Tropical Cyclone Potential Impacts (TCI) [Experimental]
Tropical Cyclone Impacts Map
Caribou, ME Gray/Porland, ME Boston, MA New York City/Upton, NY Philadelphia/Mount Holly, PA/NJ Baltimlore/Washington, MD/DC Wakefield, VA Newport/Morehead City, NC Wilmington, NC Charleston, SC Jacksonville, FL Melbourne, FL Miami-South Florida, FL Key West, FL Tampa Bay, FL Tallahassee, FL Mobile/Pensacola, AL/FL New Orleans/Baton Rouge, LA Lake Charles, LA Houston/Galveston, TX Corpus Christi, TX Brownsville, TX San Juan, PR

About Tropical Cyclone Impacts (TCI) Graphics

A Product Description document for the Experimental Tropical Cyclone Hazards Graphics is provided at:
When tropical cyclone watches or warnings are issued for my area, what measure of preparation should I take when implementing my emergency action plan?

The answer to this question is critical toward minimizing the loss of life and property during hurricane and tropical storm situations. Under-preparation can place you at greater risk, while over-preparation can exhaust precious resources and strain livelihoods. So, having prior knowledge of the potential impacts that can occur, hazard by hazard, is useful for answering the stated question. The purpose of Tropical Cyclone Impacts (TCI) Graphics is to facilitate the proportionate implementation of your emergency action plan based on descriptions of potential impact unique to your area. The intent is to invoke a measured response that is reasonable and responsible by considering the composite of plausible outcomes in context of the event at hand.

On this page you will find a point and click map of Weather Forecast Offices (WFOs) who provide TCI Graphics for their respective areas of responsibility whenever tropical cyclone watches or warnings are in effect.

- NOAA/NWS Preparedness Guide (Make A Plan) ENG/SPA

- National Hurricane Center (NHC) - Active Cyclones

Overview and Product Description

The TCI Graphics web site is an internet-based decision-support service consisting of at least four graphics: high wind impacts, coastal flooding impacts, inland flooding impacts, and tornado impacts. During the 2012 Atlantic & Caribbean Hurricane Season, the graphics will be generated and posted by the 23 coastal WFOs listed above whenever tropical cyclone watches and/or warnings are in effect for their area.

Per tropical cyclone hazard, each graphic is based on the most recent threat assessment as centered on a particular geographic area of interest, and is presented in terms of potential impact while using associated descriptions unique to that area. The assessment scheme takes into account the forecast magnitude of the hazard, along with the associated uncertainty of the forecast. Depictions combine the expertise of the local WFO with that of the National Hurricane Center, the Storm Prediction Center, and the Hydrometeorological Prediction Center. The graphics are designed to distill an abundance of complex information into easy to understand colorized maps for decision-making purposes. They provide an "at-a-glance" summary of potential impacts that have the reasonable chance to occur. Consequently, the web site can also be used as a coherent briefing tool. The valid period is for the duration of the event as the graphics do not convey specific timing. Updates will be provided at least every six hours, and will cease when watches and/or warnings are no longer in effect within the specified area.

While all participating WFOs will provide TCI Graphics for each of the aforementioned hazards, some may provide additional graphics (e.g., marine, combined hazards bar charts, etc.) for advanced project purposes.

Important Note:Tropical cyclone forecasts are subject to adjustments with each successive issuance and thereby contain inherent error to some extent. To account for this, TCI Graphics DO NOT depict "expected impacts" as might be assessed deterministically using the most recent forecast (e.g., treating the latest forecast as if it were perfect). Rather, the graphics depict "potential impacts" which also take into account forecast uncertainty (e.g., errors in forecast track, intensity, and size of the cyclone). This serves as a practical least-regret approach for including proportional margins of safety while delivering a more consistent forecast-to-forecast message.

Also, the impact descriptions for each color-filled area are generalized. Impacts realized at exact point locations may be somewhat greater or lesser in extent (e.g., differences in actual impacts to a heavily populated city vs. a nearby marsh).

Examples of Products

Each graphic may have up to five color indicators as follows: Gray |    | representing "No (None)" impact(s), Yellow |    | representing "Low" impact(s), Orange |    | representing "Moderate" impact(s), Red |    | representing "High" impact(s), and Fuchsia |    | representing "Extreme" impact(s).

The example graphics below are provided for eastern North Carolina. The corresponding descriptions of graduated impact levels for each of the hazards can be found by viewing the Newport-Morehead City web site. Again, impact level descriptions have been customized by the associated WFO and are unique to their area of responsibility.

Important Note & Disclaimer: Each WFO produces their own a suite of graphics. Therefore, only the counties and parishes within that office's area of responsibility will be colorized. Until such time that these graphics become official, the timeliness and availability of these experimental graphics are subject to local resources as committed beyond the provision of formally obligated products and services, and therefore cannot be guaranteed.

With each visit, be sure to refresh your browser.

Wind Coastal Flooding Inland Flooding Tornadoes
Click for an example of wind graphic Click for an example of costal flooding impact graphics Click for an example of inland flooding impact graphics Click for an example of tornado impact graphics
Call for Public Feedback

The Tropical Cyclone Impact Graphics project is a collaborated effort involving Eastern Region Headquarters, Southern Region Headquarters, and 23 coastal Weather Forecast Offices with the National Weather Service (NWS). The NWS asks for your comments on these graphics. Please provide feedback through November 30, 2012.

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