Durable Infant or Toddler Product Consumer Registration Cards


The product registration card requirement for durable infant or toddler products will help improve the effectiveness and response rates for future recalls. CPSC has issued precise requirements about what needs to be included on the cards.


What is the product registration card requirement for durable infant or toddler products?

In order to improve recall effectiveness, Congress has required that manufacturers of covered products:


  1. Provide consumers with a postage-paid product registration card with each product;
  2. Maintain a record of the names, addresses, e-mail addresses, and other contact information of consumers who register their products; and
  3. Permanently place the manufacturer name and contact information, model name and number, and the date of manufacture on each durable infant or toddler product.

What are product registration cards?

Product registration cards are required for all durable infant and toddler products in order to enable the manufacturer or retailer of the product to contact consumers with recall or other safety information. The exact requirements for the postage-paid cards – the details of the text and the required format – are described in detail in the final rule, as corrected. More information on product registration cards is provided in the FAQs below.


The product registration card must be attached to the surface of the durable infant or toddler product so that the consumer will notice and handle the form after purchasing the product.

The product registration card has certain information already on it, such as the manufacturer's name and contact information, the model name and number (or other identifier), and the date of manufacture. The consumer provides his/her name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address.


The product registration card must provide an option for the consumer to register the product through the internet or via e-mail.


What is the recordkeeping requirement for consumer registrant information?

Manufacturers must maintain a record of the names, addresses, e-mail addresses, and other contact information of consumers who register their ownership of a durable infant or toddler product. Manufacturers must use this information only to notify the consumer of safety alerts or recalls regarding the product and are prohibited from using this information for marketing, promotional, or any other purpose. More information on the consumer registration requirement is provided in the questions below.


What permanent markings must be added to durable infant or toddler products?

The manufacturer must permanently place the manufacturer name and contact information, model name and number, and the date of manufacture on each durable infant or toddler product.


Where can I learn more?

This page will serve as the CPSC's primary resource page for all information related to the infant or toddler durable product consumer registration requirements.


What will the manufacturer do with the information the consumer provides?

The manufacturer must use the information to contact the consumer if the product is the subject of a safety alert or recall. The manufacturer is prohibited from using the information for any other purpose.


This communication has been prepared for general informational purposes only and is based upon the facts and information presented. This communication does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice and has not been reviewed or approved by the Commission, and does not necessarily represent their views. Any views expressed in this communication may be changed or superseded by the Commission.