power Rates Information:  Tables 1 and 4 of the "monthly adjusted" power rates for the October 2005 - March 2006 (CRAC 9) rate period were revised on September 30, 2005, to correct an error in the Stepped PF-02 rate calculation.  New "replacement pages" have also been issued for BPA's 2002-2006 Power Rate Schedules & GRSPs to reflect a FERC-approved change in the GTA Delivery Charge (effective October 1, 2005).  The revised CRAC 9 monthly adjusted rate tables (PDF, 4 pages, 116 kb, reissued on October 4, 2005) and the new GTA Delivery Charge replacement pages (PDF, 4 pages, 33 kb) are now available on the Current Power Rates page[Note:  The revised CRAC 9 monthly adjusted rate tables were reissued again on October 4 to correct the fiscal year references in Tables 3 & 4.]

September 8, 2005 - Final FB and SN CRAC Rate Adjustments for FY 2006:  BPA announced today a 1.6 percent reduction in average FY 06 wholesale power rates compared to FY 05 rates, resulting from a 4.41 percent FB CRAC adjustment and a 1.75 percent SN CRAC adjustment.  These final rate adjustments were formally presented at a workshop this afternoon.  Electronic versions of the workshop handouts are currently available in the Power Rates document queue.  These materials will be officially-posted at a later date on the September 8 workshop page.  For more information, see today's BPA news release and the September 2005 Issue Alert.

August 31, 2005 - FB/SN CRAC Workshop Scheduled on September 8:  The final Financial-Based and Safety Net CRAC rate adjustments for FY 2006 will be presented at a workshop on Thursday, September 8, from 2 - 3 p.m. in the BPA Rates Hearing Room. This workshop is a follow-up to the August 9 FB/SN CRAC workshop.  If you would like to participate by telephone, please call Cynthia Jones at (503) 230-5459.

August 26, 2005 - FB/SN CRAC Workshop Postponed:  The FB/SN CRAC workshop that was tentatively rescheduled for August 30 has been postponed until early September.

August 16, 2005 - FB/SN CRAC Workshop Rescheduled:  The FB/SN CRAC workshop that was tentatively scheduled on August 23 has been tentatively rescheduled for Tuesday, August 30, 2005, from 9 a.m. until noon, in the BPA Rates Hearing Room.  [August 31 Note: This workshop has been rescheduled on September 8, from 2 - 3 p.m.]  This workshop is a follow-up to the August 9 workshop that presented the initial calculations for the FY 2006 FB & SN CRAC power rate adjustments.  Please note that revised versions of the handouts at the August 9 workshop have been posted on the August 9 workshop pageReminder:  Comments on the proposed FB & SN CRAC rate adjustments for FY 2006 must be submitted by Friday, August 19, 2005.  For more information and instructions on how to submit written comments, see the July 13, 2005 letter (PDF, 1 page, 108 kb).

July 22, 2005 - WP-07 Power Rate Case Policy-Level Meeting Scheduled on August 11:  BPA will host a policy-level meeting for utility general managers and other interested stakeholders on Thursday, August 11, 2005, from 1 - 3 p.m. in the BPA Rates Hearing Room. This meeting is a continuation of the June 23 meeting regarding risk issues and financial strategies that could affect power rates in FY 2007-2009.  For more information, see the July 22 letter from Paul Norman (PDF, 33 kb).  The agenda will be posted on the August 11 meeting page prior to the meeting.

July 13, 2005 (6 p.m.) - FB/SN CRAC Workshops Scheduled on August 9 and August 23:  BPA will hold a workshop on Tuesday, August 9, 2005, to present initial calculations for the Financial-Based Cost Recovery Adjustment Clause (FB CRAC) and the Safety Net Cost Recovery Adjustment Clause (SN CRAC) rate adjustments for fiscal year 2006.  This workshop begins a public comment period that closes on Friday, August 19, 2005.  BPA expects to announce the final FB/SN CRAC rate adjustments for FY 2006 at a workshop tentatively scheduled on Tuesday, August 23, 2005[Note: The workshop tentatively scheduled on August 23 to announce the final rate adjustments has been rescheduled on September 8, from 2 - 3 p.m.]  Both workshops will be held in the BPA Rates Hearing Room beginning at 9 a.m. and will conclude around noontime.  For more information and instructions on how to submit written comments, see the July 13, 2005 letter (PDF, 1 page, 108 kb).

July 13, 2005 (5 p.m.) - Informal WP-07 Rate Case Workshops Scheduled on July 26 and August 9:  Informal workshops will be held on Tuesday, July 26 and the afternoon of Tuesday, August 9 in the BPA Rates Hearing Room.  These workshops will continue the discussions that began in June regarding issues and assumptions to be used in forming BPA's Initial Proposal due to be published this fall for the WP-07 rate case. For more information see the July 13, 2005 letter (PDF, 1 page, 99 kb).  Agendas will be posted at least one day prior to the workshops on the July 26 workshop and August 9 workshop web pages.

June 28, 2005 - Agenda for June 29 and June 30 WP-07 Rate Case Workshops: The agenda for the June 29 and June 30 workshops (PDF, 1 page, 18 kb) is now available. Please note that the revenue requirement topic originally scheduled for Thursday, June 30, has been postponed to a later date.

June 24, 2005 - Revised Message regarding the WP-07 Rate Case: The June 21, 2002 letter that announced the schedule of informal workshops (see the June 22 announcement below) inadvertently implied that the formal rate-setting 7(i) process is now beginning for the 2007 Wholesale Power (WP-07) Rate Case. That is not the case - - BPA is still in an informal workshop phase that precedes the formal 7(i) process which is expected to begin this fall.

June 22, 2005 - WP-07 Rate Case Workshops Scheduled on June 29 and June 30:  Informal workshops have been scheduled on Wednesday, June 29, and Thursday, June 30, beginning at 9 a.m. in the BPA Rates Hearing Room. These workshops will address issues and assumptions to be used in forming BPA's Initial Proposal due to be published this fall. For more information see the June 21, 2005 letter (PDF, 1 page, 105 kb). Agendas will be posted next week on the June 29 workshop and June 30 workshop web pages.

June 17, 2005 - Final LB CRAC Results:  The final results for the Load-Based Cost Recovery Adjustment Clause (LB CRAC) rate adjustment for the October 1, 2005 through March 31, 2006 (CRAC 9) period - - and the true-up for the LB CRAC 7 period - - are now available on the June 1, 2005 LB CRAC Workshop page.  For a summary of the final results, see the June 17, 2005 letter (PDF, 1 page, 100 kb).

June 9, 2005 - WP-07 Rate Case Meeting/Workshops in June:  BPA will host a meeting on Thursday, June 23, from 1:00 - 3:30 p.m., for utility general managers and other interested stakeholders to share ideas with Administrator Steve Wright and other PBL executives about policy-level choices regarding risk parameters and financial strategies that could affect power rates in 2007-09. The final agenda will be posted on this web site prior to that meeting.  [Additional Information:  The June 23 meeting will be held in the BPA Rates Hearing Room. For more information, see the June 10 letter from Paul Norman (PDF, 42 kb, posted here on June 16, 2005) and the June 23 meeting Agenda (PDF, 40 kb, posted here on June 21, 2005).]  The WP-07 Rate Case workshops tentatively scheduled for June 21 and June 22 have been cancelled. Please plan on June 29 and June 30 for other rate case workshops. We expect final times and agendas to be posted on this web site around the middle of June. [Note: This announcement was updated on June 16 and 21, 2005, to provide additional information for the June 23 meeting and to show the correct dates of the two workshops that were cancelled.]

May 24, 2005 - WP-07 Power Rate Case Workshop on Risk Mitigation Scheduled for May 31st:  The Power Business Line (PBL) will conduct a WP-07 Power Rate Case workshop on risk mitigation on Tuesday, May 31st, as a follow-up to the May 18th workshop.  The workshop is scheduled for 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the Rates Hearing Room at 911 NE 11th Ave, Portland, OR.  Call Cynthia Jones at 503-230-5459 to be connected by phone.  Also, the previously-announced LB CRAC workshop is still scheduled for 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, June 1, 2005, in the Rates Hearing Room.  (See May 10th announcement below)

May 10, 2005 - Workshops Scheduled on May 18th (WP-07 Rate Case) and June 1st (LB CRAC):  BPA's Power Business Line (PBL) will conduct a WP-07 Power Rate Case risk workshop on Wednesday, May 18, 2005. This workshop is a follow-on workshop to those held on April 6th (as part of the Power Function Review) and April 20th. A workshop is also scheduled on Wednesday, June 1, 2005, to present the calculations for the next Load-Based Cost Recovery Adjustment Clause period (LB CRAC9), which covers October 1, 2005 through March 31, 2006, and the true-up for the LB CRAC7.  Both workshops are scheduled from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. in the Rates Hearing Room (Room 223) of the 911 Building, which is located at 911 NE 11th Avenue, Portland, OR. If you would like to participate by telephone, please call Cynthia Jones at (503) 230-5459.  For more information see the May 10, 2005 Letter (PDF, 1 page, 120 kb)[As noted in the letter, the WP-07 workshop that was tentatively scheduled on May 19th has been cancelled.]

April 14, 2005 - WP-07 Rate Case Workshop on Risk Mitigation Scheduled for April 20th: The Power Business Line (PBL) will conduct a WP-07 Rate Case workshop on risk mitigation on Wednesday, April 20th, as a follow-up to the April 6th Power Function Review (PFR) risk mitigation workshop.  BPA staff will discuss the models used to evaluate various rate design options for risk mitigation for the FY 2007 - 2009 rate period.  The workshop is scheduled for 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. - - but is not expected to take the entire day.  The location is 911 NE 11th Avenue, Portland, OR, Rates Hearing Room, Room 223.  If you would like to participate by telephone, please call Cynthia Jones at 503-230-5459 or Cain Bloomer at 503-230-7443 to be connected to the bridge.  For more information see the April 14, 2005 Letter to Customers and Interested Parties (PDF, 1 page, 99 kb)[Note: The follow-up workshop that was tentatively scheduled on May 4th has been cancelled. The follow-up workshop tentatively scheduled on May 18th will be held - - see May 10th announcement above.]

April 1, 2005 - The Current Power Rates page has been updated to reflect the new Load-Based (LB), Financial-Based (FB), and Safety-Net (SN) CRAC adjustments for the April - September 2005 (CRAC 8) rate period.

TOP    2007    2006    2005    2004    2003   2002     2001    

December 17, 2004 - LB CRAC Workshop Final Results:  The final results for the Load-Based Cost Recovery Adjustment Clause (LB CRAC) for April through September 2005 are now available on the December 9, 2004 LB CRAC Workshop page. The LB CRAC8 adjustment is 26.79 percent; the Slice rate increase over May 2000 base rates is 26.31 percent; and the non-Slice rate increase is 25.77 percent. The true-up for LB CRAC6 is a charge to customers totaling about $3.6 million. This consists of a charge to non-Slice customers of about $4.2 million and a refund to Slice customers of about $540,000. The refund will begin with the January bill for January service for Slice and the charge applied to the January bill for December service for non-Slice.

November 23, 2004 - LB CRAC Workshop Scheduled on December 9th:  BPA has scheduled an LB CRAC workshop on Thursday, December 9th, to present preliminary results for both the LB CRAC8 Adjustment for April 1, 2005, through September 31, 2005, and the LB CRAC6 "True-Up" for April 1, 2004, through September 30, 2004. The workshop will be held in the BPA Rates Hearing Room beginning at 9 a.m. A second workshop will be held on December 15, 2004 only if substantive issues are raised at this workshop. For additional information, see the November 22, 2004 letter to Rate Case Parties and Customers (PDF, 1 page, 106 kb).

September 16, 2004 - Final FB and SN CRAC Rate Adjustments for FY 2005:  BPA announced in today's letter from the Administrator (PDF, 4 pages, 147 kb) a 7.5 percent reduction in average FY 05 wholesale power rates compared to FY 04 rates, resulting from an 11.16 percent FB CRAC adjustment and a zero percent SN CRAC adjustment. A second FB/SN CRAC workshop will not be scheduled to discuss the final rates since the decision was based on the same material presented at the August 18th workshop. BPA's responses to public comments (PDF, 2 pages, 14 kb), the updated Actual and Projected PF-02 Adjusted Rates chart (PDF, 1 page, 12 kb) and the CRAC 7 monthly rates tables for the first six months of FY 2005 (PDF, 3 pages, 13 kb) are now available on the August 18th workshop page. For more information, see BPA's September 16, 2004 News Release.
[Notes: The "CRAC 7 monthly rates tables" document originally posted here at 11 a.m. was corrected and reposted at 1 p.m.  See also the PBL FY 2004 Third Quarter Review Forecast of Generation Accumulated Net Revenue (PDF, 2 pages, 110 kb, dated August 2004, posted January 3, 2005).]

September 3, 2004 - FB/SN CRAC Workshop Scheduled for September 7, 2004 is CANCELLED:  As announced in today's letter (PDF, 1 page, 101 kb), the workshop that was tentatively scheduled for September 7th is no longer necessary because there have been no substantive changes in the information presented at the August 18, 2004 workshop. The Financial-Based and Safety Net Cost Recovery Adjustment Clause rate adjustments for FY 2005 will be announced in mid-September.

August 4, 2004 - FB/SN CRAC Workshops Scheduled for August 18th and September 7th BPA will hold a workshop on Wednesday, August 18, 2004, to present initial calculations for the Financial-Based Cost Recovery Adjustment Clause and the Safety Net Cost Recovery Adjustment Clause for fiscal year 2005. This workshop will be followed by a public comment period that closes on Friday, August 27, 2004. BPA expects to announce the final FB/SN CRAC rate adjustments for FY 2005 at a workshop tentatively scheduled on Tuesday, September 7, 2004. Both workshops will be held in the BPA Rates Hearing Room beginning at 9 a.m. For more information and instructions on how to submit written comments, see the August 3, 2004 Letter to Rate Case Parties and Customers (PDF, 1 page, 25 kb). [Note: The September 7th workshop has been cancelled. See September 3rd announcement for more information.]

June 25, 2004 - Materials Now Available for Discussion and Comment:  As previously announced on June 18th, BPA has scheduled a workshop on Thursday, July 1st (9 a.m.) to discuss financial and rate forecasts and scenarios for FY 2004-2006. This workshop kicks off a month-long discussion with the region concerning the administrator's upcoming decisions regarding power rates in FY 2005. BPA is interested in your comments and suggestions regarding BPA's analysis and estimates prior to the release of its FY 2005 power rate adjustment proposal in mid-August. These materials are now available for public comment on the July 1st Workshop page. Comments on these materials will be accepted through Friday, July 30, 2004. For instructions on how to comment, see the June 18th letter from Paul Norman (PDF, 2 pages, 31 kb).

June 24, 2004 - LB CRAC7 Adjustment and LB CRAC5 True-Up Finalized:  BPA conducted an LB CRAC workshop on June 10th to discuss the LB CRAC7 adjustment and the LB CRAC5 "True-Up". The final LB CRAC7 adjustment for the next rate period (October 2004 through March 2005) is 22.34%. The corresponding rate adjustment from base rates is 21.93% for the Slice product and 21.66% for non-Slice products subject to the LB CRAC. The LB CRAC5 "True-Up" for the previous rate period (October 2003 through March 2004) is approximately $344,437 owed to BPA from the Slice customers and BPA owes $1,942,635 to non-Slice customers. Electronic versions of the workshop handouts and presentation that were previously available in the "Queue" are now available on the June 10th workshop page.

June 18, 2004 - Rates and Finances Workshop Scheduled on July 1st:  BPA will conduct an informational workshop on Thursday, July 1, 2004, that will cover financial forecasts for FY 2004-2006, resulting rate levels, and Treasury Payment Probability levels. Staff from PBL's Rates and Finance group will provide an informational briefing and answer questions. The workshop will be held in the BPA Rates Hearing Room beginning at 9 a.m.  See the June 18, 2004 Letter from PBL's Senior Vice President (PDF, 2 pages, 31 kb) for additional information.

May 28, 2004 - Financial Risk Workshop Scheduled on June 10th (PM):   BPA will conduct a workshop on financial reserves, net revenue variability (risk), and Treasury Payment Probability (TPP) on Thursday, June 10th. Staff from the Chief Risk Officer's group and PBL's Rates group will provide background on the role of financial reserves in BPA's past and current risk mitigation. BPA is inviting anyone interested to attend this workshop. The workshop will be held in the BPA Rates Hearing Room beginning at 1 p.m.  See the May 20th Letter from BPA's Chief Risk Officer (PDF, 1 page, 27 kb) for additional information.

May 26, 2004 - LB CRAC Workshop Scheduled on June 10th (AM):   BPA has scheduled an LB CRAC workshop on Thursday, June 10th, to present final results for both the LB CRAC7 Adjustment for October 1, 2004, through March 31, 2005, and the LB CRAC5 "True-Up" for October 1, 2003, through March 31, 2004. The workshop will be held in the BPA Rates Hearing Room beginning at 9 a.m.  A second LB CRAC workshop has been tentatively scheduled on Thursday, June 17th, in the event that substantive issues are raised at June 10th workshop. See the May 20th Letter to Rate Case Parties and Customers (PDF, 1 page, 18 kb) for additional information.

May 25, 2004 - FY 2004 Second Quarter Financial Results:   On May 1st, BPA published the FY 2004 Second Quarter Review which includes a preliminary forecast of end-of-year generation accumulated net revenues. See also the PBL FY 2004 Second Quarter Review Generation Accumulated Net Revenue Forecast (PDF, 2 pages, 19 kb). The forecast of accumulated net revenues for the end of the current fiscal year is (-)$552 M. Since the threshold for the FB CRAC is forecasted accumulated net revenues of (-)$264 M, the second quarter review forecast indicates that the FB CRAC is likely to trigger for FY 2005 unless the revenue situation changes dramatically by the end of the third quarter.
[For information on last year's "audited actual" revenues, see PBL FY 2003 Generation Audited Accumulated Net Revenues (PDF, 2 pages, 14 kb, dated March 2004).]

May 24, 2004 - The May 2004 version of BPA's 2002 Wholesale Power Rate Schedules and Revised General Rate Schedule Provisions (GRSPs) for the FY 2002-2006 rate period is now available on the Current Power Rates page. This version of the document replaces the December 2001 version and incorporates all errata filed to date.

May 11, 2004 - FERC Final Approval of Modifications to SN CRAC, FB CRAC, and DDC:   On May 10, 2004, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued an order confirming and approving on a final basis BPA's proposed modifications to the Safety Net (SN) and Financial-Based (FB) Cost Recovery Adjustment Clauses (CRACs), and to the Dividend Distribution Clause (DDC) under BPA's 2002 Wholesale Power Rate Schedule General Rate Schedule Provisions (GRSPs).  [Note: BPA received interim approval of these proposed modifications from FERC on October 1, 2003.]  See the FERC Final Approval Order (PDF, 8 pages, 28 kb) and SN-03 Rate Case page for additional information.

April 9, 2004 - The Current Power Rates page has been updated to reflect the new Load-Based (LB), Financial-Based (FB), and Safety-Net (SN) CRAC adjustments for the April - September 2004 (CRAC 6) rate period.

January 22, 2004 - LB CRAC Workshop Final Results: The final LB CRAC results, December 30th announcement letter, and corrected ToolKit model runs are now available on the December 18, 2003 LB CRAC Workshop page. For the LB CRAC6 period, April 1, 2004, to September 30, 2004, the LB CRAC percentage is 25.59 percent. The resulting Slice rate adjustment is 25.13 percent, and the resulting non-Slice rate adjustment is 24.63 percent. For the true-up to LB CRAC4, the refund to Slice customers is $1,354,981 and the total refund to non-Slice customers is $1,079,737. The refund will begin with the January bill for January service for Slice and the January bill for December service for non-Slice.

January 14, 2004 - The monthly adjusted power rates for the next (April - September 2004) rate period (originally posted on January 12th) have been corrected and are now available on the Current Power Rates page.

January 12, 2004 - The Current Power Rates page has been updated to reflect the corrected Safety-Net CRAC adjustment for the October 1, 2003 - March 31, 2004 rate period, and to provide the monthly adjusted power rates for the next (April - September 2004) rate period.

TOP    2007     2006    2005    2004   2003    2002     2001    

December 18, 2003 - LB CRAC Workshop: At today's workshop, BPA explained: 1) the preliminary calculation of the sixth Load-Based CRAC (CRAC6) for April 2004 through September 2004; 2) the true up for the LB CRAC that was in place from April 2003 through September 2003 (LB CRAC4); and 3) a correction to the SN CRAC rate case numbers. Today's workshop materials are temporarily available in the Power Rates Queue and will be posted at a later date on the December 18th workshop page.

December 10, 2003 - LB CRAC Workshop Postponed: The LB CRAC Workshop originally scheduled for tomorrow (December 11th) has been rescheduled for Thursday, December 18th, beginning at 9 a.m. in the Rates Hearing Room. Topics to be discussed: 1) "true-up" for the LB CRAC from April 2002 to September 2003 (LB CRAC 4) and 2) preliminary forecast for the sixth LB CRAC (LB CRAC 6) for April 2004 through September 2004.  A second workshop may be scheduled on a later date (if necessary).

December 2, 2003 - BPA Follow-up Materials to the September 18, 2003 SN CRAC Workshop have been updated and are now available via the September 18, 2003 SN CRAC Workshop page.

December 1, 2003 - LB CRAC Workshop Scheduled on December 11th:  BPA has scheduled an LB CRAC workshop on Thursday, December 11th, to present final results for both the LB CRAC6 Adjustment for April 1, 2004, through September 31, 2004, and the LB CRAC4 "True-Up" for April 1, 2003, through September 30, 2003. The workshop will be held in the BPA Rates Hearing Room beginning at 9 a.m.  A second workshop will be held on December 18, 2003 only if substantive issues are raised at this workshop. See the November 6, 2003 letter to Rate Case Parties and Customers (PDF, 25 kb) for additional information. [Note: The December 11th workshop was rescheduled to December 18th. See December 10th announcement above.]

November 25, 2003 - The Toolkit Model used for the Forecasted Rates Chart (BPA Follow-up Materials) for the September 18, 2003 Workshop is now available via the September 18, 2003 SN CRAC Workshop page.

November 21, 2003 - BPA Follow-up Materials to the September 18, 2003 Workshop are now available via the September 18, 2003 SN CRAC Workshop page.

November 18, 2003 - Official versions of the materials/handouts for the August 14th, August 28th, and September 18th FB/SN CRAC Workshops have been posted on individual workshop web pages (and removed from the "Queue"). All of these materials can now be accessed via the FB/SN CRAC Workshops page.

October 1, 2003 - The Current Power Rates page has been updated to reflect the new Load-Based, Financial-Based, and Safety-Net CRAC adjustments for the October 1, 2003 - March 31, 2004 rate period.

September 10, 2003 - Workshop Scheduled on September 18th to Discuss Possible IOU Public Litigation Settlement: BPA will hold a workshop for customers and interested parties to explain how BPA would implement the SN CRAC in the event of a settlement of the IOU Public Litigation. The workshop will be held on Thursday, September 18, 2003, beginning at 9:00 a.m. in the Rates Hearing Room at 911 NE 11th Avenue, Portland, Oregon. To participate by telephone, please call Cynthia Jones (503) 230-5459 or Cain Bloomer (503-230-7443) in advance of the workshop.

August 28, 2003 - Final FB and SN CRAC Rate Adjustments for FY 2004: At today's FB/SN CRAC workshop, BPA presented an average rate adjustment for FY 2004 of 2.2% above FY 2003 average rates. The Power Business Line's FY 2003 year-end accumulated net revenues (PDF, 3 pages, 33 kb) are projected to be (-)$594 million. Absent a settlement of litigation between the IOUs and public power customers, the FB CRAC will be 12.28% and the SN CRAC will be 11.46%. For more information, see BPA's August 28th News Release. Today's workshop materials, including BPA's response to public comments are temporarily available in the Power Rates Queue and will be posted at a later date on the August 28th workshop page. A workshop is scheduled for Thursday, September 18, beginning at 9 a.m. in the BPA Rates Hearing Room to address the impact of a settlement on rates, should a settlement occur, as well as other outstanding issues. Additional information will be forthcoming and details will be posted to this website.

August 14, 2003 - Initial Calculations for the FB and SN CRAC Rate Adjustments:  At today's FB/SN CRAC workshop, BPA presented the FY 2003 Third Quarter Financial Review and the PBL Generation Accumulated Net Revenues (ANR) Forecast. The Power Business Line's year-end accumulated net revenues are projected to be (-)$613 million. [Note: This preliminary ANR forecast was updated to (-)$594 million on August 18, 2003. See the August 28, 2003 announcement for a link to the Final ANR Forecast.]   The release of the ANR forecast and associated FB and SN CRAC materials at today's workshop marks the beginning of a public comment period. For more information, see the letter to rate case parties and customers dated August 1, 2003 (see August 1 announcement below). As noted in the letter, the deadline for public comments is Friday, August 22, 2003. Materials from today's workshop are temporarily available in the Power Rates Queue and will be posted at a later date on the August 14th workshop page. The next workshop will be held on Thursday, August 28, 2003, beginning at 9 a.m. in the BPA Rates Hearing Room, where BPA plans to announce the final FB and SN CRAC rate adjustments for FY 2004.

August 1, 2003 - FB and SN CRAC Workshops Scheduled on August 14th & 28th: In a letter issued today to rate case parties and customers, BPA announced two workshops for the FB and SN cost recovery adjustment clauses prior to implementing wholesale power rate adjustments for FY 2004. BPA will conduct a workshop on Thursday, August 14 to explain the forecast of Accumulated Net Revenues (ANR) for FY 2003 and to review the initial calculations for the FB and SN CRAC rate adjustments. The release of the ANR forecast and associated FB and SN CRAC materials marks the beginning of a public comment period. Written comments regarding the inputs to the calculation of the proposed FB and SN CRAC rate adjustments must be submitted no later than August 22, 2003. Today's letter (PDF, 28 kb) provides the details on how to submit comments. Following the public comment period, a second workshop will be conducted on Thursday, August 28, when BPA will announce the final FB and SN CRAC rate adjustments for FY 2004, including any adjustments based on feedback received during the comment period. Both workshops will begin at 9 AM in the BPA Rates Hearing Room, Room 223, located at 911 NE 11th Avenue in Portland. If you would like to participate in either of these workshops by telephone, please contact Cain Bloomer at 503-230-7443 or Cynthia Jones at 503-230-5459 in advance of the workshops to reserve a space on the conference bridge.

July 10, 2003 - Final Toolkit Model for the SN CRAC Rate Case:  The Final Toolkit Model (Treasury Payment Probability Calculation) is now available for the SN-03 Rate Case Final Proposal.

July 9, 2003 - Final Study and Documentation for the SN CRAC Rate Case:  Electronic versions of the Final Study and Documentation are now available for the SN-03 Rate Case Final Proposal.

July 1, 2003 - Final Record of Decision (ROD) for the SN CRAC Rate Case:  On June 30, 2003, BPA's Administrator signed the Final Record of Decision (PDF, 255 pages, 857 kb) for the 2003 SN CRAC (SN-03) Rate Case. The projection for the SN CRAC's net effect will be about a 5 percent average power rate increase for the remaining three years of the rate case compared to average rates for FY 2003. BPA will now file the SN-03 final rate proposal with FERC for Interim approval. BPA will conduct a process in August to set the final rates, consistent with the SN CRAC formula decided in the 7(i) hearing process, for the FB and SN CRAC rate adjustments. The final rates will take effect on October 1, 2003. For more information, see BPA's July 1st News Release. Additional materials (including a link to the NEPA ROD) are available on the SN-03 Rate Case page.

June 20, 2003 - Decision Regarding LB CRAC Accounting Treatment for the Enron Settlement: In response to a request from customers at the June 10th LB CRAC workshop, BPA staff met with senior management to discuss the LB CRAC's collection of actual cash outlays versus accruals relative to the Enron settlement. It has been decided that BPA will maintain its position that the amount collected through the LB CRAC for the Enron settlement will be the accrued expenses for the settlement, which are based on the expenses that would have occurred if the augmentation contracts were still in place. This is consistent with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles for regulated industries and the intent of the General Rate Schedule Provisions (GRSPs).

June 16, 2003 - Draft ROD for SN CRAC Rate Case: The Administrator's Draft Record of Decision (Draft ROD) for the SN CRAC (SN-03) rate case was released today to rate case parties. The Draft ROD includes draft decisions and the estimated rate impact for FY 2004-2006. Rate case parties have until Friday, June 20th to comment on the Draft ROD. BPA will release the Final ROD on or around the first of July. For more information, see BPA's June 16th News Release.

June 11, 2003 - LB CRAC5 Adjustment and LB CRAC3 True-Up Finalized: BPA conducted an LB CRAC workshop on June 10th to discuss the LB CRAC5 adjustment and the LB CRAC3 "True-Up". The final LB CRAC5 adjustment for the next rate period (October 2003 through March 2004) is 21.94%. The corresponding rate adjustment from base rates is 21.55% for the Slice product and 21.29% for non-Slice products subject to the LB CRAC. The LB CRAC3 "True-Up" for the previous rate period (October 2002 through March 2003) is approximately $9 million owed to BPA. Electronic versions of the workshop handouts and presentation are now available on the June 10th workshop page.

May 27, 2003 - LB CRAC Workshop Scheduled on June 10th: BPA has scheduled an LB CRAC workshop on Tuesday, June 10th, to present final results for both the LB CRAC5 Adjustment for October 1, 2003, through March 31, 2004, and the LB CRAC3 "True-Up" for October 1, 2002, through March 31, 2003. The workshop will be held in the BPA Rates Hearing Room beginning at 9 AM. A second workshop may be scheduled only if substantive issues are raised at this workshop. See the May 23rd letter to Rate Case Parties and Customers (PDF, 23 kb) for additional information.

May 20, 2003 - FY 2003 Second Quarter Financial Results: On May 9th, BPA published the FY 2003 Second Quarter Review which includes a preliminary forecast of end-of-year generation accumulated net revenues. See also the PBL Generation Accumulated Net Revenues for Financial-Based Cost Recovery Adjustment Clause (PDF, 2 pages, 19 kb). The forecast of accumulated net revenues for the end of the current fiscal year is (-)$726 M. Since the threshold for the FB CRAC is forecasted accumulated net revenues of (-)$265 M, the second quarter review forecast indicates that the FB CRAC is likely to trigger for FY 2004 unless the revenue situation changes dramatically by the end of the third quarter.

May 13, 2003 - SN CRAC Rate Case NEPA Review Public Meeting Scheduled on May 20th: BPA is conducting a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) review of the proposed Safety Net Cost Recovery Adjustment Clause (SN CRAC) adjustment to BPA's 2002 Wholesale Power Rates. As part of its NEPA Review, BPA will hold a public meeting on Tuesday, May 20th, 7 to 9 PM, in Room 122 at BPA Headquarters, 905 NE 11th Ave, Portland, OR. This meeting will be held to receive comments from the public on BPA's NEPA compliance strategy and other environmental issues for the rate proposal. BPA also will accept written comments on NEPA-related issues through May 27, 2003. For more information, see page 4 of the May 2003 Issue of the BPA Journal (PDF, 4 pages, 88 kb) and the BPA Environment, Fish & Wildlife web site.

May 12, 2003 (1 PM) - SN CRAC Rate Case Settlement Meeting Scheduled on May 14th: BPA has been approached by a group of customers about the possibility of settling the SN CRAC rate case. In response to that request, rate case parties only are invited to participate in a settlement meeting on Wednesday, May 14, 2003, at 9:00 a.m. in the BPA Rates Hearing Room. All discussions at the settlement meeting will be treated as confidential. If you have any questions, please contact Peter Burger at (503) 230-4148. To participate by telephone, please call Cain Bloomer at (503) 230-7443 or Cynthia Jones at (503) 230-5459 in advance of the meeting.
[ Note: This announcement was revised on May 13th to reflect the confidential nature of the discussion. Only rate case parties will be allowed to attend this meeting. ]

May 10, 2003 - BPA Rebuttal Testimony and Witness Qualifications for SN-03 Rate Case: Links to the electronic versions of BPA Rebuttal Testimony are now available on a new Rebuttal Testimony page. These documents were originally posted in the "Queue" on May 5th. This page also includes links to rebuttal testimony errata documents. Links to BPA Witness Qualifications are also now available on the Initial Proposal page.

May 8, 2003 (6 PM) - SN-03 Rate Hearing (7i) Files Now Available: In response to public requests, BPA today made available the electronic files submitted by SN-03 Rate Case Parties. To access these files, see the new SN-03 Rate Hearing (7i) Files page.

April 23, 2003 - Workshops Scheduled for May 1 and May 13 to Discuss BPA Debt and Liquidity Strategies: Two public workshops have been scheduled to provide an opportunity for interested rate and non-rate case parties to better understand BPA liquidity options, their availability, and how these options may affect rates and finances. The workshops will be held on Thursday, May 1st (1:30 to 4:15 PM), and Tuesday, May 13th (10 AM to 4:15 PM), in the Rates Hearing Room at BPA headquarters, 905 NE 11th Avenue, Portland, Oregon. To participate by telephone, please call Cheri Benson (503) 230-3325 in advance of the workshop. For more information and meeting handouts, see the workshops page on the BPA Corporate web site. [Note: This announcement was updated on May 8, 2003 to show the change in start time for the May 13th workshop.]

April 11, 2003 - Field Hearing and Public Comment Period for SN CRAC Rate Case: A field hearing is scheduled to receive oral and written comments on Wednesday, April 16, 2003 at BPA headquarters, 905 NE 11th Avenue, Portland, Oregon.  [Note: The location for this hearing was changed from the East Portland Community Center to BPA Headquarters.]  The hearing is scheduled from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM. Participants should plan to arrive early to pass through security. Valid picture ID will be required. A notice advertising this meeting has been placed in regional newspapers, see updated Field Hearing Notification (PDF, 45 kb). BPA is accepting written comments through May 1, 2003. Written comments should be submitted to: Bonneville Power Administration, P.O. Box 12999, Portland, Oregon 97212. Comments can also be e-mailed to: comments@bpa.gov.

April 10, 2003 - The Current Power Rates page has been updated to reflect the new Load-Based and Financial-Based CRAC adjustments for the April 1, 2003 - September 30, 2003 rate period.

April 4, 2003 - SN CRAC Rate Case Initial Proposal: This week BPA released its Initial Proposal for the 2003 SN CRAC Expedited Rate Case proceedings. The Initial Proposal documents were provided to rate case parties at a Pre-hearing on Monday, March 31st, and are now available on the Initial Proposal page. Also available is the ToolKit Model used in the Initial Proposal. For more information see the March 26, 2003 Letter from the Administrator (PDF, 9 pages, 148 kb) and the March 2003 issue of Keeping Current (PDF, 4 pages, 792 kb).

March 24, 2003 - SN CRAC Rate Case Prescheduling Workshop Scheduled on March 27th: A workshop is scheduled on Thursday, March 27th, 10:00 AM - Noon, in the BPA Rates Hearing Room, to discuss the schedule for the SN CRAC Rate Case. For more information, see the March 24, 2003, Letter to Rate Case Customers and Interested Parties (PDF, 91 kb).

March 20, 2003 - Handouts and Notes from March 14th SN CRAC Workshop: Electronic versions of the handouts and notes (PDF, 13 pages, 162 kb) are now available for the March 14th "Policy-Level" SN CRAC Rate Case Workshop.

March 18, 2003 - Follow-up to February 11th, 13th and 18th SN CRAC Workshops (Part 2): An electronic version of Additional Follow-up Questions to February 11th, 12th and 18th SN CRAC Rate Case Workshops (PDF, 12 pages, 35 kb) is now available.

March 13, 2003 - SN CRAC Federal Register Notice: Today, BPA published a Federal Register Notice (PDF, 8 pages, 78 kb) that summarizes BPA's Initial Proposal for the proposed safety-net cost recovery adjustment clause, including notice of a public hearing, and opportunities for public review and comment. No final decisions regarding the SN CRAC have yet been made. As indicated in the Federal Register Notice, BPA is planning to release its Initial Proposal on March 31, 2003, and the public comment period closes on May 1, 2003. Written comments should be submitted to: Bonneville Power Administration, P.O. Box 12999, Portland, Oregon 97212. Comments can also be e-mailed to: comments@bpa.gov.

March 11, 2003 (6 PM) - Notes from March 7th SN CRAC Rate Case Workshop: An electronic version of the workshop notes (PDF, 10 pages, 46 kb) is now available from the March 7th "Policy-Level" SN CRAC Rate Case Workshop.

March 10, 2003 (6 PM) - "Policy-Level" SN CRAC Workshop Scheduled for Friday, March 14th: A third policy-level workshop is scheduled to discuss analytical and policy issues surrounding possible solutions to BPA's financial situation that could affect the ultimate size of any rate increase. This workshop is a continuation of issues discussed at the workshops held on February 25th and March 7th. The workshop is scheduled for Friday, March 14th, 9 AM - Noon, in the BPA Rates Hearing Room. To participate by telephone, please call Cain Bloomer at (503) 230-7443 or Cynthia Jones at (503) 230-5459 in advance of the workshop. For more information, see the March 10, 2003 Letter to Customers and Interested Parties (PDF, 88 kb).

March 10, 2003 (4 PM) - Handouts from March 7th SN CRAC Rate Case Workshop: Electronic versions of the handouts from the March 7th "Policy-Level" SN CRAC Rate Case Workshop are now available.

March 6, 2003 (6 PM) - Follow-up to February 11th, 13th and 18th SN CRAC Workshops: An electronic version of Follow-up Questions to February 11th, 12th and 18th SN CRAC Rate Case Workshops (PDF, dated March 5, 2003, 9 pages, 65 kb) are now available. Additional follow-up questions and answers will be posted to the SN CRAC Rate Case Workshop pages as BPA staff complete requests.

March 5, 2003 (5 PM) - Customer Proposal Available: BPA received today a detailed proposal from John Saven, Northwest Requirements Utilities (PDF, dated 3/6/03, 4 pages, 20 kb). This proposal was initially advanced at the February 25th Policy-Level SN CRAC Workshop and will be discussed in further detail at the workshop on Friday, March 7th (see March 4th announcement below).

March 4, 2003 - Customer Proposal Workshop Scheduled for March 7th: A second policy-level workshop has been scheduled to further explore the customer proposal initially submitted at the February 25th SN CRAC Rate Case Workshop as well as other major policy issues that affect BPA rates and finances. The workshop is scheduled for Friday, March 7th, 2 - 5 PM, in the BPA Rates Hearing Room. For more information, see the March 4, 2003 Letter to Customers and Interested Parties (PDF, 42 kb).

February 28, 2003 (6 PM) - Follow-up to February 25th "Policy-Level" SN CRAC Workshop: Electronic versions of the workshop notes (PDF, 16 pages, 72 kb) and BPA Responses to Customer Requests for Information (PDF, 3 pages, 14 kb) following the February 25th "Policy-Level" SN CRAC Workshop are now available.

February 24, 2003 (6 PM) - Handouts for the February 25th "Policy-Level" SN CRAC Workshop: Electronic versions of the handouts for the February 25, 2003, SN CRAC Rate Case Workshop are now available, including a revised agenda. For more information on how to participate via phone, see the February 20, 2003, Letter to Customers and Other Interested Parties (PDF, 43 kb, originally posted 02-20-2003).

February 24, 2003 (5 PM) - PBL FY2003 Budget and Spending Review Meeting: Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) will meet with customer representatives and other interested parties on Wednesday, February 26, 2003, from 9:00-11:00 AM. The meeting will be at the Public Power Council's office located at 1500 NE Irving, Suite 200, Portland, Oregon. This meeting is to review and discuss the PBL's FY2003 budget and spending to date. If you would like to participate in this meeting by telephone, please call Cain Bloomer at (503) 230-7443, Cynthia Jones at (503) 230-5459 or Andrew Mooney at 503-230-4297 to be connected to the conference bridge. For more information about the meeting, contact Chuck Maichel at 503-230-7496.

February 21, 2003 - Handouts from February 18th SN CRAC Rate Case Workshop: Electronic versions of handouts from the February 18th SN CRAC Rate Case Workshop are now available. [ Note: The handout explaining the Adjustment to ToolKit for Cash was slightly modified after the workshop to include the lags for revenue and purchased power in Line 8 - "All Other".]

February 20, 2003 (5 PM) - Additional Information on Policy-Level SN CRAC Workshop: A follow-up letter regarding the policy-level workshop targeted to utility general managers is now available, as well as a proposed agenda for the meeting. For more information, see the February 20, 2003, Letter to Customers and Other Interested Parties (PDF, 43 kb) and the proposed agenda (PDF, 88 kb). [Note: This agenda was revised and reposted here on February 24, 2003.]

February 18, 2003 - ToolKit Model for SN CRAC Rate Design "Case 0": In response to a request made at today's SN CRAC Workshop, the ToolKit Model for the SN CRAC Rate Design "Case 0" is now available for use by customers and rate case parties.

February 14, 2003 (11 PM) - Handouts from SN CRAC Rate Case Workshops:  Electronic versions of handouts from the SN CRAC Rate Case Workshops held on February 11th and February 13th are now available. Some of the handouts at the February 11th workshop were revised after the workshop to include financial updates as well additional detail requested by workshop attendees. Additional materials will soon be posted to these workshop web pages in response to specific information requests.

February 14, 2003 (5 PM) - Additional SN CRAC Rate Case Workshops Scheduled: Additional SN CRAC Rate Case workshops have been scheduled for 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, February 18th, and Wednesday, February 19, in the BPA Rates Hearing Room. The February 18th workshop will focus on rate design options, other items not covered at the earlier workshops, and if time permits, a discussion on settlement opportunities. If needed, the workshop on February 19th will be held to continue discussions started on February 18th. For more information, see the February 14, 2003, Letter to Rate Case Parties and Customers (PDF, 25 kb).

February 13, 2003 - "Policy-Level" Workshop Scheduled for February 25th: An additional SN CRAC Rate Case workshop has been scheduled to discuss major policy issues that affect BPA rates and finances. The workshop is designed specifically for utility general managers and is scheduled for Tuesday, February 25th, 10 AM - 4 PM, in the BPA Rates Hearing Room. For more information, see the February 13, 2003 Letter to Interested Parties and Customers (PDF, 44 kb).

February 12, 2003 - ToolKit Model for SN CRAC Trigger Case: In response to a request made at the February 11th SN CRAC Workshop, the ToolKit Model for the SN CRAC Trigger Case is now available for use by customers and rate case parties. This model was used by BPA to determine Treasury Payment Probability (TPP).

February 11, 2003 - Power Business Line Report of FY 2002 Audited Actual Accumulated Net Revenues, Preliminary First Quarter Results for FY 2003: The Power Business Line has determined the financial results attributable to the generation function for fiscal year 2002. See PBL FY 2002 Generation Accumulated Net Revenues for Financial Based Cost Recovery Adjustment Clause (PDF, 2 pages, 14 kb, dated 02-10-2003). Information on BPA's preliminary first quarter results for FY 2003 is also now available.

February 7, 2003 - SN CRAC Triggers, Formal Workshops Scheduled for February 11th and 13th: The BPA Administrator has officially triggered the Safety Net Cost Recovery Adjustment Clause (SN CRAC) expedited rate setting process. An electronic version of the Administrator's letter (PDF, 4 pages, 101 kb) announcing his decision to the region is now available. Consistent with the General Rate Schedule Provisions (GRSPs) in BPA's 2002 Wholesale Power Rate Schedules, documentation establishing that the SN CRAC has triggered (PDF, 20 kb) is now available for review. The first formal SN CRAC workshop will take place on Tuesday, February 11, 2003, (see Workshop Agenda). If it is decided that further discussion is warranted, the next workshop is tentatively scheduled for Thursday, February 13, 2003. For additional information, see February 7, 2003 letter to Interested Parties and Customers (PDF, 19 kb) and today's BPA News Release (PR 05 03).

January 29, 2003 - SN CRAC Workshops Cancelled for February 4th and 6th: BPA has cancelled the February 4th and 6th SN CRAC workshops that were tentatively announced below. BPA asks Rate Case parties and customers to continue to hold the remaining Tuesdays and Thursdays in February for possible workshops. Additional information on workshop dates and subject matter will be provided as soon as possible. See January 29, 2003 Letter to Rate Case Parties and Customers (PDF, 15 Kb).

January 27, 2003 - Schedule for Possible SN CRAC Workshops: BPA is requesting that rate case parties and customers reserve every Tuesday and Thursday in February in the event SN CRAC workshops are required. Additional information on workshop dates and subject matter will be provided as soon as possible. See January 24, 2003 Letter to Rate Case Parties and Customers (PDF, 16 Kb) for additional information. [Note: The February 4th and 6th workshops have been cancelled. See January 29th announcement.]

January 24, 2003 - Monthly Adjusted Wholesale Power Rates for April - September 2003: An electronic version of the monthly adjusted wholesale power rates for the LB CRAC4 period (PDF, 3 pages, 12 kb) is now available. This reflects the final Load-Based and Financial-Based CRAC adjustments for April 2003 through September 2003, and is a follow-up to the December 12th LB CRAC Workshop.

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December 13, 2002 - LB CRAC4 Adjustment and LB CRAC2 "True Up" Finalized: In a letter (PDF, 14 kb) issued today to rate case parties and customers, BPA announced the final LB CRAC4 adjustment for April 2003 through September 2003 and the LB CRAC2 True Up for April through September 2002. The letter follows up the announcement made at the LB CRAC workshop on December 12, 2002. The final LB CRAC4 adjustment for April 2003 through September 2003 will be 40.24%. The LB CRAC2 True Up for the April 2002 through September 2002 period will be approximately $2.3 million owed to BPA. For additional information, please refer to the December 12th workshop materials.

December 12, 2002 - Next (Dec. 19th) LB CRAC Workshop Cancelled; LB CRAC4 Adjustment and LB CRAC2 "True Up" Finalized: BPA conducted an LB CRAC workshop today to discuss the LB CRAC4 calculation for April 1, 2003 through September 30, 2003, and the LB CRAC2 True Up covering the period April 1, 2002, through September 30, 2002. The LB CRAC workshop scheduled for December 19, 2002 has been cancelled and the numbers presented at today's workshop are considered final. The final LB CRAC4 adjustment for April 2003 through September 2003 will be 40.24%. The LB CRAC2 True Up for the April 2002 through September 2002 period will be approximately $2.3 million owed to BPA. Electronic versions of the handouts from the December 12th workshop are now available.

November 8, 2002 - Two LB CRAC Workshops Scheduled: BPA will conduct an LB CRAC workshop on December 12, 2002, to present final results for both the LB CRAC4 calculation for April 1, 2003, through September 30, 2003, and the LB CRAC2 True Up covering the period April 1, 2002, through September 30, 2002. A second workshop is scheduled for December 19, 2002, to be used in the event that substantive issues are raised about the results presented at the December 12th workshop. If no issues requiring a follow-up workshop are brought up at the December 12th meeting, then the December 19th workshop will be cancelled. See November 6 letter to Rate Case Parties and Customers (PDF, 14 kb) for additional information.
[Note: The December 19th LB CRAC workshop announced in the November 6 letter was CANCELLED. See December 12th announcement.]

October 8, 2002 - SN CRAC Informal Workshops: October 8th Workshop Handouts Now Available; October 15th Workshop Cancelled - BPA held an informal SN CRAC Workshop today to discuss the 40-Day, 7(i) process and potential rate designs in the event that the SN CRAC is triggered. Electronic versions of the handouts are now available. The October 15, 2002 workshop has been cancelled. For additional information, see October 8, 2002 letter to Rate Case Parties and Customers (PDF, 18 kb).

October 1, 2002 - New Adjusted Power Rates: The Current Power Rates page has been updated to reflect the new Load-Based and Financial-Based CRAC adjustments for the October 2002 - March 2003 rate period. In addition, a Rate Comparison Chart (PDF, 10 kb) is now available that illustrates the change in average total adjusted power rates from the previous fiscal year. See also BPA's 9/25/02 News Release.

September 25, 2002 - FB CRAC will trigger for FY2003: BPA calculations indicate that the Accumulated Net Revenues in the generation function will fall below the Financial-Based Cost Recovery Adjustment Clause (FB CRAC) threshold for fiscal year 2002. The FB CRAC will trigger at the maximum recoverable amount of $135 million, which translates to an increase in rates of 10.97% above base rates, starting October 1, 2002 and continuing through September 30, 2003. See the September 25 letter to customers (PDF, 17 kb) for additional information. Also available are electronic versions of the three enclosures with the letter: final FB CRAC Calculations (PDF, 10 kb), FB CRAC Rate Increments (PDF, 8 kb), and Responses to Comments (PDF, 11 kb) received during the public comment period. On October 1, BPA will post new rates for fiscal year 2003 showing the cumulative effects of the LB and FB CRACs on base power rates.

September 24, 2002 - Two SN CRAC Workshops Scheduled: BPA will conduct two informal workshops on Tuesday, October 8th and 15th to discuss the Safety Net Cost Recovery Adjustment Clause (SN CRAC) for the 2003 fiscal year. BPA has not yet determined if the SN CRAC will actually trigger. However, due to BPA's difficult financial situation over the remaining rate period, BPA needs to consider the prospect that the SN CRAC may be triggered in fiscal year 2003. BPA is hosting these workshops to discuss how an expedited 7(i) process could be accomplished in 40-days as described in the General Rate Schedule Provisions. See September 24 letter to Rate Case Parties and Customers (PDF, 16 Kb) for additional information.
[Note: The October 15th SN CRAC workshop announced in the September 24 letter was CANCELLED See October 8th announcement.]

September 4, 2002 - Handouts from the FB CRAC public forum / workshop: BPA held a technical workshop today to discuss the FB CRAC estimate for FY 2003. Electronic versions of all the handouts are now available on the workshop web page. The deadline for comments regarding the FB CRAC is Friday, September 13, 2002. See the August 29th notification letter to customers (PDF, 25kb) for additional information on how to submit comments.

August 29, 2002 - FB CRAC Will Likely Trigger for FY 2003: Today BPA published the FY 2002 Third Quarter Financial Review and the PBL Generation Accumulated Net Revenues Forecast (PDF, 14 kb, updated August 30, 2002).  The forecast of accumulated net revenues for the end of fiscal year 2002 is (-)$637 M. Since the threshold for the Financial-Based Cost Recovery Adjustment Clause (FB CRAC) is forecasted accumulated net revenues of (-)$408 M, the third quarter review forecast indicates that the FB CRAC will likely trigger for FY 2003.  For more information, see today's notification letter to customers (PDF, 25 kb).  As noted in the letter, the deadline for public comments is Friday, September 13, 2002, and BPA will conduct an FB CRAC public forum / workshop on Wednesday, September 4th at 9:00 AM.

August 28, 2002 - BPA adds Financial Choices workshop after FB CRAC public forum on September 4, and replaces September 17 SN CRAC workshop with Financial Choices workshop: In response to requests received at the SN CRAC workshop on August 22nd, BPA has scheduled three Financial Choices workshops to provide additional technical detail supporting the Financial Choices process on BPA's financial situation. The first Financial Choices workshop will begin at 11:00 am on September 4, following the 9:00 am FB CRAC workshop on the same day. The schedule for the three new Financial Choices workshops is provided in a letter dated August 27, 2002 (PDF, 23 kb).

August 16, 2002 - BPA will conduct a public forum on Wednesday, September 4, 2002, to explain the Accumulated Net Revenues forecast for end of FY02 and review whether the Financial Based Cost Recovery Adjustment Clause (FB CRAC) trigger has been reached, and if so, will present and explain the calculations for the FB CRAC. See August 15 letter to Rate Case Parties and Customers (PDF, 14 Kb) for additional information.

August 9, 2002 - BPA will conduct two workshops to discuss the probability of triggering the Safety Net Cost Recovery Adjustment Clause (SN CRAC) outlined in the 2002 General Rate Schedule Provisions for fiscal year 2003. BPA has not yet determined if the SN CRAC will trigger. However, due to the difficult financial situation, BPA needs to consider the possibility that the SN CRAC will trigger in the next fiscal year. The workshops are scheduled for Thursday, August 22 and Tuesday, September 17. See August 9 letter to Rate Case Parties and Customers (PDF, 35 Kb) for additional information.
[Note: The September 17th SN CRAC workshop announced in the August 9 letter was CANCELLED and replaced with a Financial Choices workshop. See August 28th announcement above.]

July 3, 2002 - Load-Based (LB) CRAC Forecasts for April 2003 through September 2006: In response to a request made at the June 20, 2002, LB CRAC workshop, the Power Business Line is providing an LB CRAC forecast for April 2003 through September 2006 (PDF, 1 page, 8 kb, dated July 2, 2002). The following information is presented:  1) forecasted LB CRAC percentage for periods 4 through 10;  2) forecasted percentage increase in the Slice Rate;  3) forecasted percentage increase in the non-Slice Rate;  4) DSI load forecast; and  5) market price estimates. These forecasts are only estimates and they absolutely will change.

July 2, 2002 - Financial Choices for the Region FY 2003 - 2006 - BPA announced today it is opening public comment on a variety of financial and program options for FY 2003-2006. Earlier this year, BPA sent letters to the region describing the difficult financial circumstances BPA is now facing (see earlier announcements dated April 3 and May 2, 2002). There is also a strong potential for poor financial results into the future absent significant action. Today's letter from Administrator Steve Wright (PDF, 2 pages, 32 kb) sets the stage for this public process. A separate letter was also issued today from Paul Norman, Senior Vice President for the Power Business Line. The letter from Paul Norman (PDF, 11 pages, 427 kb) provides a list of key questions (value choices) and several financial alternatives we are asking the region to consider. A public comment period is now open through September 30, 2002. The Paul Norman letter includes information on how to submit comments, including a new e-mail address: financialchoices@bpa.gov. Public meetings will be scheduled later this summer. As soon as the meeting information is available, it will be mailed to the region and posted to this website.

June 28, 2002 - REVISED Final LB CRAC 3 Adjustment: In a letter to Rate Case Parties and Customers (PDF, 22 kb, dated June 28th), BPA announced that the LB CRAC forecast made final at the June 20th workshop has been revised due to a change in cost of DSI load reduction for the CRAC 3 period, October 2002 through March 2003. The final LB CRAC 3 adjustment for October 2002 through March 2003 has been revised from 32.64% to 32.94%. The corresponding rate adjustment to the 2002-2006 base rates is 32.35% for the Slice product and 31.88% for non-Slice products subject to LB CRAC. An electronic version of the updated workshop handouts (PDF, 10 pages, 45 kb) is also now available.
[Notes: The text of this announcement was revised on July 2, 2002, to more accurately describe the reason the LB CRAC 3 adjustment was revised. The updated workshop handout was also revised on July 2, 2002, to add footnotes on pages 4 and 5, and to remove the highlighting on page 6.]

June 21, 2002 - LB CRAC Workshop Cancelled; LB CRAC 3 Adjustment and LB CRAC 1 "True-Up" Finalized:  In a letter to Rate Case Parties and Customers (PDF, 22 kb), BPA announced that the June 27th LB CRAC workshop has been cancelled. After discussion with the participants at the June 20th LB CRAC workshop, it became evident that the current forecasts would not change and are now considered final. The final LB CRAC 3 adjustment for October 2002 through March 2003 will be 32.64%. The LB CRAC 1 True-Up for the January through March 2002 period will be approximately $15 million in refunds to customers. An electronic version of the handouts at the June 20th workshop (PDF, 10 pages, 28 kb) is also now available.   [ Note: This version of the workshop handouts was updated on June 28, 2002, to reflect an updated DSI load and changes to the LB CRAC 3 percentage for October 2002 through March 2003. It was revised again on July 2, 2002 to add footnotes on pages 4 and 5, and to remove the highlighting on page 6. See the June 28th announcement above for more information.]

June 11, 2002 - LB CRAC Workshop Rescheduled: In a letter issued June 11, 2002 (PDF, 22 kb), BPA announced that the June 13th workshop has been rescheduled for June 20. Topics to be discussed:  1) true-up for the second part of the first LB CRAC (LB CRAC 1) for January 2002 through March 2002 and  2) preliminary forecast for the third LB CRAC (LB CRAC 3) for October 2002 through March 2003. The second workshop on LB CRAC 3 on June 27 (see announcement below) will go on as scheduled.   [ Update: The June 27th workshop was cancelled (see June 21st announcement above).]

June 10, 2002 - BPA Announces a Pair of Power Rates Workshops: BPA announces a pair of workshops, on Thursday, June 13 and Thursday, June 27, to implement the Load-Based Cost Recovery Adjustment Clause (LB CRAC) for the October 2002 through March 2003 rate period. To participate by telephone, call Cynthia Jones, (503) 230-5459 or (503) 230-7443 to be connected to the conference bridge. See June 6 letter to Rate Case Parties and Customers (PDF, 22 kb) for additional information. [ Update: The first workshop was rescheduled from June 13th to June 20th (see June 11 announcement above) and the June 27th workshop was cancelled (see June 21st announcement above).]

May 22, 2002 - Handout from BPA Workshop on Debt Service Reassignment: BPA held a Debt Service Reassignment Workshop on May 21, 2002. An electronic version of the workshop handout (PDF, 26 pages, 240 kb) is now available. For more information about the workshop, see May 6th letter and enclosure (PDF, 4 pages, 32 kb).

May 13, 2002 - FY 2002 Second Quarter Financial Results: On May 13, BPA published the FY 2002 Second Quarter Review, which includes a preliminary forecast of end-of-year generation accumulated net revenues. See also the PBL Generation Accumulated Net Revenues for Financial-Based Cost Recovery Adjustment Clause (PDF, 3 pages, 23 kb). The forecast of accumulated net revenues for the end of the fiscal year is (-)$554 M. Since the threshold for the FB CRAC is forecasted accumulated net revenues of (-)$408 M, the second quarter review forecast indicates that the FB CRAC is likely to trigger unless the revenue situation changes dramatically by the end of the third quarter.

May 2, 2002 - BPA issued a letter (PDF, 12 pages, 95 kb) today from Paul Norman, Senior VP, Power Business Line (PBL), describing the PBL's current plan to minimize power rates and the actions BPA is taking to reduce expenses. Please contact your PBL Account Executive or BPA Constituent Account Executive with questions or comments.   [Note: The May 2nd letter was updated and re-posted here on May 9, 2002, to correct the last sentence of Item 36 in Attachment 3.]

April 25, 2002 - Final Record of Decision for PNCA-02 Rate Case: On April 24, 2002, the BPA Administrator signed a Final Administrator's Record of Decision (PDF, 13 pages, 77 kb) containing BPA's final decisions on the Final Proposal to Adjust the Rate for Interchange Energy Imbalances Under the Pacific Northwest Coordination Agreement (PNCA). Printed copies of the Administrator's Record of Decision were mailed on April 25th to the rate case parties. For background information, see the PNCA-02 Rate Case web page.

April 10, 2002 - Draft Record of Decision for PNCA-02 Rate Case: On April 5, 2002, BPA issued a Draft Record of Decision (PDF, 12 pages, 72 kb) containing BPA's draft decisions on the Proposed Adjustment to the Rate for Interchange Energy Imbalances Under the Pacific Northwest Coordination Agreement (PNCA). For background information, see the PNCA-02 Rate Case web page.

April 9, 2002 - FY 2002 First Quarter Financial Results: On January 31st BPA published the FY 2002 First Quarter Review. The 2002 Final Supplemental General Rate Schedule Provisions (GRSPs) require that BPA post quarterly its preliminary, unaudited, year-to-date aggregate financial results for generation. The FY 2002 preliminary, unaudited, year-to-date net revenues for generation for the first quarter is (-)$46 M. This brings accumulated net revenues to (-)$294 M, however, this does not include FAS 133 or an adjustment for Energy Northwest debt.

April 3, 2002 - BPA has released a letter (PDF, 8 pages, 423 kb) from the Administrator, Steve Wright, to customers and citizens of the Pacific Northwest, explaining BPA's financial situation and the impact on power rates. A related BPA News Release (PR 46 02) was also issued today.

April 1, 2002 - The Current Power Rates page has been updated to reflect the new LB CRAC adjustment for the April - September 2002 rate period.

March 29, 2002 - In a letter dated March 28, 2002 (PDF, 1 page, 22 kb), BPA announced that the Mark to Market methodology workshop scheduled for April 4th has been cancelled. Electronic versions of the handouts at the March 21st workshop are now available, including a slightly updated version of the surplus revenue forecast graphs with a more recent estimate of current market prices. The final model used to determine the LB CRAC "true-up" for October - December 2001 is now available as an interactive Excel workbook (XLS, 15 spreadsheets, 254 kb), as well as a non-interactive PDF document (15 pages, 80 kb).

March 4, 2002 - At the workshop held on February 14, BPA announced that the LB CRAC adjustment for the next six-month rate period (April - September 2002) has declined from the current rate of 46% to about 40% above base rates. When combined with the base rates, this represents about a 4% decline from the overall rates for the last six months. The draft model used to estimate the LB CRAC "true-up" for October - December 2001 is now available as an interactive Excel workbook (XLS, 15 spreadsheets, 252 kb), as well as a non-interactive PDF document (15 pages, 80 kb).
[Note: The last sentence of this announcement was revised on March 15th in order to correct the description the model provided.]

February 14, 2002 - An electronic version of the handouts from today's LB CRAC Workshop (PDF, 8 pages, 22 kb) is now available.

February 5, 2002 - Handouts from LB CRAC Workshop: BPA held an LB CRAC Workshop on January 28th (see January 22nd announcement below). An electronic version of the workshop handouts (PDF, 9 pages, 69 kb) is now available.

February 1, 2002 - Power Business Line Report of FY2001 Accumulated Net Revenues: On January 29th BPA published an annual report showing net revenues for FY 2001 (see page 3 of the BPA FY2001 Annual Report). The Power Business Line has also determined the financial results attributable to the generation function. See PBL FY2001 Generation Accumulated Net Revenues for Financial Based Cost Recovery Adjustment Clause (PDF, 2 pages, 15 kb).

January 22, 2002 - BPA publishes a Federal Register Notice: On January 22, 2002, BPA published a Federal Register Notice (PDF, 3 pages, 48 kb) describing a Proposed Adjustment to the rate for Interchange Energy Imbalances Under the Pacific Northwest Coordination Agreement. BPA has also prepared testimony (PDF, 13 pages, 42 kb) regarding this proposal. [Note: The testimony document was updated and reposted here on January 28, 2002.]   For more information, see the new PNCA-02 Rate Case web page.

January 22, 2002 - BPA announces a series of workshops: BPA announces a series of workshops, beginning on January 28th, to implement the Load-Based Cost Recovery Adjustment Clause, and to develop the long-term Mark-to-Market methodology. To participate by telephone, call Cynthia Jones, (503) 230-5459 or (503) 230-7443 to be connected to the conference bridge. See January 7th letter to Rate Case Parties and Customers (PDF, 2 pages, 28 kb) for additional information.

January 3, 2002 - BPA files an errata to the 2002 GRSPs with FERC: On November 28, 2001, BPA filed an errata (PDF, 2 pages, 7 kb) with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to make a clarifying correction to BPA's 2002 Final Wholesale Power Rate Proposal GRSPs. The errata concerned identifying the Transmission Business Line (TBL) as having the responsibility for providing operating reserves for Priority Firm power sales. BPA has also issued a revised version of the 2002-2006 Wholesale Power Rates (Base Rates) document which incorporates all the errata filed to date (see Current Power Rates page).

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November 13, 2001 - BPA files two errata to the 2002 GRSPs with FERC: On September 18, 2001, BPA filed an errata (PDF, 3 pages, 14 kb) with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to make clarifying corrections to BPA's 2002 Supplemental Wholesale Power Rate Proposal GRSPs. The errata concerned the Load Based Cost Recovery Adjustment Clause (LB CRAC). On November 1, 2001, BPA filed a second erratum (PDF, 4 pages, 16 kb) with FERC to clarify that the 2002 GRSPs do apply to sales under the FPS-96 rate schedule.

October 4, 2001 - Updated Table of Current "Adjusted" Power Rates: BPA has corrected some minor errors on the previously issued table of monthly power rates for the October 2001 to March 2002 rate period (with the 46% LB CRAC adjustment). The revised table (PDF, 6 kb, updated October 3, 2001) now shows the corrected Slice rate of $2,077,598 per month.

October 1, 2001 - The Current Rates page has been updated to include a link to a PDF version of the new 2002-2006 Wholesale Power Rates (base rates) document (Schedules, GRSPs, FPS-96R, GTA), as well as a table of "Average Adjusted" Rates for the October 2001 - March 2002 period (with the 46% LB CRAC adjustment). [Note: The Current Rates web page was updated again on October 4, 2001 - - see above announcenment.]

September 28, 2001 - FERC GRANTS INTERIM APPROVAL OF THE WHOLESALE POWER RATES. Today, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) approved BPA's proposed wholesale power rates on an interim basis, pending full review for final approval. The wholesale power rates will allow BPA to recover its costs and repay the U.S. Treasury for the Federal investiment in the Federal Cloumbia River Power System. FERC also allowed an additional period of time for parties to file comments and reply to comments. FERC will then fully review the entire record for final approval. BPA rates are effective October 1, 2001. For additional information, see FERC Order issued September 28, 2001 (PDF, 6 pages, 17 kb).

September 4, 2001 - Updated table showing application of LB CRAC adjustment: On August 21, 2001, BPA made several modifications to the table showing the rates with the LB CRAC adjustment (page 3 of the "Final Results" announced on June 29, 2001, 5 PM). The modifications involve changes to the IP rates. The IP rates announced on June 29, 2001, inadvertently excluded the IPTAC when the LB CRAC% was applied to the rates adopted in May 2000. The updated table (PDF, 10 kb) corrects this oversight. Both the PF-02 and the RL-02 rate adjustment announced on June 29, 2001, remain unchanged.    [As noted in the October 4, 2001 announcement, page 3 of this document was corrected again on October 3, 2001.]

August 29, 2001 - FB CRAC Will Not Trigger: After careful review of the FY 2001 third quarter financials and the forecasted end-of-year financial results attributable to the generation function (Power Business Line), accumulated net revenues for FB CRAC do not fall below the threshold to trigger for fiscal year 2001. Therefore, FB CRAC will not affect FY 2002 rates. See PBL FY2001 Third Quarter Forecast of Accumulated Net Revenue (PDF, 20 kb) and BPA FY2001 Third Quarter Review. This decision is consistent with the guidelines in the 2002 Supplemental Power Rate Proposal Administrator's Final Record of Decision.

June 29, 2001, 5 PM - LB CRAC Model Results Now Available: BPA is providing aggregated data on inputs to and results from the LB CRAC analysis in Final Results (PDF, 12 kb, as noted in the September 4 and October 4, 2001 announcements, page 3 of this document was corrected on August 21 and again on October 3, 2001), Crosswalk Between Rate Mitigation Activities and LB CRAC (PDF, 6 kb), and the LB CRAC Final Public Model (.XLS Spreadsheet, 210 kb).
[Note: Consistent with the Partial Settlement of BPA's Rate Case which stipulated that detailed data would be embargoed for 12 months, the actual data used in the calculation has been purged from this version of the model. As a result, there are numerous DIV by Zero messages. This is simply a result of the equations remaining but the data used by these equations has been omitted.]

June 29, 2001 - BPA Announces Final Load-Based Cost Recovery Adjustment Clause for October 1, 2001: BPA has completed the process of calculating the amount of the rate adjustment for the first six months of the next rate period. On average, the rates will increase by 46 percent. For more information regarding the adjustment, see June 29, 2001 Press Conference page.

June 26, 2001 - BPA Announces Preliminary Load Reduction Results: BPA has been working with its customers to identify ways in which they will reduce their load on BPA. A preliminary report (PDF, 2 pages, 9 kb) provides the load reductions by customer group.

June 25, 2001 - BPA Issues Record of Decision (ROD) on Load Reduction Strategy and 9(c) Study: BPA Acting Administrator Steve Wright has signed a Record of Decision on BPA's Load Reduction Strategy (PDF, 29 pages, 154 kb) that outlines the actions customers can take to contractually reduce their purchases from BPA. Actions range from doing more conservation to temporarily adding and using unplanned resources. This strategy also includes a determination under section 9(c) of the Northwest Power Act regarding possible future exports by utility customers of these unplanned resources.

June 11, 2001 - Technical workshop materials posted: BPA has posted materials that were discussed at the "LB CRAC" technical rates workshop on June 6. Per the discussion at the workshop, BPA is posting improved tables demonstrating the Path A and Path B results.

June 6, 2001 - BPA and Customers hold technical workshop: BPA, the rate case parties, and other interested customers are holding a technical rates workshop today, where BPA will release the preliminary results of its efforts to reduce the expected rate increase through a load reduction effort. This presentation will provide customers and the public with a preliminary estimates of the rate adjustment for the first six month period for the rates that go into effect on October 1. BPA staff will also discuss application of the Financial-Based CRAC. See also the press release (PDF, 2 pages, 111 kb) issued today.

Related Note - The following load reduction RODs were originally posted as MS Word documents on BPA's Corporate web site in June 2001 and were later converted to PDF files and reposted on the PBL web site on November 10, 2004:


Content provided by:  Greg Gustafson, 503-230-5820, gcgustafson@bpa.gov.
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