Argonne National Laboratory Energy Engineering and Systems Analysis U.S. Department of Energy

EESA Press Coverage

The Economist: Batteries included? The search for better ways of storing electricity is hotting up

February 2, 2013 -- Kris Pupek, an industrial chemist at Argonne National Laboratory in Lemont, near Chicago, waves a tube of white powder in the air emphatically. Read the story.

Chicago Tribune: Argonne scientist also acts on AMC's "Breaking Bad"

January 31, 2013 -- The Tribune visits with Marius Stan. a senior scientist at Argonne National Laboratory who also plays the character "Bogdan" in the popular AMC show "Breaking Bad". Watch the video.

Midwest Energy News: With new battery hub, Chicago seeks to lead nation on electric vehicles

January 25, 2013 -- Advanced batteries are crucial to a cleaner and more efficient energy future, many experts say. Developing better batteries for electric vehicles could replace emissions-spewing trucks, cars and machinery. Read the story.

Chicago Tribune: Argonne stands ready to help Boeing with 787 battery

January 18, 2013 -- Argonne National Laboratory in suburban Lemont stands ready to help Chicago-based Boeing solve its lithium-ion battery problems in the now-grounded 787 Dreamliner model of airplane, the battery expert said Friday. Read the story.

Grand Rapids Business Journal: Argonne lab taps Johnson Controls for battery development

January 18, 2013 -- West Michigan -- already an important area in the state for electrical vehicle battery production -- accepted an expanded role in advanced battery research with the news from the Department of Energy in late 2012 that a new $120 million multi state research effort led by Argonne National Laboratory will include Johnson Controls in Holland. Read the story.

Suburban Life: Eric Isaacs -- Argonne at forefront of research on batteries

January 16, 2013 -- If we can build a better battery, we can change the world. That statement may seem overblown if you think of batteries only as minor necessities -- little cylinders that power children's toys, flashlights and laptop computers. Read the story.

Slate: The Pro-Nukes Environmental Movement

January 14, 2013 -- Many in the environmental community say that renewable energy is a viable solution to the climate problem. Read the story.

Nature: Tough talk over mercury treaty

January 9, 2013 -- Governments are on the verge of agreeing the first legally binding, global treaty to tackle mercury pollution. Argonne's Dave Streets is quoted. Read the story.

Chicago Tonight: Scientific Chicago discusses Argonne-led battery hub

January 8, 2013 -- A multi-partner team led by Argonne National Laboratory has been selected by the Department of Energy for an award of up to $120 million over five years to establish a new Batteries and Energy Storage Hub. Read the story.

Daily Herald: Battery dream team will spark innovations in cars, grid

January 7, 2013 -- Imagine an electric car that costs less than $40,000 and runs on a battery which doesn't fill half the vehicle. Read the story.

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