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Headquarters Security Operations
Sub Offices
HQ Security Officers (HSO) Program
Office of Information Security
Office of Headquarters Personnel
Office of Physical Protection
Office of Executive Protection
Office of Security Operations
Classified Matter Protection and Control
Equivalencies and Exemptions Programs
Facility Approval
Foreign Ownership Control or Influence Program
HSO Program
- 2012 Spotlights
- 2011 Spotlights
- Spotlights Archives (2009 - 2007)
Operations Security
Security Awareness Program
Security Survey Program
Technical Security Program
Headquarters Facilities Master Security Plan
Security Reference Book
Health, Safety and Security
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Headquarters Information Security Program

Office of Headquarters Security Operations

Security Survey Program

Responsible Individual: Rich Fraysier

Contact Information:
Rich Fraysier, (301) 903-9987, Room F-310
Mark Wayne, (301) 903-5688, F-305
Laurie McKinley, (301) 903-8223, Room F-305


The Headquarters Security Survey Program provides assurance to the Secretary of Energy, Departmental elements, and other government agencies (OGAs) that safeguards and security (S&S) interests and activities are protected at the required levels.

The Program provides a basis for line management to make decisions regarding S&S program implementation activities, including allocation of resources, acceptance of risk, and mitigation of vulnerabilities. The results provide a compliance- and performance-based documented evaluation of the S&S program.

The Survey Program identifies S&S program strengths and weaknesses, develops and completes a process improvement schedule, and uses the results to correct and improve the overall S&S program.

The Program provides documentation of oversight and assessment activities.

Handbooks and Forms

This page was last updated on December 12, 2012