NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery Since 1974

Why are my logins failing?

There are a number of reasons why your logins might not work listed below.  To contact NERSC please see Getting help.

- Your password might have expired (they last 6 months) or you simply forgot it.  If this is the case you'll need to call in to NERSC and get it reset.

- You might have exceeded the login failures limit which is a security measure that prevents logins after a certain number of consecutive failed logins.  If you think this might be the problem you will need to contact us either by calling in or filing a ticket to get you login failures cleared. 

- Your account might have been "security disabled" by NERSC staff for some reason.  If you were not notified of this it probably isn't the cause but it is still a possibility and you would need to contact us either by calling in or filing a ticket.