Senator Boxer:  Preserve Mission San Miguel

Monday, January 9, 2006  

California’s missions impart valuable lessons about our state’s early days and also provide many communities with valuable tourist dollars as more than 5.5 million visitors from around the world are drawn to the 21 missions in the system. 

But California’s missions are also facing a crisis because of their age.  Many are seriously degraded, damaged and in need of repair.  I was pleased to write and have enacted legislation authorizing $10 million in funding to restore and repair the missions, preserve their artworks and artifacts, and provide earthquake retrofitting.

Mission San Miguel in San Luis Obispo County has suffered from lack of repair for many years, and was also severely damaged by the San Simeon earthquake in December 2003.  Because of the serious damage it suffered, it is currently closed to the public.  I have asked the Federal Emergency Management Agency to support the repair and preservation of Mission San Miguel.  Its legacy, since it was constructed more than 200 years ago, is a vital part of California’s history. 

I continue to support the preservation and restoration of California’s 21 missions.  They are an economic boon to California communities, a valuable resource to researchers and historians, an integral part of the curriculum for all fourth-grade students in our state, and wonderful places to visit for anyone interested in seeing a glimpse of early California.  My goal is to ensure that future generations have the same opportunity to experience California’s missions.


Barbara Boxer, US Senator, California
U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer