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Headquarters Security Operations
Physical Security
Limited Areas and Vault-Type Rooms
Personnel Security
Foreign Ownership, Control or Influence; Facility Clearance; and Classified Contract Registration
Classified Matter Protection and Control
Foreign Interaction
Surveys, Reviews, and Self-Assessments
Operations Security Program
Technical Surveillance Countermeasures
Security Awareness Program
Incidents of Security Concern
Special Access Programs
Controlled Unclassified Information
Cyber Security
Equivalencies and Exemptions
Headquarters Security Officer Program
Health, Safety and Security

Headquarters Facilities Master Security Plan

Office of Headquarters Security Operations


Welcome to the 2011 version of the Headquarters Facilities Master Security Plan!

The purpose of the Headquarters Facilities Master Security Plan (HQFMSP) is to inform employees, contractors, and visitors of the security procedures in place at Department of Energy (DOE) Headquarters facilities in the Washington, DC area. This Plan does not establish any new security requirements: security requirements are established by various Federal laws and regulations, Executive Orders, and DOE directives. This Plan merely explains how those requirements will be implemented at DOE Headquarters. It is important that all DOE Headquarters personnel and visitors have access to the security policies and procedures that affect them on a daily basis. This Plan does not apply to any DOE site or facility outside the Washington, DC area.

This Plan differs from previous versions of the HQFMSP. One significant difference is that it has been re-written to explain to the average person "how to" accomplish the various security actions they may need to take. This version uses a more reader-friendly format, more explanatory titles and section headings, and fewer technical terms. For example, commonly accepted words, such as "security clearance" rather than "access authorization" or "HSPD-12 badge" rather than "Personal Identification Verification Credential" are used throughout this version. These common terms often communicate better than the technically correct but highly specialized language used within the community of security specialists.

Another major difference is that this Plan is completely unclassified. Previous versions were Official Use Only which complicated gaining access to it, dictated the use of certain formats, and made it difficult to search for specific terms. This version is available via the worldwide web and can be accessed by anyone with a computer. In the near future it should be completely searchable. Because this Plan contains only unclassified information, all sensitive or Official Use Only information has been or will be placed in other DOE Headquarters security plans with controlled distribution.

This Plan will be updated as DOE Headquarters security procedures change.

A DESCRIPTION of each chapter within the Plan is also available.

Should you wish to go directly to the Plan, please go to the HQFMSP Table of Contents to quickly and conveniently view individual chapters and sections of the Plan. You may also quickly access the Plan Chapters by using the navigation panel on the left of this page.

This page was last updated on December 10, 2012