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Headquarters Security Operations
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HQ Security Officers (HSO) Program
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Headquarters Security Officers (HSO) Program

Responsible Individual/Contact:  Wayne Berkebile - (301) 903-1163 - D-320


The Headquarters Security Officer (HSO) Program was established in 1990 by the Under Secretary of Energy in order to improve communications between the Office of Headquarters Security Operations and component organizations within DOE Headquarters. It is governed by DOE Headquarters Order 472.1, Headquarters Security Officer Program, dated 3-19-2010. Each Headquarters element is required to appoint at least one HSO and an Alternate HSO. HSOs perform a wide variety of security-related functions within their element such as obtaining security badges and clearances, maintaining Security Areas, acquiring security equipment, implementing procedures for protecting classified and sensitive information, conducting security inquiries, and arranging for required security services.

The Headquarters Security Officer (HSO) Table is a listing of the primary security points of contact within each program element at DOE Headquarters. HSOs and Alternate HSOs are Federal employees while an HSO Representative is a contractor employee. HSO duties and responsibilities are set forth in HQ Order 472.1, Headquarters Security Officer Program. DOE Headquarters personnel who have security-related questions or need security assistance should first contact their elemental HSO. If the HSO cannot provide the information or assistance needed, he/she will direct the employee to the appropriate security expert within the Office of Headquarters Security Operations (HS-91).

This page was last updated on May 09, 2012