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Questions and Answers on the New Access Control System at DOE Headquarters

Q1 Why is the current access control system to security areas being changed?
Q2 How is the new access control system different from the existing one?
Q3 Who is affected?
Q4 When will the new proximity card readers be installed?
Q5 How will affected personnel at DOE HQ be notified about the installation of the proximity card readers that will affect their access to the HQ facilities and security areas, and the actions they will be required to take to assure their HSPD-12 badge will operate in the new readers?
Q6 What will DOE HQ "Q" and "L" badged employees need to do?
Q7 Will all DOE HQ security areas be changed out to the new access control system at the same time?
Q8 What must HSOs do?
Q9 What if I forget my HSPD-12 badge after the new access control system has been activated?
Q10 What if I lose my HSPD-12 badge after the new access control system is activated?
Q11 What if I am a new employee with a "Q" or "L" access authorization needing access to a security area, but have not received my HSPD-12 badge?
Q12 For organizations that have offsite Federal/contractor employees possessing a DOE HQ HSPD-12 security badge, how will access to DOE HQ facilities be handled for these detailed contractors?
Q13Will an organization's offsite Federal/contractor employees possessing a HQ HSPD-12 badge need to make an appointment to activate and/or enroll their badge in the new access control system?
Q14 Will the badge card readers at the main entrances to the DOE HQ facilities be changed to the new access control system?
Q15Will employees with BAO badges be required to have their HSPD-12 badges registered?

  1. Why is the current access control system to security areas being changed?

    The current card readers are not compliant with Federal Information Processing Standards 201 (FIPS 201). The current card readers will be replaced with proximity card readers that meet the requirements.

  2. How is the new access control system different from the existing one?

    The new DOE HQ access control system operates with proximity card readers rather than the current "card swipe" process. The proximity card reader operates by a smart chip within the badge when it is properly placed against the new proximity card reader. The new card reader will not allow you to swipe the magnetic strip for entry into the security areas. See powerpoint presentation demonstrating the "Proper Use of the New Card Reader" located at: http://www.hss.energy.gov/HQSecOp/hq_tist.html.

  3. Who is affected?

    Initially, it is only DOE HQ personnel (both Federal and contractor) with "Q" or "L" badge indicators on their DOE security badges who require access to DOE HQ Limited or Exclusion security areas. At a later date, proximity card readers will be installed at all the entrances to the DOE HQ facilities and will affect all resident HQ employees (both Federal and contractor), including persons with BAO security badges.

  4. When will the new proximity card readers be installed?

    A few select Limited and Exclusion security areas are being converted now to the new proximity card access control readers for test purposes. Once we are assured the new system works properly, we will begin a staged implementation of the proximity card readers into the remaining access control points throughout the HQ facilities.

  5. How will affected personnel at DOE HQ be notified about the installation of the proximity card readers that will affect their access to the HQ facilities and security areas, and the actions they will be required to take to assure their HSPD-12 badge will operate in the new readers?

    Affected personnel will be notified by emails from the Office of Headquarters Security Operations (HS-1.31) of the steps they must take in preparation for the proximity card readers. Remember, we are staging the implementation of the new readers so the emails will be sent out in stages and will start initially with "L" and "Q" badged employees. Eventually, all HQ employees will be notified by email.

    In addition, general information DOECASTs, posters and other notices will be posted at all main DOE HQ entrances and entrances to security areas advising HQ employees about the new access control system and any actions they will be required to complete to assure their DOE security badge will operate with the new system.

  6. What will DOE HQ "Q" and "L" badged employees need to do?

    If you possess an HSPD-12 badge. For personnel who already have an HSPD-12 badge, you need to know your original PIN consisting of six to eight digits given upon receipt of your badge (this is not your four-digit card swipe number).

    If you do not know your PIN, go to FORS HSPD-12 Badge Office (Rm. 1E-190) or the GTN HSPD-12 Activation Station (Rm. B-106) to reset your PIN as soon as you can. You MUST have the six- to-eight digit PIN in order to activate your HSPD-12 card for the new reader. Once you have done this, you will need to enroll your badge in the new system. Go to FORS Room 1E-190 or GTN B-106 to perform this process.

    If you know your six-to-eight digit PIN number, you will need to enroll your badge for use in the new access system. Go to FORS Rm. 1E-190 or GTN Rm. B-106 to perform this process.

    If you do not possess an HSPD-12 badge.

    1. If you have been sponsored for an HSPD-12 badge and have completed the enrollment process (photograph taken and fingerprints captured), and have submitted a PIV card request to Personnel Security via DOE F 206.3 or 206.4, but have not received your badge, you do not need to do anything now. When your HSPD-12 badge is delivered, you will enroll your badge in the new system when you pick it up.
    2. If you have been sponsored for the HSPD-12 badge, but have not completed the enrollment process (photographed and fingerprinted), you will need to complete the enrollment process.
    3. If you have not been sponsored for the new HSPD-12 badge, or if a PIV card request has been sent to Personnel Security, you should contact your HSO for instructions.

  7. Will all DOE HQ security areas be changed out to the new access control system at the same time?

    No, there will be separate dates for each security area and a notice will be posted at the affected security area prior to its changeover.

  8. What must HSOs do?

    Work with personnel in HS-1.31 to determine who in your organization has not been sponsored, submitted to Personnel Security for a background investigation, or received their HSPD-12 security badge, and assist in the enrollment process as appropriate.

  9. What if I forget my HSPD-12 badge after the new access control system has been activated?

    You will receive a temporary badge to use for the day as is the current practice.

  10. What if I lose my HSPD-12 badge after the new access control system is activated?

    A local Site-Specific Only (LSSO) badge, with proximity technology, will be issued for lost badges until a replacement HSPD-12 badge is received.

  11. What if I am a new employee with a "Q" or "L" access authorization needing access to a security area, but have not received my HSPD-12 badge?

    An LSSO badge, with proximity technology, will be issued while awaiting receipt of your HSPD-12 badge.

  12. For organizations that have offsite Federal/contractor employees possessing a DOE HQ HSPD-12 security badge, how will access to DOE HQ facilities be handled for these detailed contractors?

    If off-site employees frequent a DOE HQ facility more than three days a week for 45 consecutive days, the employees need to have their HSPD-12 badge enrolled in the new system.

    As with the magnetic stripe technology on the current badge, these individuals can be enrolled in the new system if they know their six-to-eight digit PIN. It would be helpful for both the individual and the HQ badge office staff if the individual knew their HSPD-12 PIN prior to visiting HQ. HQ organizations should communicate this requirement to the visitors ahead of their visit so, if necessary, they can visit their local badge office to have their PIN reset prior to visiting HQ.

    If an organization desires these individuals to have card entry access to a security area, they will have to submit an access requestmemorandum to HS-1.311 as described within section 32 of the Headquarters Facilities Master Security Plan.

  13. Will an organization's offsite Federal/contractor employees possessing a HQ HSPD-12 badge need to make an appointment to activate and/or enroll their badge in the new access control system?

    No, they will need to report to an enrollment station and enroll their HSPD-12 badge in the HQ system. If they do not know their six-to-eight digit PIN, they will have to have it reset as described above.

  14. Will the badge card readers at the main entrances to the DOE HQ facilities be changed to the new access control system?

    Yes, but at a later date, after the security areas within the DOE HQ facilities have been updated with the new proximity card readers.

  15. Will employees with BAO badges be required to have their HSPD-12 badges registered?

    Yes, BAO employees and any remaining "Q" or "L" badged employees will need to have their HSPD-12 badge enrolled in the new access control system prior to the card readers being changed over to the proximity card readers at the main entrances to DOE HQ facilities. HS-1.31 will notify these employees by email to get their HSPD-12 badges enrolled before the change over occurs.

This page was last updated on December 10, 2012