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Office of Headquarters Personnel Security Operations

Reports to the Office of Security Operations

Mission and Functions


Provide a comprehensive Personnel Security Program for the DOE Headquarters complex. Ensure that DOE classified information, materials, buildings and information systems are safeguarded from compromise by only granting security clearances and building access to trustworthy individuals. This is accomplished through conscientious, just, and thoughtful application of Federal rules and statutes with the goal of ensuring that only individuals whose character, associations, and loyalty do not endanger the common defense are granted access to DOE classified information, materials, buildings and information systems.


  • The primary function of the Office of Headquarters Personnel Security Operations is to assure that access to DOE classified information and property is permitted only when it has been determined that such access will not endanger the common defense and security and is clearly consistent with the national interest.
  • The overall function of the Office is to manage and implement safeguards and security access authorization functions for DOE Headquarters as well as other government agencies requiring access to DOE classified information by processing security clearance requests for Federal and contractor employees who require access to DOE classified information or special nuclear material.
  • In addition, the office manages the classified visit program by verifying and transmitting security clearances for classified meetings and visits.
  • The office is also responsible for the implementation of the requirements of Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12 (HSPD-12) at DOE Headquarters by processing Personal Identify Verification (PIV) requests for all Headquarters Federal and contractor staff.
  • The Office is composed of two teams - the Personnel Security Team and the Personal Identity Verification (PIV) Team. The Personnel Security Team is composed of the Processing Section and the Adjudication Section.
  • The Processing Section of the Personnel Security Team handles all aspects of clearance requests, as well as the final actions taken following the completion of adjudication. Responsibility for maintaining the repository for personnel security files and managing personnel security databases also fall to this Section.
  • The Adjudicative Section conducts the analytical functions associated with clearance processing including screening, analysis, letters of interrogatories, personnel security interviews, arranging psychological evaluations, administrative reviews (due process), and obtaining drug test results prior to granting an access authorization.
  • The PIV Team's functions include prescreening security forms, submitting cases for investigation, maintaining and filing PIV files, preparing reciprocity requests, processing electronic fingerprints, reviewing background investigations and making recommendations for resolution of derogatory information, including preparation of interrogatories to individual applicants. This team is also responsible for maintaining the PIV files and updating appropriate databases.

This page was last updated on May 10, 2012