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Strategic Studies Institute
United States Army War College

The Source for National Security
                      Research and Analysis

Upcoming Publications

Publications are not listed in order of their arrival.

2012-13 KSIL Update No. 01

Cyber Infrastructure Protection: Vol. II

From Chaos to Cohesion: A Regional Approach to Security, Stability, and Development in Sub-Saharan Africa

Egypt's New Regime and the Future of the U.S.-Egyptian Strategic Relationship

Making Strategic Sense of Cyber Power: Why the Sky Is Not Falling

Avoiding the Slippery Slope: Conducting Effective Interventions

Governance, Identity, and Counterinsurgency: Evidence from Ramadi and Tal Afar

Sharing Power? Prospects for a U.S. Concert-Balance Strategy

Asia Pacific: A Strategic Assessment

Nuclear Weapons Security Crises: What Does History Teach?

Return of the Balkans: Challenges to European Integration and U.S. Disengagement

The Challenge of Drug Trafficking to Democratic Governance and Human Security in West Africa

War and Insurgency in the Western Sahara