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Inspector General of the Marine Corps

Headquarters Marine Corps

Special Inquiries

The Special Inquiries Division is responsible for conducting investigations into allegations against senior officials of the Department of the Navy and reports the results of its investigations to the Department of Defense IG.

This Division is also responsible for the handling of congressional inquiries submitted to the Office of the Naval Inspector General. The Naval Inspector General Congressional Inquiries section receives, tasks, tracks, reviews and responds to congressional inquiries.

Congressional inquiries are treated in the same was as a Navy hotline investigation, applying the same regulations.

Allegations include:

Violations of the standards of ethical conduct.
Abuses of authority.
Violations of law, including the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
Violations of statuatory post-Government service restrictions.
A matter not included above that can reasonably be expected to be of significance to the Secretary of Defense, Secretary of the Navy, the Chief of Naval Operations, the Commandant of the Marine Corps, Department of Defense Inspector General, or the Naval Inspector General.

Contact the Naval Inspector General Special Inquires Division if you become aware of allegations of misconduct by any individual who falls within the below categories of employees:

Department of the Navy senior officials, including active duty, retired, or reserve military officers, in or selected for the grades of O7 (Brigadier General) and above;
Current or former civilian members of the Senior Executive Service (SES), and current or former Department of the Navy Presidential Appointees.