Difficult time for the country


More than 50 days into the Gulf oil spill, President Obama said in a June 7 Today Show interview that this is a difficult time for the United States. But “we’ve just got to keep on moving,” the president said.

“From day one, we understood that this was going to be a major disaster,” Obama said of the spill, which he called America’s largest response to an environmental disaster in history. “We have put unprecedented resources to deal with it.”

The Obama administration has faced criticism from those saying that the president has not expressed enough anger with BP’s handling of the situation. “Look, I would love to vent,” Obama said. “I would love to just shout and holler, because I’m thinking about this day in and day out. But my main job is to solve the problem.”

A transcript is available on the Today Show Web site. What do you think of the president’s comments?

16 thoughts on “Difficult time for the country

  1. the only solution is having the favour of god. day in day out i pray to god for his mercy because the problems are too much. god bless this world and he should guide u and ur thoughts if u acknowledge him.

  2. Iran’s parliament is to revise relations with the UN nuclear watchdog, following the latest round of UN sanctions, state media says.
    The announcement by National Security and Foreign Policy Committee head Alaeddin Boroujerdi did not specify what action might be taken.
    But correspondents say options could include restricting access by UN inspectors to Iranian nuclear sites.
    President Ahmadinejad has dismissed the UN sanctions as a “used handkerchief”.
    Iran insists it wants only atomic energy, but a number of Western countries suspect it of building nuclear weapons.
    On Wednesday, the UN Security Council voted to impose a fourth round of sanctions on Tehran for failing to halt its nuclear enrichment programme.
    China said on Thursday it “highly values” its relations with the Islamic republic, after incurring Tehran’s anger by voting for the latest measures.
    They include tighter financial curbs and an expanded arms embargo, but not the crippling sanctions the US had wanted.
    US President Barack Obama said the sanctions sent an unmistakable message about the determination to stop the spread of nuclear arms.
    The Security Council voted by 12 votes to two in favour. Brazil and Turkey voted against the sanctions, while Lebanon abstained.
    They argued that the sanctions were counter-productive and endangered a diplomatic solution.
    Later, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said: “I gave one of the [world powers] a message that the resolutions you issue are like a used handkerchief which should be thrown in the dustbin.
    “They are not capable of hurting Iranians,” he added.

    President of Iran has not to be sensitive to the extent that it receives its country in isolation on an issue that confronts all the world regions on safety valves that are invisible because the world leaders do not suspect any one on it except the so called evil behind it that is regionally based in continental terms interlinked with moments to acquire any one foolishly in dangerous terms. We need to look at that as the used handkerchief for throwing into the dustbin and it is for that reason the ball game gets complicated and some times comes to grossly hit even on the sincerity of the words as on those expressed by you Sir as the President of Iran.
    When you President refer yourself by saying one of the world powers, it only reflects an ego clash that no body should like to relish when the world powers in consensus as I see through the security power resolution of UN have acted on sanctions. That means the past perceptions that were standing in the void or blank also come in to achieve the UN achievable into some kind of an order that speaks and there Iran requires being transparent forgetting that there is an eye of suspicion because the world powers basically are out to build a universal trust in seeing off the good friend of the past as evil with a renewable energy that is of the good as good only. Therefore, BA meaning Barrack and Ahmadinejad must graduate on it with a smile to annihilate sanctions.
    Ravinder Kumar.

  3. The Agro-Industry Health Lifestyle Costs from the BP Company oil spill Safety Model in USA.
    By Moses Isaac ODHIAMBO June 2010

    President OBAMA is a great leader as he exhibits those talentumal specificities in best behaviors in the areas of transparency, communication, trust, compassion, and self-awareness. The President s stand on BP Company oil spill catastrophe
    Environmental pollution is excellently sound as rich multinational companies should not just cause horrific terrors in the ocean due to carelessness and on the other hand unnececessarily hold responsible leaders politically at ransom to pay for them the legal damage cost in terms of:-.Costs of Environmental Crime and Punishment: Legal/Economic Theory and Empirical Evidence on Enforcement of Federal Environmental Statutes, – Costs and Benefits of Oil Spill Prevention and Enforcement,- Optimal Enforcement Strategy to Prevent Oil Spills and as an Application of a Principal-Agent Model with “Moral Hazard”, and Taxonomy of Oil Spill Costs: What are the statistical prognosis Costs of the future oil spill in Deepwater Horizon oil Spill?
    The days of messing up micro-and macro-economic policy models in the World are over for the legally well harmonized governmental pollution ACTS especially in USA where there is a bravely constitutive leadership of. Accountability, responsibility and transparency.
    The costs of an oil spill are both quantitative and qualitative where Quantitative costs do include loss of the oil, repair of physical facilities, payment for cleaning up the spill and remediation of the environment, penalties assessed by regulatory agencies, and money paid in insurance and legal claims. Here the Qualitative costs of BP Company oil spill do include the loss of pristine habitat biodiversity and communities, as well as unaccounted unknown wildlife and human cancerous health effects from exposure to carcinogenic material laden PAHs -Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrogen Carbon Compounds in the agro-industry food chain and into water and soil pollution.
    President OBAMA s administration has made strategic tremendous decisions, determining organizational management psychology changes by facing realistically the agro-industry health lifestyle issues that impact citizens, former successful beach business workers who need to see him as being transparent with both the US Nation, the polluters and the oil spill workforce. about how these matters arose, the mindset process for dealing with them, and how do seal the leakage as the last resort.
    The technological prevention of oil spills has become a major priority; and of equal importance efforts to contain and remove oil that has spilled are considered to be prevention of secondary spills. The costs associated with oil spills and regulations governing offshore facilities and operations have encouraged the development of improved technology for spill prevention. The Oil Pollution Act of 1990 was enacted by the U.S. Congress to strengthen oil spill prevention, planning, response, and restoration efforts. Under its provisions, the Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund provides cleanup funds for oil pollution incidents.
    President OBAMA has successfully led through a two-way communication which is much of it is nonverbal. For instance, when he often personally visited the polluted beaches to ascertain / talk / heal /discuss with the affected people and see for himself the enviromental pollution terror done by BP Company oil spill on the US agro-industry, tourism and hoteliering industry in the 21st Century.The communication to the polluters has been impartial, thorough and excellently leveraged to the BP Oil Company in the terms of benefit-cost analysis particularly in these turbulent times.
    Responsibility for the prevention of oil spills falls upon individuals as well as on governments and industries. Because the sources of oil waste in the ocean are generally careless, rather than accidental, truly effective prevention of oil spills involves everyone. But this long oil spill catastrophe by BP Oil Company is unexplainable this is marvelously rich company neglecting to higher high tech brains to do the job irrespective of where they come from, instead waiting for USA Government to correct the damage done by them. How do they employ CEOs without thorough-ado connectivity of communication skills?
    OBAMA has a high rate of Trust and confidence in top leadership negotiation and that is the single most reliable technological predictor of agro-industry /hoteliering and tourism industry employee satisfaction in his organizational legal psychology management. Trust must be earned. Leaders can earn employee trust by helping employees understand the company’s overall business strategy, informing them how they contribute to achieving key business goals and sharing technical information with employees on both how the company is doing and how an employee’s own division is doing relative to organizational objectives.
    The BP Company has a lot of money and cannot higher qualified experienced technological experts globally to repair the damage in time. It is a pity that we value money more than human life for sustainable development in the 21st Century
    President OBAMA, -This is the time that environmental safety devices in terms of high class antenas should be built around the ocean oil fields to monitor plasma torching /lightning /short circuiting problems of the oil fields due to terrorism baptised in different names. This technological safety device will save many countries from footing the unnecessary bills in terms of enviromental cleaner consumer production that sometimes the private poor companies cannot manage.
    Strict liability versus negligence standards. Oil pollution laws in the United States are
    largely strict liability offenses. There generally is no need to determine the cause of the spill
    when determining whether or not damages will be assessed. Instead, the responsible party is
    strictly liable for all cleanup and damages. From an economics standpoint, this is generally
    efficient for two reasons. First, a NEGLIGENCE STANDARD requires considerable resources to investigate the cause of the spill and to prove in court that adequate care was not taken to prevent the spill. Second, a strict liability standard has a built-in incentive for firms to invest in better prevention technologies. Under a negligence standard, there is less of an incentive as firms are only held liable if existing levels of care are not met. One argument in favor of a negligence standard, however, would be the case where the potential penalty from spilling oil is so large that it would bankrupt the firm. Here, firms would gain the benefits of risky behavior but not bear the full costs – and hence would underinvest in prevention. Accordingly, a negligence standard, coupled with increased but costly government monitoring, is one solution to potential catastrophic risks such as BP Company large oil spills.
    The OBAMA Administration has shown the basis of good leadership with honorable polity management characteristics and selfless service to the World, organizations; compassion for citizens and both their professional and personal situations. This is an example of how good leaders make tough choices to win competitive marketing strategies in order to achieve the objectives in tough times of our life.

    By Moses Isaac ODHIAMBO

  4. Mr Obama blaming the British for BP oil spill is like blaming the French when you choke on a french frie.

    By Moses Isaac ODHIAMBO June 2010

    The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is the worst in US history—surpassing even the Exxon Valdez spill in Alaska in 1989. This region accounts for about a fifth of the US Nation’s oyster production and 75 percent of the domestic shrimp output. Tourism is the main factor, though. This is especially true for Florida, where the state relies completely on revenue from tourists and have no State Income Tax. This loss of tourism could devastate Florida, and the entire Gulf region. This BP. Oil Catastrophe Pollution circumscribes the most lethal toxicological aspects of marine food products chain mechanism in terms of physical chemical and biological contaminant perspectives. The danger of toxicological aspects lies on the effects of micro-trace elements in the petroleum oil residues and its configurational molecular carcinogenic cancerous effects from the affected marine food products in question. The vital part of the US seafood industry are the vast assortments of oysters, shrimp, and crab. Oil and hydrocarbons (PAHs) which are toxic to oysters and generally remain a technological safety problem to them as hydrocarbons can be retained in coastal sediments for months or even years. Shrimp and blue crab are directly influenced by coastal marshes which are being infiltrated by dynamic enormous amounts of drifting oil. It doesn’t seem like there are many marine or coastal animals that remain to be unaffected by this disaster. The mollusk species from the Gulf coast—oysters, clams, and periwinkles—should have been by this time contaminated from the oil spill. The oil petroleum spill dynamics must have already invaded these species’ as shells. Mollusks continuously build their shells, and if pollution is present in the gulf environment they may incorporate the contaminants into their shells. They might have incorporated vanadium and nickel into their shells—two metals that are common in crude oil. It appears that the metals can be substituted for calcium as the animals build their calcium-carbonate shells. The hydrocarbons and heavy metals from the oil will move from the mollusks throughout the food chain. Whilst the Hydrocarbons, which can be carcinogenic, will eventually break down, but no one knows the lag-phase time, that is how long the heavy metals will remain in the marine food-chain?

    The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is taking its toll on the region’s wildlife: brown pelicans, sea turtles, several species of fish, and now dolphins have been found dead. The National Marine Fisheries Service report findings total it up to date- as six dead dolphins in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama since May 2nd. Officials are saying the deaths could be related to the oil spill or may be due to natural deaths from calving. The Marine animals like whales and dolphins not only live in the water, but need to surface to breathe. Therefore, the oil within the water is not the only threat to them. As they surface above the water to breathe the fresh air, the toxins that the oil gives off are inhaled. Whales are known for their nice meat as source of wonderfully rich protein called-Methionine. The oil pollution is also a cause of some deaths of Dolphins and whales which had been observed swimming in oil-stained waters off of Louisiana.
    To be more specific the BP Company Oil Spill Catastrophe has caused great dangers in US food and hoteliering-tourism industry economy in terms of.HACCP Food Safety technology perspectives. Now approximately 136 species or stocks of fish and shellfish from the Gulf that have been projectically featured in regional seafood markets and restaurants, 125 are projected to have been directly impacted by oil contamination. Because Gulf Coast communities harvest well over half of all oysters eaten in the U.S., as well as generate much of the wild-caught shrimp, grouper, redfish, and crawfish produced in North America, the oil spill is likely to diminish the overall diversity in the American food system.

    By Moses Isaac ODHIAMBO

  6. Relief Oil well drilling.
    Why leave it till a problem arises?
    Why not drill a relief well to coincide with the main well?
    Leave the relief well unfinished but within 48 hours of completion. So if a problem occurs in the life of the main well the relief well can be commissioned with minimum
    of delay. It will cost the Oil Companies, but the economy and environment will benefit.

  7. from the depth of my heart I’m sorry hearing from you that oil spill in U.S sea. I supposed UK and US have to focus for this problem until the sea is clean from those oil. And for nuclear Ahmad Dinejad don’t be prudish to the west, keep Iran nation and your people developing untill the end of the day.

  8. what’s happenning in the gulf of mexico?
    every body in the world, please believe what i am saying.
    it’s nobody’s fault.
    nobody in the world wants to lose money nor time.
    no one wants to hurt someone else.
    we have got to stop blaming people and try to solve the problems instead.
    it’s the will of allah
    we,the people of the world are meant to live the way we are living.
    it’s what we call : destiny
    the good is meant to be so
    the evil is meant to be so
    and each knows himself

  9. President Obama is using excessive power against Britsh firm Bp and that look like declaratrion of business war and that will drive the releation of the two countries inti cul-de-sac.

  10. obama has show no leadership and an incredible myopia dealing with this tragedy. He could have availed himself of foreign expertise weeks ago yet turned it down. Even today the EPA is hemming and hawing about using the skimmer vessel that could contribute greatly to reducing the amount of oil in the gulf water. Then again I am not sure what we can expect from a neophyte.

  11. President Obama deserves to be given another term to be able to exhibit his talent because he has vision for America and the world.

  12. Despite of different opinions from various corners of the world, I believe that USA will definitely overcome all its problems under the strong leadership of Mr Barack Obama. The balance of power and world economy depends on it. So being a national of a small country I think they should have patience in decision making. Right decisions will enable them to solve internal and external problems. I wish their success to bring humanity in better position in coming days.

  13. However, it seems as if Europe,s wow gold is practically ignored. Where it is harder for gold farmers to operate than normal players in America, the figures suggest that here, gold is many times easier to produce than it normally would be.

  14. Look at what President Obama had to say on the gulf oil spill?
    You see problems are to solve on things that are not assets of America like the oil spill. Similarly, nuclear is not an asset of America or for that matter any country of the world to reckon under the aspect of its spill and that is the reason world minds are on it to cap on its accidental element under the psyche of life in play belonging to its imperfect lower nature and not the Higher Nature that is of its Zero Plus state standing over the horizon of earth as a big safety valve to reckon. Iran’s President requires understanding that through the domain of Allah or God.
    Ravinder Kumar.