Publications Treatment, Prevention, & Recovery Cognitive Behavioral Therapy SMA11-4664
Group Therapy Inservice Training

Group Therapy Inservice Training

Inservice Training, Based on TIP 41

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Offers a seven-module training guide to assist program staff in understanding and implementing evidence-based practices on the use of group therapy in substance abuse treatment, as described in TIP 41. Includes trainers’ notes, talking points, and slides.

Pub id: SMA11-4664
Publication Date: 10/2012
Popularity: 493
Format: Training Manual
Audience: Professional Care Providers
Series: TIP Series - Treatment Improvement Protocols (TIPS)

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Customer Comments

Comment by:

10/20/2012 1:29 PM

A professional from a Treatment Facility said:

I feel it has a lot of information for counselors who deal with addiction. It is great referance when looking for new idea's for the group process.

Comment by:

10/25/2012 4:52 PM

A professional from a Treatment Facility said:

The returning military and their families, will need all the help they can get.

Comment by:

10/26/2012 6:48 AM

A professional from a Individual/Group Practice said:

[Portions of this comment containing customer service inquiries have been redacted. Customers with questions about inventory availability, specific orders, or website technical questions are encouraged to visit our SAMHSA Store Help page at] Hard to keep up with all the great stuff you have.

Comment by:

10/26/2012 9:33 AM

A professional from a Treatment Facility said:


Comment by:

10/26/2012 10:43 AM

A professional from a Non-Profit/Community Based Organization/Coalition said:


Comment by:

10/26/2012 2:23 PM

A professional from a Treatment Facility said:

I like the information and I feel that it will benifit my staff, [Portions of this comment containing customer service inquiries have been redacted. Customers with questions about inventory availability, specific orders, or website technical questions are encouraged to visit our SAMHSA Store Help page at]

Comment by:

10/28/2012 6:41 AM

A professional from a Treatment Facility said:

Helpful, it can at times help with my own introspect.

Comment by:

10/28/2012 5:55 PM

A professional from a Government Office said:

I think it is very helpful and keeps me abreast of what is going on I am retired but still have a great interst in the subjet matter

Comment by:

10/29/2012 12:25 PM

A professional from a Government Office said:

Looks great, haven;t downloaded it yet though

Comment by:

10/30/2012 5:40 PM

A professional from a Treatment Facility said:

Will be helpful for a refresher

Comment by:

11/01/2012 4:57 PM

A professional from a Non-Profit/Community Based Organization/Coalition said:

Fantastic - full of useful information and ideas to be integrated into group.

Comment by:

11/01/2012 4:58 PM

A professional from a Non-Profit/Community Based Organization/Coalition said:

Great ideas for group. Fantastic publication!

Comment by:

11/01/2012 5:28 PM

A professional from a School/University said:

It appears to be a very valuable resource for training

Comment by:

11/01/2012 5:30 PM

A professional from a School/University said:

Looks to be a very valuable resource for training

Comment by:

11/01/2012 6:04 PM

A professional from a Government Office said:

I haven't seen but am ordering it.

Comment by:

11/01/2012 6:05 PM

A professional from a Government Office said:

I want to use this manual in working Native American Tribal members for which I work.

Comment by:

11/01/2012 10:36 PM

A professional from a Other said:

I just Graduated with Masters of Psychology of Addictons. Looking for a job and want to keep up with my knowledge base. [Portions of this comment containing customer service inquiries have been redacted. Customers with questions about inventory availability, specific orders, or website technical questions are encouraged to visit our SAMHSA Store Help page at]

Comment by:

11/01/2012 11:58 PM

A professional from a Individual/Group Practice said:

This publication contains essential substance abuse Training and literature to promote the acknowledgement And awareness needed to promote better mental health For our society.

Comment by:

11/02/2012 9:32 AM

A professional from a Other said:


Comment by:

11/02/2012 1:39 PM

A professional from a School/University said:

I have viewed this publication and I found it to be very insightfull, and usefull in my studies

Comment by:

11/04/2012 12:42 AM

A professional from a Treatment Facility said:


Comment by:

11/04/2012 2:26 PM

A professional from a Treatment Facility said:

Great topic.

Comment by:

11/05/2012 2:02 PM

A professional from a Other said:

I love this publication, it is very useful for my career. I am a substance abuse counselor in a state prison.

Comment by:

11/05/2012 2:18 PM

A professional from a Individual/Group Practice said:

I've used the TIPs since 1995 they have always been a part of my clients recovery

Comment by:

11/05/2012 2:21 PM

A professional from a Individual/Group Practice said:

Its been a useful tool in assisting my clients efforts to maintain their recovery.

Comment by:

11/07/2012 1:04 PM

A professional from a School/University said:

Will use in Academoc Program

Comment by:

11/10/2012 6:48 AM

A professional from a Individual/Group Practice said:

This is a great source