Senator Boxer:  Children’s Gasoline Burn Prevention Act   

Tuesday, June 20, 2006  

It seems remarkable that, with all the attention we have given to protecting children, we have not required that the caps on gasoline cans be child safe.  I am pleased and proud to tell you that I am an original co-sponsor of Children's Gasoline Burn Prevention Act, S.3458.  This legislation would protect young children from tragic but avoidable accidents by requiring manufacturers of portable gasoline containers to provide child-resistant gas caps.

The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) estimates that, in the past five years, more than 5,000 children have been treated in U.S. emergency departments for accidents involving gas cans.  Sadly, 19 children have died from these accidents in the same time period.

The Children’s Gasoline Burn Prevention Act would require the CPSC to issue mandatory regulations requiring child-resistant gas caps for all new gas cans. For less than one dollar per can, we can help save children from severe burn injuries or death. 

This simple, common-sense measure would help protect young children while helping to put their parents’ minds at ease about gasoline cans stored in garages, basements, and back porches. Be assured that I will work with my colleagues to pass this bill and see it signed into law as soon as possible.


Barbara Boxer, US Senator, California
U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer