For Immediate Release: 
May 7, 2010

Katie Grant
Stephanie Lundberg
(202) 225 - 3130


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The Weekly Leader - Steny Hoyer · (202) 225-3130

FRIDAY, MAY 7, 2010

First Vote of the Week…
Last Vote Predicted…
Tuesday 6:30 p.m.

  Thursday p.m.
Legislative Program - 51600 | Floor Information - 57400 | Whip Information - 63210

MONDAY, MAY 10, 2010

On Monday, the House is not in session.


TUESDAY, MAY 11, 2010

On Tuesday, the House will meet at 12:30 p.m. for Morning Hour and 2:00 p.m. for legislative business with votes postponed until 6:30 p.m.


Suspensions (11 Bills)

1.       H.R. 5051 - To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 23 Genesee Street in Hornell, New York, as the "Zachary Smith Post Office Building" (Rep. Crowley - Oversight and Government Reform)

2.       H.Res. 1294 - Expressing support for designation of the first Saturday in May as National Explosive Ordnance Disposal Day to honor those who are serving and have served in the noble and self-sacrificing profession of Explosive Ordnance Disposal in the United States Armed Forces (Rep. Brown-Waite - Oversight and Government Reform)

3.       H.Con.Res. 268 - Supporting the goals and ideals of National Women's Health Week (Rep. Hinchey - Oversight and Government Reform)

4.       H.Res. 1328 - Honoring the life and legacy of William Earnest "Ernie" Harwell (Rep. McCotter - Oversight and Government Reform)

5.       H.Res. 1187 - Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives with respect to raising public awareness of and helping to prevent attacks against Federal employees while engaged in or on account of the performance of official duties. (Rep. Moran (VA) - Oversight and Government Reform)

6.       H.Res. 1299 - Supporting the goals and ideals of Peace Officers Memorial Day (Rep. Poe - Judiciary)

7.       S. 3333 - To extend the statutory license for secondary transmissions under title 17, United States Code (Sen. Leahy - Judiciary)

8.       H.R. 1514 - Juvenile Accountability Block Grants Program Reauthorization Act of 2009 (Rep. Scott (VA) - Judiciary)

9.       H.Res. 1094 - Commemorating the life of the late Cynthia DeLores Tucker (Rep. Watson - Judiciary)

10.    H.Res. __ - Expressing Support for May as National Foster Care Month and acknowledging the responsibility that Congress has to promote safety, wellbeing, improved outcomes, and permanency for the Nation's collective children (Rep. McDermott - Ways and Means)

11.    S.Con.Res. 62 - Congratulating the outstanding professional public servants, both past and present, of the Natural Resources Conservation Service on the occasion of its 75th anniversary (Sen. Lincoln - Agriculture)



On Wednesday and Thursday, the House will meet at 10:00 a.m. for legislative business. On Friday, no votes are expected in the House.


Suspensions (11 Bills)

1.       H.Res. 1261 - Recognizing National Nurses Week (Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson - Education and Labor)

2.       H.Res. 1338 - Recognizing the significant accomplishments of AmeriCorps and encouraging all citizens to join in a national effort to raise awareness about the importance of national and community service (Rep. Matsui - Education and Labor)

3.       H.R. 959 - Officer Daniel Faulkner Children of Fallen Heroes Scholarship Act (Rep. Murphy (PA) - Education and Labor)

4.       H.Res. 1333 - Expressing support for the goals and ideals of Children's Book Week (Rep. Roe - Education and Labor)

5.       S.Con.Res. 61 - A concurrent resolution expressing the sense of the Congress that general aviation pilots and industry should be recognized for the contributions made in response to Haiti earthquake relief efforts. (Sen. Begich - Transportation and Infrastructure)

6.       H.Res. 1284 - Supporting the goals and ideals of National Learn to Fly Day (Rep. Boyd - Transportation and Infrastructure)

7.       H.Res. __ - Expressing the sympathy and condolences of the House of Representatives to those affected by the flooding in Tennessee, Kentucky, and Mississippi in May, 2010 (Rep. Cooper - Transportation and Infrastructure)

8.       H.Res. 1143 - Commending the Community of Democracies for its achievements since it was founded in 2000 (Rep. Quigley - Foreign Affairs)

9.       H.Res. 1155 - Commending the progress made by anti-tuberculosis programs (Rep. Engel - Foreign Affairs)

10.    H.Res. 1303 - Recognizing the close friendship and historical ties between the United Kingdom and the United States (Rep. Lincoln Diaz-Balart - Foreign Affairs)

11.    S. 1067 - Lord's Resistance Army Disarmament and Northern Uganda Recovery Act (Sen. Feingold - Foreign Affairs)


H.R. 5116 - America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2010 (Rep. Gordon – Science and Technology) (Subject to a Rule)


* Conference Reports may be brought up at any time.

* Motions to go to Conference should they become available.      

      * Possible Motions to Instruct Conferees.