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International Trade Update

International Trade Update Masthead

September 2009

(Download complete issue in PDF format.)

In this issue:

Higher Education Shows a Big Trade Surplus for the United States
Recent figures show that the United States posted a healthy trade surplus of $12.6 billion in the education sector. Despite the effects of the recent worldwide economic slowdown, a modest increase in this vital sector is foreseen.

Palm Fronds, Sweat, and Opportunities for U.S. Businesses in South India
With a growing middle class and an English-language business culture, south India offers many opportunities for U.S. businesses wanting to expand their exporting horizons. Aileen Nandi, principal commercial officer in Chennai, India, talks about what is easy and not so easy in this economically vibrant region.

Workshop Looks at Best Practices in Customs Procedures in South America
Customs procedures under the free trade agreements that have been signed with several South American countries were the focus of a two-day workshop conducted in Lima, Peru, this past July. It was one workshop in a series designed to facilitate trade throughout the region.

Short Takes—News from the International Trade Administration:

  • Asian–Pacific Firms Make Big Contributions to U.S. Economy According to New Report
  • Exporting Basics Focus of Webinar Series
  • Access to Credit for Small and Medium-Sized Manufacturers Focus of Manufacturing Council Recommendations

International Trade Calendar

Featured Trade Event: Water and Energy Conservation


International Trade Update is published monthly by the Office of Public Affairs of the U.S. Department of Commerce’s International Trade Administration. A subscription service is available to receive notification by e-mail when new issues are published.

Material in this newsletter may be reproduced unless otherwise noted. When reprinting, please credit the U.S. Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration.