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Headquarters Security Operations
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Office of Security Operations
Classified Matter Protection and Control
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Headquarters Information Security Program

Office of Headquarters Security Operations

Classified Matter Protection and Control

Responsible Individual: Tina Vaughen

Contact Information:
Tina Vaughen - (301) 903-9986; Room F-318


Classified information, both tangible and intangible, must be protected from unauthorized disclosure which might adversely impact national security. The Department of Energy (DOE) Classified Matter Protection and Control (CMPC) Program is established by DOE Order to ensure that classified information is appropriately protected and controlled within the DOE environment. Headquarters CMPC implementation of DOE Orders and other national directives are contained within the Headquarters Facilities Master Security Plan (HQFMSP). Disciplines within the CMPC Program include the full life cycle of classified information from creation to destruction including: creation (or origination), classification review, finalization and marking, control and accountability, reproduction, receipt and transmission, storage, and destruction.

Specialized CMPC Training:

32 CFR 2001, Section 2001.71 requires specialized CMPC security training for security managers, security specialists, and all other personnel whose duties significantly involve the handling of classified information. In addition, for Headquarters positions, specialized training is required for HSOs, Alternate HSOs, and HSO Representatives representing elements that handle classified information; classified document control station operators; classified document couriers; and mailroom personnel. This training should be completed before or concurrent with the date the employee assumes any of the positions listed above, but in any case no later than six months from that date. It is the responsibility of the HSO of each HQ element to determine which of its employees require specialized CMPC training and ensure the identified employee(s) complete the training. Note, specialized training requirements may change (e.g., when an employee is assigned new security responsibilities, an employee is involved a security incident regarding the mishandling of classified matter, etc.).

The HQ CMPC Program Manager has developed and conducts specialized training courses for those HQ personnel with specific security responsibilities. For example, there are training courses in:

  • Classified document control station operations,
  • Congressional courier operations,
  • Classified document courier operations, and
  • Hand carrying classified matter.

Upon request, the HQ COMPC Program Manager also develops and presents individualized CMPC courses for HQ organizations with specified requirements.

Specialized training courses are available throughout the year. HSOs are advised when many of these training opportunities are available and may nominate their organizational personnel to attend. Additionally, organizational management, or their HSO, may submit requests for specialized CMPC training at any time during the year.

This page was last updated on January 08, 2013